blob: 72038e59b9fc8a0977937b7343c827a241cacf68 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc -mtriple=sparcv9 -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=V9
define fp128 @f128_select_soft(fp128 %a, fp128 %b) #0 {
; V9-LABEL: f128_select_soft:
; V9: .cfi_startproc
; V9-NEXT: ! %bb.0: ! %entry
; V9-NEXT: add %sp, -144, %sp
; V9-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_register %fp
; V9-NEXT: .cfi_window_save
; V9-NEXT: .cfi_register %o7, %i7
; V9-NEXT: add %sp, 2175, %o0
; V9-NEXT: or %o0, 8, %o0
; V9-NEXT: std %f6, [%o0]
; V9-NEXT: std %f4, [%sp+2175]
; V9-NEXT: ldx [%o0], %o0
; V9-NEXT: ldx [%sp+2175], %o1
; V9-NEXT: sethi 0, %o2
; V9-NEXT: or %o2, 0, %o2
; V9-NEXT: sethi 2097152, %o3
; V9-NEXT: or %o3, 0, %o3
; V9-NEXT: sllx %o3, 32, %o3
; V9-NEXT: or %o3, %o2, %o2
; V9-NEXT: xor %o1, %o2, %o1
; V9-NEXT: or %o0, %o1, %o0
; V9-NEXT: cmp %o0, 0
; V9-NEXT: bne %xcc, .LBB0_2
; V9-NEXT: nop
; V9-NEXT: ! %bb.1:
; V9-NEXT: sethi %h44(.LCPI0_0), %o0
; V9-NEXT: add %o0, %m44(.LCPI0_0), %o0
; V9-NEXT: sllx %o0, 12, %o0
; V9-NEXT: ldd [%o0+%l44(.LCPI0_0)], %f0
; V9-NEXT: add %o0, %l44(.LCPI0_0), %o0
; V9-NEXT: ldd [%o0+8], %f2
; V9-NEXT: .LBB0_2: ! %entry
; V9-NEXT: retl
; V9-NEXT: add %sp, 144, %sp
%0 = bitcast fp128 %b to i128
%xor.i = xor i128 %0, 0
%cmp19.i = icmp eq i128 %xor.i, -170141183460469231731687303715884105728
%spec.select277.i = select i1 %cmp19.i, fp128 0xL00000000000000007FFF800000000000, fp128 %a
ret fp128 %spec.select277.i
define fp128 @f128_select_hard(fp128 %a, fp128 %b) #1 {
; V9-LABEL: f128_select_hard:
; V9: .cfi_startproc
; V9-NEXT: ! %bb.0: ! %entry
; V9-NEXT: add %sp, -144, %sp
; V9-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_register %fp
; V9-NEXT: .cfi_window_save
; V9-NEXT: .cfi_register %o7, %i7
; V9-NEXT: stq %f4, [%sp+2175]
; V9-NEXT: add %sp, 2175, %o0
; V9-NEXT: or %o0, 8, %o0
; V9-NEXT: ldx [%o0], %o0
; V9-NEXT: ldx [%sp+2175], %o1
; V9-NEXT: sethi 0, %o2
; V9-NEXT: or %o2, 0, %o2
; V9-NEXT: sethi %h44(.LCPI1_0), %o3
; V9-NEXT: add %o3, %m44(.LCPI1_0), %o3
; V9-NEXT: sllx %o3, 12, %o3
; V9-NEXT: ldq [%o3+%l44(.LCPI1_0)], %f4
; V9-NEXT: sethi 2097152, %o3
; V9-NEXT: or %o3, 0, %o3
; V9-NEXT: sllx %o3, 32, %o3
; V9-NEXT: or %o3, %o2, %o2
; V9-NEXT: xor %o1, %o2, %o1
; V9-NEXT: or %o0, %o1, %o0
; V9-NEXT: fmovrqz %o0, %f4, %f0
; V9-NEXT: retl
; V9-NEXT: add %sp, 144, %sp
%0 = bitcast fp128 %b to i128
%xor.i = xor i128 %0, 0
%cmp19.i = icmp eq i128 %xor.i, -170141183460469231731687303715884105728
%spec.select277.i = select i1 %cmp19.i, fp128 0xL00000000000000007FFF800000000000, fp128 %a
ret fp128 %spec.select277.i
attributes #0 = { "target-features"="-hard-quad-float" }
attributes #1 = { "target-features"="+hard-quad-float" }