blob: 55b96d84c9c81b94e703b5a7fb64b980e2ee4c38 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Delta.cpp - Delta Debugging Algorithm Implementation ---------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains the implementation for the Delta Debugging Algorithm:
// it splits a given set of Targets (i.e. Functions, Instructions, BBs, etc.)
// into chunks and tries to reduce the number chunks that are interesting.
#include "Delta.h"
#include "ReducerWorkItem.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileSummaryInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ModuleSummaryAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeReader.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriter.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/MC/TargetRegistry.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBufferRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ThreadPool.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <set>
using namespace llvm;
extern cl::OptionCategory LLVMReduceOptions;
static cl::opt<bool> AbortOnInvalidReduction(
cl::desc("Abort if any reduction results in invalid IR"),
static cl::opt<unsigned int> StartingGranularityLevel(
cl::desc("Number of times to divide chunks prior to first test"),
static cl::opt<bool> TmpFilesAsBitcode(
cl::desc("Write temporary files as bitcode, instead of textual IR"),
cl::init(false), cl::cat(LLVMReduceOptions));
static cl::opt<unsigned> NumJobs(
cl::desc("Maximum number of threads to use to process chunks. Set to 1 to "
"disables parallelism."),
cl::init(1), cl::cat(LLVMReduceOptions));
unsigned NumJobs = 1;
void writeOutput(ReducerWorkItem &M, llvm::StringRef Message);
void writeBitcode(ReducerWorkItem &M, raw_ostream &OutStream);
void readBitcode(ReducerWorkItem &M, MemoryBufferRef Data, LLVMContext &Ctx,
const char *ToolName);
bool isReduced(ReducerWorkItem &M, TestRunner &Test,
SmallString<128> &CurrentFilepath) {
// Write ReducerWorkItem to tmp file
int FD;
std::error_code EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile(
"llvm-reduce", M.isMIR() ? "mir" : (TmpFilesAsBitcode ? "bc" : "ll"), FD,
if (EC) {
errs() << "Error making unique filename: " << EC.message() << "!\n";
if (TmpFilesAsBitcode) {
llvm::raw_fd_ostream OutStream(FD, true);
writeBitcode(M, OutStream);
if (OutStream.has_error()) {
errs() << "Error emitting bitcode to file '" << CurrentFilepath << "'!\n";
bool Res =;
return Res;
ToolOutputFile Out(CurrentFilepath, FD);
M.print(Out.os(), /*AnnotationWriter=*/nullptr);
if (Out.os().has_error()) {
errs() << "Error emitting bitcode to file '" << CurrentFilepath << "'!\n";
// Current Chunks aren't interesting
/// Counts the amount of lines for a given file
static int getLines(StringRef Filepath) {
int Lines = 0;
std::string CurrLine;
std::ifstream FileStream{std::string(Filepath)};
while (std::getline(FileStream, CurrLine))
return Lines;
/// Splits Chunks in half and prints them.
/// If unable to split (when chunk size is 1) returns false.
static bool increaseGranularity(std::vector<Chunk> &Chunks) {
errs() << "Increasing granularity...";
std::vector<Chunk> NewChunks;
bool SplitOne = false;
for (auto &C : Chunks) {
if (C.End - C.Begin == 0)
else {
int Half = (C.Begin + C.End) / 2;
NewChunks.push_back({C.Begin, Half});
NewChunks.push_back({Half + 1, C.End});
SplitOne = true;
if (SplitOne) {
Chunks = NewChunks;
errs() << "Success! New Chunks:\n";
for (auto C : Chunks) {
errs() << '\t';
errs() << '\n';
return SplitOne;
// Check if \p ChunkToCheckForUninterestingness is interesting. Returns the
// modified module if the chunk resulted in a reduction.
template <typename FuncType>
static std::unique_ptr<ReducerWorkItem>
CheckChunk(Chunk &ChunkToCheckForUninterestingness,
std::unique_ptr<ReducerWorkItem> Clone, TestRunner &Test,
FuncType ExtractChunksFromModule,
std::set<Chunk> &UninterestingChunks,
std::vector<Chunk> &ChunksStillConsideredInteresting) {
// Take all of ChunksStillConsideredInteresting chunks, except those we've
// already deemed uninteresting (UninterestingChunks) but didn't remove
// from ChunksStillConsideredInteresting yet, and additionally ignore
// ChunkToCheckForUninterestingness chunk.
std::vector<Chunk> CurrentChunks;
CurrentChunks.reserve(ChunksStillConsideredInteresting.size() -
UninterestingChunks.size() - 1);
copy_if(ChunksStillConsideredInteresting, std::back_inserter(CurrentChunks),
[&](const Chunk &C) {
return !UninterestingChunks.count(C) &&
C != ChunkToCheckForUninterestingness;
// Generate Module with only Targets inside Current Chunks
Oracle O(CurrentChunks);
ExtractChunksFromModule(O, *Clone);
// Some reductions may result in invalid IR. Skip such reductions.
if (verifyReducerWorkItem(*Clone, &errs())) {
if (AbortOnInvalidReduction) {
errs() << "Invalid reduction\n";
errs() << " **** WARNING | reduction resulted in invalid module, "
return nullptr;
errs() << "Ignoring: ";
for (const Chunk &C : UninterestingChunks)
SmallString<128> CurrentFilepath;
if (!isReduced(*Clone, Test, CurrentFilepath)) {
// Program became non-reduced, so this chunk appears to be interesting.
errs() << "\n";
return nullptr;
return Clone;
template <typename FuncType>
SmallString<0> ProcessChunkFromSerializedBitcode(
Chunk &ChunkToCheckForUninterestingness, TestRunner &Test,
FuncType ExtractChunksFromModule, std::set<Chunk> &UninterestingChunks,
std::vector<Chunk> &ChunksStillConsideredInteresting,
SmallString<0> &OriginalBC, std::atomic<bool> &AnyReduced) {
LLVMContext Ctx;
auto CloneMMM = std::make_unique<ReducerWorkItem>();
auto Data = MemoryBufferRef(StringRef(, OriginalBC.size()),
"<bc file>");
readBitcode(*CloneMMM, Data, Ctx, Test.getToolName());
SmallString<0> Result;
if (std::unique_ptr<ReducerWorkItem> ChunkResult =
CheckChunk(ChunkToCheckForUninterestingness, std::move(CloneMMM),
Test, ExtractChunksFromModule, UninterestingChunks,
ChunksStillConsideredInteresting)) {
raw_svector_ostream BCOS(Result);
writeBitcode(*ChunkResult, BCOS);
// Communicate that the task reduced a chunk.
AnyReduced = true;
return Result;
/// Runs the Delta Debugging algorithm, splits the code into chunks and
/// reduces the amount of chunks that are considered interesting by the
/// given test. The number of chunks is determined by a preliminary run of the
/// reduction pass where no change must be made to the module.
void llvm::runDeltaPass(TestRunner &Test,
ReductionFunc ExtractChunksFromModule) {
assert(!verifyReducerWorkItem(Test.getProgram(), &errs()) &&
"input module is broken before making changes");
SmallString<128> CurrentFilepath;
if (!isReduced(Test.getProgram(), Test, CurrentFilepath)) {
errs() << "\nInput isn't interesting! Verify interesting-ness test\n";
int Targets;
// Count the number of chunks by counting the number of calls to
// Oracle::shouldKeep() but always returning true so no changes are
// made.
std::vector<Chunk> AllChunks = {{0, INT_MAX}};
Oracle Counter(AllChunks);
ExtractChunksFromModule(Counter, Test.getProgram());
Targets = Counter.count();
assert(!verifyReducerWorkItem(Test.getProgram(), &errs()) &&
"input module is broken after counting chunks");
assert(isReduced(Test.getProgram(), Test, CurrentFilepath) &&
"input module no longer interesting after counting chunks");
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Make sure that the number of chunks does not change as we reduce.
std::vector<Chunk> NoChunks;
Oracle NoChunksCounter(NoChunks);
std::unique_ptr<ReducerWorkItem> Clone =
cloneReducerWorkItem(Test.getProgram(), Test.getTargetMachine());
ExtractChunksFromModule(NoChunksCounter, *Clone);
assert(Targets == NoChunksCounter.count() &&
"number of chunks changes when reducing");
if (!Targets) {
errs() << "\nNothing to reduce\n";
std::vector<Chunk> ChunksStillConsideredInteresting = {{0, Targets - 1}};
std::unique_ptr<ReducerWorkItem> ReducedProgram;
for (unsigned int Level = 0; Level < StartingGranularityLevel; Level++) {
std::atomic<bool> AnyReduced;
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> ChunkThreadPoolPtr;
if (NumJobs > 1)
ChunkThreadPoolPtr =
bool FoundAtLeastOneNewUninterestingChunkWithCurrentGranularity;
do {
FoundAtLeastOneNewUninterestingChunkWithCurrentGranularity = false;
std::set<Chunk> UninterestingChunks;
// When running with more than one thread, serialize the original bitcode
// to OriginalBC.
SmallString<0> OriginalBC;
if (NumJobs > 1) {
raw_svector_ostream BCOS(OriginalBC);
writeBitcode(Test.getProgram(), BCOS);
std::deque<std::shared_future<SmallString<0>>> TaskQueue;
for (auto I = ChunksStillConsideredInteresting.rbegin(),
E = ChunksStillConsideredInteresting.rend();
I != E; ++I) {
std::unique_ptr<ReducerWorkItem> Result = nullptr;
unsigned WorkLeft = std::distance(I, E);
// Run in parallel mode, if the user requested more than one thread and
// there are at least a few chunks to process.
if (NumJobs > 1 && WorkLeft > 1) {
unsigned NumInitialTasks = std::min(WorkLeft, unsigned(NumJobs));
unsigned NumChunksProcessed = 0;
ThreadPool &ChunkThreadPool = *ChunkThreadPoolPtr;
AnyReduced = false;
// Queue jobs to process NumInitialTasks chunks in parallel using
// ChunkThreadPool. When the tasks are added to the pool, parse the
// original module from OriginalBC with a fresh LLVMContext object. This
// ensures that the cloned module of each task uses an independent
// LLVMContext object. If a task reduces the input, serialize the result
// back in the corresponding Result element.
for (unsigned J = 0; J < NumInitialTasks; ++J) {
[J, I, &Test, &ExtractChunksFromModule, &UninterestingChunks,
&ChunksStillConsideredInteresting, &OriginalBC, &AnyReduced]() {
return ProcessChunkFromSerializedBitcode(
*(I + J), Test, ExtractChunksFromModule,
UninterestingChunks, ChunksStillConsideredInteresting,
OriginalBC, AnyReduced);
// Start processing results of the queued tasks. We wait for the first
// task in the queue to finish. If it reduced a chunk, we parse the
// result and exit the loop.
// Otherwise we will try to schedule a new task, if
// * no other pending job reduced a chunk and
// * we have not reached the end of the chunk.
while (!TaskQueue.empty()) {
auto &Future = TaskQueue.front();
SmallString<0> Res = Future.get();
if (Res.empty()) {
unsigned NumScheduledTasks = NumChunksProcessed + TaskQueue.size();
if (!AnyReduced && I + NumScheduledTasks != E) {
Chunk &ChunkToCheck = *(I + NumScheduledTasks);
[&Test, &ExtractChunksFromModule, &UninterestingChunks,
&ChunksStillConsideredInteresting, &OriginalBC,
&ChunkToCheck, &AnyReduced]() {
return ProcessChunkFromSerializedBitcode(
ChunkToCheck, Test, ExtractChunksFromModule,
UninterestingChunks, ChunksStillConsideredInteresting,
OriginalBC, AnyReduced);
Result = std::make_unique<ReducerWorkItem>();
auto Data = MemoryBufferRef(StringRef(, Res.size()),
"<bc file>");
readBitcode(*Result, Data, Test.getProgram().M->getContext(),
// Forward I to the last chunk processed in parallel.
I += NumChunksProcessed - 1;
} else {
Result = CheckChunk(
cloneReducerWorkItem(Test.getProgram(), Test.getTargetMachine()),
Test, ExtractChunksFromModule, UninterestingChunks,
if (!Result)
Chunk &ChunkToCheckForUninterestingness = *I;
FoundAtLeastOneNewUninterestingChunkWithCurrentGranularity = true;
ReducedProgram = std::move(Result);
errs() << " **** SUCCESS | lines: " << getLines(CurrentFilepath) << "\n";
writeOutput(*ReducedProgram, "Saved new best reduction to ");
// Delete uninteresting chunks
[&UninterestingChunks](const Chunk &C) {
return UninterestingChunks.count(C);
} while (!ChunksStillConsideredInteresting.empty() &&
(FoundAtLeastOneNewUninterestingChunkWithCurrentGranularity ||
// If we reduced the testcase replace it
if (ReducedProgram)
errs() << "Couldn't increase anymore.\n";