blob: b6ba6ce6ee9bf3334905feb66d58cea8ce38a586 [file] [log] [blame]
; Ensure that the value of the structural hash is consistent across runs to
; check that we aren't doing something like hashing a pointer that could
; introduce non-determinism.
; RUN: opt -passes='print<structural-hash><detailed>' -disable-output %s &> %t.1
; RUN: opt -passes='print<structural-hash><detailed>' -disable-output %s &> %t.2
; RUN: diff %t.1 %t.2
; Check that we get valid output in the detailed case.
; cat %t.1 | FileCheck %s
define i64 @f1(i64 %a) {
ret i64 %a
; CHECK: Module Hash: {{([a-z0-9]{14,})}}
; CHECK: Function f1 Hash: {{([a-z0-9]{14,})}}