blob: 75795d90c3234edc21f861f031e0ebafe0b8d173 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not llvm-mc -triple=amdgcn -mcpu=gfx1100 -show-encoding %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=GFX11 %s
lds_param_load v17, attr33.x
// GFX11: :[[@LINE-1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: out of bounds interpolation attribute number
lds_param_load v17, attr33.y
// GFX11: :[[@LINE-1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: out of bounds interpolation attribute number
lds_param_load v17, attr33.z
// GFX11: :[[@LINE-1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: out of bounds interpolation attribute number
lds_param_load v17, attr33.w
// GFX11: :[[@LINE-1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: out of bounds interpolation attribute number
lds_param_load v12, attr33.z wait_va_vdst:4
// GFX11: :[[@LINE-1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: out of bounds interpolation attribute number
lds_param_load v12, attr33.w wait_va_vdst:2 wait_vm_vsrc:1
// GFX11: :[[@LINE-1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: out of bounds interpolation attribute number