blob: 82015e16d32cd106412519d76e28382fa2508b7e [file] [log] [blame]
//===- OutputSections.h -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "ArrayList.h"
#include "StringEntryToDwarfStringPoolEntryMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/DwarfStringPoolEntry.h"
#include "llvm/DWARFLinkerParallel/StringPool.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFFormValue.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFObject.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBufferRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
namespace llvm {
namespace dwarflinker_parallel {
/// List of tracked debug tables.
enum class DebugSectionKind : uint8_t {
DebugInfo = 0,
NumberOfEnumEntries // must be last
constexpr static size_t SectionKindsNum =
/// Recognise the table name and match it with the DebugSectionKind.
std::optional<DebugSectionKind> parseDebugTableName(StringRef Name);
/// Return the name of the section.
const StringLiteral &getSectionName(DebugSectionKind SectionKind);
/// There are fields(sizes, offsets) which should be updated after
/// sections are generated. To remember offsets and related data
/// the descendants of SectionPatch structure should be used.
struct SectionPatch {
uint64_t PatchOffset = 0;
/// This structure is used to update strings offsets into .debug_str.
struct DebugStrPatch : SectionPatch {
const StringEntry *String = nullptr;
/// This structure is used to update strings offsets into .debug_line_str.
struct DebugLineStrPatch : SectionPatch {
const StringEntry *String = nullptr;
/// This structure is used to update range list offset into
/// .debug_ranges/.debug_rnglists.
struct DebugRangePatch : SectionPatch {
/// Indicates patch which points to immediate compile unit's attribute.
bool IsCompileUnitRanges = false;
/// This structure is used to update location list offset into
/// .debug_loc/.debug_loclists.
struct DebugLocPatch : SectionPatch {
int64_t AddrAdjustmentValue = 0;
/// This structure is used to update offset with start of another section.
struct SectionDescriptor;
struct DebugOffsetPatch : SectionPatch {
DebugOffsetPatch(uint64_t PatchOffset, SectionDescriptor *SectionPtr,
bool AddLocalValue = false)
: SectionPatch({PatchOffset}), SectionPtr(SectionPtr, AddLocalValue) {}
PointerIntPair<SectionDescriptor *, 1> SectionPtr;
/// This structure is used to update reference to the DIE.
struct DebugDieRefPatch : SectionPatch {
DebugDieRefPatch(uint64_t PatchOffset, CompileUnit *SrcCU, CompileUnit *RefCU,
uint32_t RefIdx);
PointerIntPair<CompileUnit *, 1> RefCU;
uint64_t RefDieIdxOrClonedOffset;
/// This structure is used to update reference to the DIE of ULEB128 form.
struct DebugULEB128DieRefPatch : SectionPatch {
DebugULEB128DieRefPatch(uint64_t PatchOffset, CompileUnit *SrcCU,
CompileUnit *RefCU, uint32_t RefIdx);
PointerIntPair<CompileUnit *, 1> RefCU;
uint64_t RefDieIdxOrClonedOffset;
/// Type for section data.
using OutSectionDataTy = SmallString<0>;
/// Type for list of pointers to patches offsets.
using OffsetsPtrVector = SmallVector<uint64_t *>;
class OutputSections;
/// This structure is used to keep data of the concrete section.
/// Like data bits, list of patches, format.
struct SectionDescriptor {
friend OutputSections;
SectionDescriptor(DebugSectionKind SectionKind, LinkingGlobalData &GlobalData,
dwarf::FormParams Format, support::endianness Endianess)
: OS(Contents), GlobalData(GlobalData), SectionKind(SectionKind),
Format(Format), Endianess(Endianess) {
/// Erase whole section contents(data bits, list of patches).
void clearAllSectionData();
/// Erase only section output data bits.
void clearSectionContent();
/// When objects(f.e. compile units) are glued into the single file,
/// the debug sections corresponding to the concrete object are assigned
/// with offsets inside the whole file. This field keeps offset
/// to the debug section, corresponding to this object.
uint64_t StartOffset = 0;
/// Stream which stores data to the Contents.
raw_svector_ostream OS;
/// Section patches.
T &notePatch(const T &Patch) { return List##T.add(Patch); } \
ArrayList<T> List##T;
/// Offsets to some fields are not known at the moment of noting patch.
/// In that case we remember pointers to patch offset to update them later.
template <typename T>
void notePatchWithOffsetUpdate(const T &Patch,
OffsetsPtrVector &PatchesOffsetsList) {
/// Some sections are emitted using AsmPrinter. In that case "Contents"
/// member of SectionDescriptor contains elf file. This method searches
/// for section data inside elf file and remember offset to it.
void setSizesForSectionCreatedByAsmPrinter();
/// Returns section content.
StringRef getContents() {
if (SectionOffsetInsideAsmPrinterOutputStart == 0)
return StringRef(, Contents.size());
return Contents.slice(SectionOffsetInsideAsmPrinterOutputStart,
/// Emit unit length into the current section contents.
void emitUnitLength(uint64_t Length) {
emitIntVal(Length, getFormParams().getDwarfOffsetByteSize());
/// Emit DWARF64 mark into the current section contents.
void maybeEmitDwarf64Mark() {
if (getFormParams().Format != dwarf::DWARF64)
emitIntVal(dwarf::DW_LENGTH_DWARF64, 4);
/// Emit specified offset value into the current section contents.
void emitOffset(uint64_t Val) {
emitIntVal(Val, getFormParams().getDwarfOffsetByteSize());
/// Emit specified integer value into the current section contents.
void emitIntVal(uint64_t Val, unsigned Size);
/// Emit specified string value into the current section contents.
void emitString(dwarf::Form StringForm, const char *StringVal);
/// Emit specified inplace string value into the current section contents.
void emitInplaceString(StringRef String) {
OS << GlobalData.translateString(String);
emitIntVal(0, 1);
/// Emit string placeholder into the current section contents.
void emitStringPlaceholder() {
// emit bad offset which should be updated later.
/// Write specified \p Value of \p AttrForm to the \p PatchOffset.
void apply(uint64_t PatchOffset, dwarf::Form AttrForm, uint64_t Val);
/// Returns section kind.
DebugSectionKind getKind() { return SectionKind; }
/// Returns section name.
const StringLiteral &getName() const { return getSectionName(SectionKind); }
/// Returns endianess used by section.
support::endianness getEndianess() const { return Endianess; }
/// Returns FormParams used by section.
dwarf::FormParams getFormParams() const { return Format; }
/// Returns integer value of \p Size located by specified \p PatchOffset.
uint64_t getIntVal(uint64_t PatchOffset, unsigned Size);
/// Writes integer value \p Val of \p Size by specified \p PatchOffset.
void applyIntVal(uint64_t PatchOffset, uint64_t Val, unsigned Size);
/// Writes integer value \p Val of ULEB128 format by specified \p PatchOffset.
void applyULEB128(uint64_t PatchOffset, uint64_t Val);
/// Writes integer value \p Val of SLEB128 format by specified \p PatchOffset.
void applySLEB128(uint64_t PatchOffset, uint64_t Val);
/// Sets output format.
void setOutputFormat(dwarf::FormParams Format,
support::endianness Endianess) {
this->Format = Format;
this->Endianess = Endianess;
LinkingGlobalData &GlobalData;
/// The section kind.
DebugSectionKind SectionKind = DebugSectionKind::NumberOfEnumEntries;
/// Section data bits.
OutSectionDataTy Contents;
/// Some sections are generated using AsmPrinter. The real section data
/// located inside elf file in that case. Following fields points to the
/// real section content inside elf file.
size_t SectionOffsetInsideAsmPrinterOutputStart = 0;
size_t SectionOffsetInsideAsmPrinterOutputEnd = 0;
/// Output format.
dwarf::FormParams Format = {4, 4, dwarf::DWARF32};
support::endianness Endianess = support::endianness::little;
/// This class keeps contents and offsets to the debug sections. Any objects
/// which is supposed to be emitted into the debug sections should use this
/// class to track debug sections offsets and keep sections data.
class OutputSections {
OutputSections(LinkingGlobalData &GlobalData) : GlobalData(GlobalData) {}
/// Sets output format for all keeping sections.
void setOutputFormat(dwarf::FormParams Format,
support::endianness Endianness) {
this->Format = Format;
this->Endianness = Endianness;
/// Returns descriptor for the specified section of \p SectionKind.
/// The descriptor should already be created. The llvm_unreachable
/// would be raised if it is not.
const SectionDescriptor &
getSectionDescriptor(DebugSectionKind SectionKind) const {
SectionsSetTy::const_iterator It = SectionDescriptors.find(SectionKind);
if (It == SectionDescriptors.end())
formatv("Section {0} does not exist", getSectionName(SectionKind))
return It->second;
/// Returns descriptor for the specified section of \p SectionKind.
/// The descriptor should already be created. The llvm_unreachable
/// would be raised if it is not.
SectionDescriptor &getSectionDescriptor(DebugSectionKind SectionKind) {
SectionsSetTy::iterator It = SectionDescriptors.find(SectionKind);
if (It == SectionDescriptors.end())
formatv("Section {0} does not exist", getSectionName(SectionKind))
return It->second;
/// Returns descriptor for the specified section of \p SectionKind.
/// Returns std::nullopt if section descriptor is not created yet.
std::optional<const SectionDescriptor *>
tryGetSectionDescriptor(DebugSectionKind SectionKind) const {
SectionsSetTy::const_iterator It = SectionDescriptors.find(SectionKind);
if (It == SectionDescriptors.end())
return std::nullopt;
return &It->second;
/// Returns descriptor for the specified section of \p SectionKind.
/// Returns std::nullopt if section descriptor is not created yet.
std::optional<SectionDescriptor *>
tryGetSectionDescriptor(DebugSectionKind SectionKind) {
SectionsSetTy::iterator It = SectionDescriptors.find(SectionKind);
if (It == SectionDescriptors.end())
return std::nullopt;
return &It->second;
/// Returns descriptor for the specified section of \p SectionKind.
/// If descriptor does not exist then creates it.
SectionDescriptor &
getOrCreateSectionDescriptor(DebugSectionKind SectionKind) {
return SectionDescriptors
.try_emplace(SectionKind, SectionKind, GlobalData, Format, Endianness)
/// Erases data of all sections.
void eraseSections() {
for (auto &Section : SectionDescriptors)
/// Enumerate all sections and call \p Handler for each.
void forEach(function_ref<void(SectionDescriptor &)> Handler) {
for (auto &Section : SectionDescriptors)
/// Enumerate all sections, for each section set current offset
/// (kept by \p SectionSizesAccumulator), update current offset with section
/// length.
void assignSectionsOffsetAndAccumulateSize(
std::array<uint64_t, SectionKindsNum> &SectionSizesAccumulator) {
for (auto &Section : SectionDescriptors) {
Section.second.StartOffset = SectionSizesAccumulator[static_cast<uint8_t>(
SectionSizesAccumulator[static_cast<uint8_t>(Section.second.getKind())] +=
/// Enumerate all sections, for each section apply all section patches.
void applyPatches(SectionDescriptor &Section,
StringEntryToDwarfStringPoolEntryMap &DebugStrStrings,
StringEntryToDwarfStringPoolEntryMap &DebugLineStrStrings);
/// Endiannes for the sections.
support::endianness getEndianness() const { return Endianness; }
/// Return DWARF version.
uint16_t getVersion() const { return Format.Version; }
/// Return size of header of debug_info table.
uint16_t getDebugInfoHeaderSize() const {
return Format.Version >= 5 ? 12 : 11;
/// Return size of header of debug_ table.
uint16_t getDebugAddrHeaderSize() const {
assert(Format.Version >= 5);
return Format.Format == dwarf::DwarfFormat::DWARF32 ? 8 : 16;
/// Return size of header of debug_str_offsets table.
uint16_t getDebugStrOffsetsHeaderSize() const {
assert(Format.Version >= 5);
return Format.Format == dwarf::DwarfFormat::DWARF32 ? 8 : 16;
/// Return size of address.
const dwarf::FormParams &getFormParams() const { return Format; }
LinkingGlobalData &GlobalData;
/// Format for sections.
dwarf::FormParams Format = {4, 4, dwarf::DWARF32};
/// Endiannes for sections.
support::endianness Endianness = support::endian::system_endianness();
/// All keeping sections.
using SectionsSetTy = std::map<DebugSectionKind, SectionDescriptor>;
SectionsSetTy SectionDescriptors;
} // end of namespace dwarflinker_parallel
} // end namespace llvm