blob: fd010ef2208c4aa5d4377de75186193af535035c [file] [log] [blame]
//===- VPIntrinsicTest.cpp - VPIntrinsic unit tests ---------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/AsmParser/Parser.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/ISDOpcodes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
static const char *ReductionIntOpcodes[] = {
"add", "mul", "and", "or", "xor", "smin", "smax", "umin", "umax"};
static const char *ReductionFPOpcodes[] = {"fadd", "fmul", "fmin", "fmax"};
class VPIntrinsicTest : public testing::Test {
LLVMContext Context;
VPIntrinsicTest() : Context() {}
LLVMContext C;
SMDiagnostic Err;
std::unique_ptr<Module> createVPDeclarationModule() {
const char *BinaryIntOpcodes[] = {"add", "sub", "mul", "sdiv", "srem",
"udiv", "urem", "and", "xor", "or",
"ashr", "lshr", "shl", "smin", "smax",
"umin", "umax"};
std::stringstream Str;
for (const char *BinaryIntOpcode : BinaryIntOpcodes)
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp." << BinaryIntOpcode
<< ".v8i32(<8 x i32>, <8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
const char *BinaryFPOpcodes[] = {"fadd", "fsub", "fmul", "fdiv",
"frem", "minnum", "maxnum", "minimum",
"maximum", "copysign"};
for (const char *BinaryFPOpcode : BinaryFPOpcodes)
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp." << BinaryFPOpcode
<< ".v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x float>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.floor.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.round.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.roundeven.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x "
"i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.roundtozero.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x "
"i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.rint.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.nearbyint.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x "
"i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.ceil.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.lrint.v8i32.v8f32(<8 x float>, "
"<8 x i1>, i32)";
Str << " declare <8 x i64> @llvm.vp.llrint.v8i64.v8f32(<8 x float>, "
"<8 x i1>, i32)";
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.fneg.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.fabs.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.sqrt.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, "
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.fma.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x float>, "
"<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.fmuladd.v8f32(<8 x float>, "
"<8 x float>, <8 x float>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare void<8 x i32>, <8 x i32>*, "
"<8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << "declare void "
"<8 x i32>, "
"i32*, i32, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << "declare void "
"<8 x i32>, "
"i32 addrspace(1)*, i32, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare void @llvm.vp.scatter.v8i32.v8p0i32(<8 x i32>, <8 x "
"i32*>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.load.v8i32.p0v8i32(<8 x i32>*, <8 x "
"i1>, i32) ";
Str << "declare <8 x i32> "
"@llvm.experimental.vp.strided.load.v8i32.i32(i32*, i32, <8 "
"x i1>, i32) ";
Str << "declare <8 x i32> "
"@llvm.experimental.vp.strided.load.v8i32.p1i32.i32(i32 "
"addrspace(1)*, i32, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.gather.v8i32.v8p0i32(<8 x i32*>, <8 x "
"i1>, i32) ";
for (const char *ReductionOpcode : ReductionIntOpcodes)
Str << " declare i32 @llvm.vp.reduce." << ReductionOpcode
<< ".v8i32(i32, <8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
for (const char *ReductionOpcode : ReductionFPOpcodes)
Str << " declare float @llvm.vp.reduce." << ReductionOpcode
<< ".v8f32(float, <8 x float>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.merge.v8i32(<8 x i1>, <8 x i32>, <8 x "
"i32>, i32)";
Str << " declare <8 x i32><8 x i1>, <8 x i32>, <8 x "
"i32>, i32)";
Str << " declare <8 x i1><8 x float>, i32, <8 x "
"i1>, i32)";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.experimental.vp.splice.v8i32(<8 x "
"i32>, <8 x i32>, i32, <8 x i1>, i32, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.fptoui.v8i32"
<< ".v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.fptosi.v8i32"
<< ".v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.uitofp.v8f32"
<< ".v8i32(<8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.sitofp.v8f32"
<< ".v8i32(<8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x float> @llvm.vp.fptrunc.v8f32"
<< ".v8f64(<8 x double>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x double> @llvm.vp.fpext.v8f64"
<< ".v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.trunc.v8i32"
<< ".v8i64(<8 x i64>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i64> @llvm.vp.zext.v8i64"
<< ".v8i32(<8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i64> @llvm.vp.sext.v8i64"
<< ".v8i32(<8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.ptrtoint.v8i32"
<< ".v8p0i32(<8 x i32*>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32*> @llvm.vp.inttoptr.v8p0i32"
<< ".v8i32(<8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i1> @llvm.vp.fcmp.v8f32"
<< "(<8 x float>, <8 x float>, metadata, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i1> @llvm.vp.icmp.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, metadata, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i32> @llvm.experimental.vp.reverse.v8i32(<8 x i32>, "
"<8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.abs.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, i1 immarg, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.bitreverse.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.bswap.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.ctpop.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.ctlz.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, i1 immarg, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.cttz.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, i1 immarg, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.sadd.sat.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.uadd.sat.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.ssub.sat.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.usub.sat.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.fshl.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << " declare <8 x i16> @llvm.vp.fshr.v8i16"
<< "(<8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
return parseAssemblyString(Str.str(), Err, C);
/// Check that the property scopes include/llvm/IR/VPIntrinsics.def are closed.
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, VPIntrinsicsDefScopes) {
std::optional<Intrinsic::ID> ScopeVPID;
ASSERT_FALSE(ScopeVPID.has_value()); \
ScopeVPID = Intrinsic::VPID;
ASSERT_TRUE(ScopeVPID.has_value()); \
ASSERT_EQ(*ScopeVPID, Intrinsic::VPID); \
ScopeVPID = std::nullopt;
std::optional<ISD::NodeType> ScopeOPC;
ASSERT_FALSE(ScopeOPC.has_value()); \
ASSERT_TRUE(ScopeOPC.has_value()); \
ScopeOPC = std::nullopt;
#include "llvm/IR/VPIntrinsics.def"
/// Check that every VP intrinsic in the test module is recognized as a VP
/// intrinsic.
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, VPModuleComplete) {
std::unique_ptr<Module> M = createVPDeclarationModule();
// Check that all @llvm.vp.* functions in the module are recognized vp
// intrinsics.
std::set<Intrinsic::ID> SeenIDs;
for (const auto &VPDecl : *M) {
// Check that every registered VP intrinsic has an instance in the test
// module.
#include "llvm/IR/VPIntrinsics.def"
/// Check that VPIntrinsic:canIgnoreVectorLengthParam() returns true
/// if the vector length parameter does not mask off any lanes.
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, CanIgnoreVectorLength) {
LLVMContext C;
SMDiagnostic Err;
std::unique_ptr<Module> M =
"declare <256 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.v256i64(<256 x i64>, <256 x i64>, <256 x i1>, i32)"
"declare <vscale x 2 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i64>, <vscale x 2 x i64>, <vscale x 2 x i1>, i32)"
"declare <vscale x 1 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv1i64(<vscale x 1 x i64>, <vscale x 1 x i64>, <vscale x 1 x i1>, i32)"
"declare i32 @llvm.vscale.i32()"
"define void @test_static_vlen( "
" <256 x i64> %i0, <vscale x 2 x i64> %si0x2, <vscale x 1 x i64> %si0x1,"
" <256 x i64> %i1, <vscale x 2 x i64> %si1x2, <vscale x 1 x i64> %si1x1,"
" <256 x i1> %m, <vscale x 2 x i1> %smx2, <vscale x 1 x i1> %smx1, i32 %vl) { "
" %r0 = call <256 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.v256i64(<256 x i64> %i0, <256 x i64> %i1, <256 x i1> %m, i32 %vl)"
" %r1 = call <256 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.v256i64(<256 x i64> %i0, <256 x i64> %i1, <256 x i1> %m, i32 256)"
" %r2 = call <256 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.v256i64(<256 x i64> %i0, <256 x i64> %i1, <256 x i1> %m, i32 0)"
" %r3 = call <256 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.v256i64(<256 x i64> %i0, <256 x i64> %i1, <256 x i1> %m, i32 7)"
" %r4 = call <256 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.v256i64(<256 x i64> %i0, <256 x i64> %i1, <256 x i1> %m, i32 123)"
" %vs = call i32 @llvm.vscale.i32()"
" %vs.x2 = mul i32 %vs, 2"
" %r5 = call <vscale x 2 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i64> %si0x2, <vscale x 2 x i64> %si1x2, <vscale x 2 x i1> %smx2, i32 %vs.x2)"
" %r6 = call <vscale x 2 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i64> %si0x2, <vscale x 2 x i64> %si1x2, <vscale x 2 x i1> %smx2, i32 %vs)"
" %r7 = call <vscale x 2 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i64> %si0x2, <vscale x 2 x i64> %si1x2, <vscale x 2 x i1> %smx2, i32 99999)"
" %r8 = call <vscale x 1 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv1i64(<vscale x 1 x i64> %si0x1, <vscale x 1 x i64> %si1x1, <vscale x 1 x i1> %smx1, i32 %vs)"
" %r9 = call <vscale x 1 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv1i64(<vscale x 1 x i64> %si0x1, <vscale x 1 x i64> %si1x1, <vscale x 1 x i1> %smx1, i32 1)"
" %r10 = call <vscale x 1 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv1i64(<vscale x 1 x i64> %si0x1, <vscale x 1 x i64> %si1x1, <vscale x 1 x i1> %smx1, i32 %vs.x2)"
" %vs.wat = add i32 %vs, 2"
" %r11 = call <vscale x 2 x i64> @llvm.vp.mul.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i64> %si0x2, <vscale x 2 x i64> %si1x2, <vscale x 2 x i1> %smx2, i32 %vs.wat)"
" ret void "
Err, C);
auto *F = M->getFunction("test_static_vlen");
const bool Expected[] = {false, true, false, false, false, true,
false, false, true, false, true, false};
const auto *ExpectedIt = std::begin(Expected);
for (auto &I : F->getEntryBlock()) {
VPIntrinsic *VPI = dyn_cast<VPIntrinsic>(&I);
if (!VPI)
ASSERT_NE(ExpectedIt, std::end(Expected));
ASSERT_EQ(*ExpectedIt, VPI->canIgnoreVectorLengthParam());
/// Check that the argument returned by
/// VPIntrinsic::get<X>ParamPos(Intrinsic::ID) has the expected type.
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, GetParamPos) {
std::unique_ptr<Module> M = createVPDeclarationModule();
for (Function &F : *M) {
std::optional<unsigned> MaskParamPos =
if (MaskParamPos) {
Type *MaskParamType = F.getArg(*MaskParamPos)->getType();
std::optional<unsigned> VecLenParamPos =
if (VecLenParamPos) {
Type *VecLenParamType = F.getArg(*VecLenParamPos)->getType();
/// Check that going from Opcode to VP intrinsic and back results in the same
/// Opcode.
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, OpcodeRoundTrip) {
std::vector<unsigned> Opcodes;
#define HANDLE_INST(OCNum, OCName, Class) Opcodes.push_back(OCNum);
#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.def"
unsigned FullTripCounts = 0;
for (unsigned OC : Opcodes) {
Intrinsic::ID VPID = VPIntrinsic::getForOpcode(OC);
// No equivalent VP intrinsic available.
if (VPID == Intrinsic::not_intrinsic)
std::optional<unsigned> RoundTripOC =
// No equivalent Opcode available.
if (!RoundTripOC)
ASSERT_EQ(*RoundTripOC, OC);
ASSERT_NE(FullTripCounts, 0u);
/// Check that going from VP intrinsic to Opcode and back results in the same
/// intrinsic id.
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, IntrinsicIDRoundTrip) {
std::unique_ptr<Module> M = createVPDeclarationModule();
unsigned FullTripCounts = 0;
for (const auto &VPDecl : *M) {
auto VPID = VPDecl.getIntrinsicID();
std::optional<unsigned> OC = VPIntrinsic::getFunctionalOpcodeForVP(VPID);
// no equivalent Opcode available
if (!OC)
Intrinsic::ID RoundTripVPID = VPIntrinsic::getForOpcode(*OC);
ASSERT_NE(FullTripCounts, 0u);
/// Check that VPIntrinsic::getDeclarationForParams works.
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, VPIntrinsicDeclarationForParams) {
std::unique_ptr<Module> M = createVPDeclarationModule();
auto OutM = std::make_unique<Module>("", M->getContext());
for (auto &F : *M) {
auto *FuncTy = F.getFunctionType();
// Declare intrinsic anew with explicit types.
std::vector<Value *> Values;
for (auto *ParamTy : FuncTy->params())
ASSERT_NE(F.getIntrinsicID(), Intrinsic::not_intrinsic);
auto *NewDecl = VPIntrinsic::getDeclarationForParams(
OutM.get(), F.getIntrinsicID(), FuncTy->getReturnType(), Values);
// Check that 'old decl' == 'new decl'.
ASSERT_EQ(F.getIntrinsicID(), NewDecl->getIntrinsicID());
FunctionType::param_iterator ItNewParams =
FunctionType::param_iterator EndItNewParams =
for (auto *ParamTy : FuncTy->params()) {
ASSERT_NE(ItNewParams, EndItNewParams);
ASSERT_EQ(*ItNewParams, ParamTy);
/// Check that the HANDLE_VP_TO_CONSTRAINEDFP maps to an existing intrinsic with
/// the right amount of constrained-fp metadata args.
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, HandleToConstrainedFP) {
{ \
SmallVector<Intrinsic::IITDescriptor, 5> T; \
Intrinsic::getIntrinsicInfoTableEntries(Intrinsic::CFPID, T); \
unsigned NumMetadataArgs = 0; \
for (auto TD : T) \
NumMetadataArgs += (TD.Kind == Intrinsic::IITDescriptor::Metadata); \
bool IsCmp = Intrinsic::CFPID == Intrinsic::experimental_constrained_fcmp; \
ASSERT_EQ(NumMetadataArgs, (unsigned)(IsCmp + HASROUND + HASEXCEPT)); \
#include "llvm/IR/VPIntrinsics.def"
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Check various properties of VPReductionIntrinsics
TEST_F(VPIntrinsicTest, VPReductions) {
LLVMContext C;
SMDiagnostic Err;
std::stringstream Str;
Str << "declare <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.mul.v8i32(<8 x i32>, <8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, "
for (const char *ReductionOpcode : ReductionIntOpcodes)
Str << " declare i32 @llvm.vp.reduce." << ReductionOpcode
<< ".v8i32(i32, <8 x i32>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
for (const char *ReductionOpcode : ReductionFPOpcodes)
Str << " declare float @llvm.vp.reduce." << ReductionOpcode
<< ".v8f32(float, <8 x float>, <8 x i1>, i32) ";
Str << "define void @test_reductions(i32 %start, <8 x i32> %val, float "
"%fpstart, <8 x float> %fpval, <8 x i1> %m, i32 %vl) {";
// Mix in a regular non-reduction intrinsic to check that the
// VPReductionIntrinsic subclass works as intended.
Str << " %r0 = call <8 x i32> @llvm.vp.mul.v8i32(<8 x i32> %val, <8 x i32> "
"%val, <8 x i1> %m, i32 %vl)";
unsigned Idx = 1;
for (const char *ReductionOpcode : ReductionIntOpcodes)
Str << " %r" << Idx++ << " = call i32 @llvm.vp.reduce." << ReductionOpcode
<< ".v8i32(i32 %start, <8 x i32> %val, <8 x i1> %m, i32 %vl)";
for (const char *ReductionOpcode : ReductionFPOpcodes)
Str << " %r" << Idx++ << " = call float @llvm.vp.reduce."
<< ReductionOpcode
<< ".v8f32(float %fpstart, <8 x float> %fpval, <8 x i1> %m, i32 %vl)";
Str << " ret void"
std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(Str.str(), Err, C);
auto *F = M->getFunction("test_reductions");
for (const auto &I : F->getEntryBlock()) {
const VPIntrinsic *VPI = dyn_cast<VPIntrinsic>(&I);
if (!VPI)
Intrinsic::ID ID = VPI->getIntrinsicID();
const auto *VPRedI = dyn_cast<VPReductionIntrinsic>(&I);
if (!VPReductionIntrinsic::isVPReduction(ID)) {
EXPECT_EQ(VPRedI, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(VPReductionIntrinsic::getStartParamPos(ID).has_value(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(VPReductionIntrinsic::getVectorParamPos(ID).has_value(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(VPReductionIntrinsic::getStartParamPos(ID).has_value(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(VPReductionIntrinsic::getVectorParamPos(ID).has_value(), true);
ASSERT_NE(VPRedI, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(VPRedI->getStartParamPos(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(VPRedI->getVectorParamPos(), 1u);