blob: 9b2bea6278e69557c0ea012d95eaeb1cbaa30a5a [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: not llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64 %s -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
## -filetype=asm does not check the error.
# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=x86_64 %s
.section .tbss,"aw",@nobits
# MCRelaxableFragment
# CHECK: {{.*}}.s:[[#@LINE+1]]:3: error: SHT_NOBITS section '.tbss' cannot have instructions
jmp foo
# CHECK: {{.*}}.s:[[#@LINE+1]]:3: error: SHT_NOBITS section '.bss' cannot have instructions
addb %al,(%rax)
# CHECK: {{.*}}.s:[[#@LINE+1]]:11: warning: ignoring non-zero fill value in SHT_NOBITS section '.bss'
.align 4, 42
# CHECK-NOT: {{.*}}.s:[[#@LINE+1]]:11: warning: ignoring non-zero fill value in SHT_NOBITS section '.bss'
.align 4, 0
# CHECK: <unknown>:0: error: SHT_NOBITS section '.bss' cannot have non-zero initializers
.long 1