| ==================== |
| XRay Instrumentation |
| ==================== |
| |
| :Version: 1 as of 2016-11-08 |
| |
| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
| |
| |
| Introduction |
| ============ |
| |
| XRay is a function call tracing system which combines compiler-inserted |
| instrumentation points and a runtime library that can dynamically enable and |
| disable the instrumentation. |
| |
| More high level information about XRay can be found in the `XRay whitepaper`_. |
| |
| This document describes how to use XRay as implemented in LLVM. |
| |
| XRay in LLVM |
| ============ |
| |
| XRay consists of three main parts: |
| |
| - Compiler-inserted instrumentation points. |
| - A runtime library for enabling/disabling tracing at runtime. |
| - A suite of tools for analysing the traces. |
| |
| **NOTE:** As of July 25, 2018 , XRay is only available for the following |
| architectures running Linux: x86_64, arm7 (no thumb), aarch64, powerpc64le, |
| mips, mipsel, mips64, mips64el, NetBSD: x86_64, FreeBSD: x86_64 and |
| OpenBSD: x86_64. |
| |
| The compiler-inserted instrumentation points come in the form of nop-sleds in |
| the final generated binary, and an ELF section named ``xray_instr_map`` which |
| contains entries pointing to these instrumentation points. The runtime library |
| relies on being able to access the entries of the ``xray_instr_map``, and |
| overwrite the instrumentation points at runtime. |
| |
| Using XRay |
| ========== |
| |
| You can use XRay in a couple of ways: |
| |
| - Instrumenting your C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++ application. |
| - Generating LLVM IR with the correct function attributes. |
| |
| The rest of this section covers these main ways and later on how to customise |
| what XRay does in an XRay-instrumented binary. |
| |
| Instrumenting your C/C++/Objective-C Application |
| ------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| The easiest way of getting XRay instrumentation for your application is by |
| enabling the ``-fxray-instrument`` flag in your clang invocation. |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| :: |
| |
| clang -fxray-instrument ... |
| |
| By default, functions that have at least 200 instructions (or contain a loop) will |
| get XRay instrumentation points. You can tweak that number through the |
| ``-fxray-instruction-threshold=`` flag: |
| |
| :: |
| |
| clang -fxray-instrument -fxray-instruction-threshold=1 ... |
| |
| The loop detection can be disabled with ``-fxray-ignore-loops`` to use only the |
| instruction threshold. You can also specifically instrument functions in your |
| binary to either always or never be instrumented using source-level attributes. |
| You can do it using the GCC-style attributes or C++11-style attributes. |
| |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| [[clang::xray_always_instrument]] void always_instrumented(); |
| |
| [[clang::xray_never_instrument]] void never_instrumented(); |
| |
| void alt_always_instrumented() __attribute__((xray_always_instrument)); |
| |
| void alt_never_instrumented() __attribute__((xray_never_instrument)); |
| |
| When linking a binary, you can either manually link in the `XRay Runtime |
| Library`_ or use ``clang`` to link it in automatically with the |
| ``-fxray-instrument`` flag. Alternatively, you can statically link-in the XRay |
| runtime library from compiler-rt -- those archive files will take the name of |
| `libclang_rt.xray-{arch}` where `{arch}` is the mnemonic supported by clang |
| (x86_64, arm7, etc.). |
| |
| LLVM Function Attribute |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| If you're using LLVM IR directly, you can add the ``function-instrument`` |
| string attribute to your functions, to get the similar effect that the |
| C/C++/Objective-C source-level attributes would get: |
| |
| .. code-block:: llvm |
| |
| define i32 @always_instrument() uwtable "function-instrument"="xray-always" { |
| ; ... |
| } |
| |
| define i32 @never_instrument() uwtable "function-instrument"="xray-never" { |
| ; ... |
| } |
| |
| You can also set the ``xray-instruction-threshold`` attribute and provide a |
| numeric string value for how many instructions should be in the function before |
| it gets instrumented. |
| |
| .. code-block:: llvm |
| |
| define i32 @maybe_instrument() uwtable "xray-instruction-threshold"="2" { |
| ; ... |
| } |
| |
| Special Case File |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Attributes can be imbued through the use of special case files instead of |
| adding them to the original source files. You can use this to mark certain |
| functions and classes to be never, always, or instrumented with first-argument |
| logging from a file. The file's format is described below: |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| # Comments are supported |
| [always] |
| fun:always_instrument |
| fun:log_arg1=arg1 # Log the first argument for the function |
| |
| [never] |
| fun:never_instrument |
| |
| These files can be provided through the ``-fxray-attr-list=`` flag to clang. |
| You may have multiple files loaded through multiple instances of the flag. |
| |
| XRay Runtime Library |
| -------------------- |
| |
| The XRay Runtime Library is part of the compiler-rt project, which implements |
| the runtime components that perform the patching and unpatching of inserted |
| instrumentation points. When you use ``clang`` to link your binaries and the |
| ``-fxray-instrument`` flag, it will automatically link in the XRay runtime. |
| |
| The default implementation of the XRay runtime will enable XRay instrumentation |
| before ``main`` starts, which works for applications that have a short |
| lifetime. This implementation also records all function entry and exit events |
| which may result in a lot of records in the resulting trace. |
| |
| Also by default the filename of the XRay trace is ``xray-log.XXXXXX`` where the |
| ``XXXXXX`` part is randomly generated. |
| |
| These options can be controlled through the ``XRAY_OPTIONS`` environment |
| variable, where we list down the options and their defaults below. |
| |
| +-------------------+-----------------+---------------+------------------------+ |
| | Option | Type | Default | Description | |
| +===================+=================+===============+========================+ |
| | patch_premain | ``bool`` | ``false`` | Whether to patch | |
| | | | | instrumentation points | |
| | | | | before main. | |
| +-------------------+-----------------+---------------+------------------------+ |
| | xray_mode | ``const char*`` | ``""`` | Default mode to | |
| | | | | install and initialize | |
| | | | | before ``main``. | |
| +-------------------+-----------------+---------------+------------------------+ |
| | xray_logfile_base | ``const char*`` | ``xray-log.`` | Filename base for the | |
| | | | | XRay logfile. | |
| +-------------------+-----------------+---------------+------------------------+ |
| | verbosity | ``int`` | ``0`` | Runtime verbosity | |
| | | | | level. | |
| +-------------------+-----------------+---------------+------------------------+ |
| |
| |
| If you choose to not use the default logging implementation that comes with the |
| XRay runtime and/or control when/how the XRay instrumentation runs, you may use |
| the XRay APIs directly for doing so. To do this, you'll need to include the |
| ``xray_log_interface.h`` from the compiler-rt ``xray`` directory. The important API |
| functions we list below: |
| |
| - ``__xray_log_register_mode(...)``: Register a logging implementation against |
| a string Mode identifier. The implementation is an instance of |
| ``XRayLogImpl`` defined in ``xray/xray_log_interface.h``. |
| - ``__xray_log_select_mode(...)``: Select the mode to install, associated with |
| a string Mode identifier. Only implementations registered with |
| ``__xray_log_register_mode(...)`` can be chosen with this function. |
| - ``__xray_log_init_mode(...)``: This function allows for initializing and |
| re-initializing an installed logging implementation. See |
| ``xray/xray_log_interface.h`` for details, part of the XRay compiler-rt |
| installation. |
| |
| Once a logging implementation has been initialized, it can be "stopped" by |
| finalizing the implementation through the ``__xray_log_finalize()`` function. |
| The finalization routine is the opposite of the initialization. When finalized, |
| an implementation's data can be cleared out through the |
| ``__xray_log_flushLog()`` function. For implementations that support in-memory |
| processing, these should register an iterator function to provide access to the |
| data via the ``__xray_log_set_buffer_iterator(...)`` which allows code calling |
| the ``__xray_log_process_buffers(...)`` function to deal with the data in |
| memory. |
| |
| All of this is better explained in the ``xray/xray_log_interface.h`` header. |
| |
| Basic Mode |
| ---------- |
| |
| XRay supports a basic logging mode which will trace the application's |
| execution, and periodically append to a single log. This mode can be |
| installed/enabled by setting ``xray_mode=xray-basic`` in the ``XRAY_OPTIONS`` |
| environment variable. Combined with ``patch_premain=true`` this can allow for |
| tracing applications from start to end. |
| |
| Like all the other modes installed through ``__xray_log_select_mode(...)``, the |
| implementation can be configured through the ``__xray_log_init_mode(...)`` |
| function, providing the mode string and the flag options. Basic-mode specific |
| defaults can be provided in the ``XRAY_BASIC_OPTIONS`` environment variable. |
| |
| Flight Data Recorder Mode |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| XRay supports a logging mode which allows the application to only capture a |
| fixed amount of memory's worth of events. Flight Data Recorder (FDR) mode works |
| very much like a plane's "black box" which keeps recording data to memory in a |
| fixed-size circular queue of buffers, and have the data available |
| programmatically until the buffers are finalized and flushed. To use FDR mode |
| on your application, you may set the ``xray_mode`` variable to ``xray-fdr`` in |
| the ``XRAY_OPTIONS`` environment variable. Additional options to the FDR mode |
| implementation can be provided in the ``XRAY_FDR_OPTIONS`` environment |
| variable. Programmatic configuration can be done by calling |
| ``__xray_log_init_mode("xray-fdr", <configuration string>)`` once it has been |
| selected/installed. |
| |
| When the buffers are flushed to disk, the result is a binary trace format |
| described by `XRay FDR format <XRayFDRFormat.html>`_ |
| |
| When FDR mode is on, it will keep writing and recycling memory buffers until |
| the logging implementation is finalized -- at which point it can be flushed and |
| re-initialised later. To do this programmatically, we follow the workflow |
| provided below: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| // Patch the sleds, if we haven't yet. |
| auto patch_status = __xray_patch(); |
| |
| // Maybe handle the patch_status errors. |
| |
| // When we want to flush the log, we need to finalize it first, to give |
| // threads a chance to return buffers to the queue. |
| auto finalize_status = __xray_log_finalize(); |
| if (finalize_status != XRAY_LOG_FINALIZED) { |
| // maybe retry, or bail out. |
| } |
| |
| // At this point, we are sure that the log is finalized, so we may try |
| // flushing the log. |
| auto flush_status = __xray_log_flushLog(); |
| if (flush_status != XRAY_LOG_FLUSHED) { |
| // maybe retry, or bail out. |
| } |
| |
| The default settings for the FDR mode implementation will create logs named |
| similarly to the basic log implementation, but will have a different log |
| format. All the trace analysis tools (and the trace reading library) will |
| support all versions of the FDR mode format as we add more functionality and |
| record types in the future. |
| |
| **NOTE:** We do not promise perpetual support for when we update the log |
| versions we support going forward. Deprecation of the formats will be |
| announced and discussed on the developers mailing list. |
| |
| Trace Analysis Tools |
| -------------------- |
| |
| We currently have the beginnings of a trace analysis tool in LLVM, which can be |
| found in the ``tools/llvm-xray`` directory. The ``llvm-xray`` tool currently |
| supports the following subcommands: |
| |
| - ``extract``: Extract the instrumentation map from a binary, and return it as |
| YAML. |
| - ``account``: Performs basic function call accounting statistics with various |
| options for sorting, and output formats (supports CSV, YAML, and |
| console-friendly TEXT). |
| - ``convert``: Converts an XRay log file from one format to another. We can |
| convert from binary XRay traces (both basic and FDR mode) to YAML, |
| `flame-graph <https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph>`_ friendly text |
| formats, as well as `Chrome Trace Viewer (catapult) |
| <https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult>` formats. |
| - ``graph``: Generates a DOT graph of the function call relationships between |
| functions found in an XRay trace. |
| - ``stack``: Reconstructs function call stacks from a timeline of function |
| calls in an XRay trace. |
| |
| These subcommands use various library components found as part of the XRay |
| libraries, distributed with the LLVM distribution. These are: |
| |
| - ``llvm/XRay/Trace.h`` : A trace reading library for conveniently loading |
| an XRay trace of supported forms, into a convenient in-memory representation. |
| All the analysis tools that deal with traces use this implementation. |
| - ``llvm/XRay/Graph.h`` : A semi-generic graph type used by the graph |
| subcommand to conveniently represent a function call graph with statistics |
| associated with edges and vertices. |
| - ``llvm/XRay/InstrumentationMap.h``: A convenient tool for analyzing the |
| instrumentation map in XRay-instrumented object files and binaries. The |
| ``extract`` and ``stack`` subcommands uses this particular library. |
| |
| |
| Minimizing Binary Size |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| XRay supports several different instrumentation points including ``function-entry``, |
| ``function-exit``, ``custom``, and ``typed`` points. These can be enabled individually |
| using the ``-fxray-instrumentaton-bundle=`` flag. For example if you only wanted to |
| instrument function entry and custom points you could specify: |
| |
| :: |
| |
| clang -fxray-instrument -fxray-instrumentation-bundle=function-entry,custom ... |
| |
| This will omit the other sled types entirely, reducing the binary size. You can also |
| instrument just a sampled subset of functions using instrumentation groups. |
| For example, to instrument only a quarter of available functions invoke: |
| |
| :: |
| |
| clang -fxray-instrument -fxray-function-groups=4 |
| |
| A subset will be chosen arbitrarily based on a hash of the function name. To sample a |
| different subset you can specify ``-fxray-selected-function-group=`` with a group number |
| in the range of 0 to ``xray-function-groups`` - 1. Together these options could be used |
| to produce multiple binaries with different instrumented subsets. If all you need is |
| runtime control over which functions are being traced at any given time it is better |
| to selectively patch and unpatch the individual functions you need using the XRay |
| Runtime Library's ``__xray_patch_function()`` method. |
| |
| Future Work |
| =========== |
| |
| There are a number of ongoing efforts for expanding the toolset building around |
| the XRay instrumentation system. |
| |
| Trace Analysis Tools |
| -------------------- |
| |
| - Work is in progress to integrate with or develop tools to visualize findings |
| from an XRay trace. Particularly, the ``stack`` tool is being expanded to |
| output formats that allow graphing and exploring the duration of time in each |
| call stack. |
| - With a large instrumented binary, the size of generated XRay traces can |
| quickly become unwieldy. We are working on integrating pruning techniques and |
| heuristics for the analysis tools to sift through the traces and surface only |
| relevant information. |
| |
| More Platforms |
| -------------- |
| |
| We're looking forward to contributions to port XRay to more architectures and |
| operating systems. |
| |
| .. References... |
| |
| .. _`XRay whitepaper`: http://research.google.com/pubs/pub45287.html |
| |