blob: 3dd33b3dc82fba8a16c50f6206f2e0a59c9d2556 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- SymbolFileJSON.h ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class SymbolFileJSON : public lldb_private::SymbolFileCommon {
/// LLVM RTTI support.
static char ID;
/// LLVM RTTI support.
/// \{
bool isA(const void *ClassID) const override {
return ClassID == &ID || SymbolFileCommon::isA(ClassID);
static bool classof(const SymbolFile *obj) { return obj->isA(&ID); }
/// \}
SymbolFileJSON(lldb::ObjectFileSP objfile_sp);
static void Initialize();
static void Terminate();
static llvm::StringRef GetPluginNameStatic() { return "JSON"; }
static llvm::StringRef GetPluginDescriptionStatic();
static lldb_private::SymbolFile *
CreateInstance(lldb::ObjectFileSP objfile_sp);
llvm::StringRef GetPluginName() override { return GetPluginNameStatic(); }
uint32_t CalculateAbilities() override;
lldb::LanguageType ParseLanguage(CompileUnit &comp_unit) override {
return lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown;
size_t ParseFunctions(CompileUnit &comp_unit) override { return 0; }
bool ParseLineTable(CompileUnit &comp_unit) override { return false; }
bool ParseDebugMacros(CompileUnit &comp_unit) override { return false; }
bool ParseSupportFiles(CompileUnit &comp_unit,
SupportFileList &support_files) override {
return false;
size_t ParseTypes(CompileUnit &cu) override { return 0; }
bool ParseImportedModules(
const SymbolContext &sc,
std::vector<lldb_private::SourceModule> &imported_modules) override {
return false;
size_t ParseBlocksRecursive(Function &func) override { return 0; }
size_t ParseVariablesForContext(const SymbolContext &sc) override {
return 0;
uint32_t CalculateNumCompileUnits() override { return 0; }
lldb::CompUnitSP ParseCompileUnitAtIndex(uint32_t index) override;
Type *ResolveTypeUID(lldb::user_id_t type_uid) override { return nullptr; }
std::optional<ArrayInfo> GetDynamicArrayInfoForUID(
lldb::user_id_t type_uid,
const lldb_private::ExecutionContext *exe_ctx) override {
return std::nullopt;
bool CompleteType(CompilerType &compiler_type) override { return false; }
uint32_t ResolveSymbolContext(const lldb_private::Address &so_addr,
lldb::SymbolContextItem resolve_scope,
lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc) override;
void GetTypes(lldb_private::SymbolContextScope *sc_scope,
lldb::TypeClass type_mask,
lldb_private::TypeList &type_list) override;
void AddSymbols(Symtab &symtab) override;
lldb::addr_t GetBaseFileAddress();
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, std::string>> m_symbols;
} // namespace lldb_private