blob: 85c37971ced8e0fa4310a364b5a8c8ce1867b6df [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DWARFUnit.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "DWARFDIE.h"
#include "DWARFDebugInfoEntry.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/XcodeSDK.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDebugAbbrev.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDebugRnglists.h"
#include "llvm/Support/RWMutex.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <optional>
namespace lldb_private::plugin {
namespace dwarf {
class DWARFUnit;
class DWARFCompileUnit;
class NameToDIE;
class SymbolFileDWARF;
class SymbolFileDWARFDwo;
typedef std::shared_ptr<DWARFUnit> DWARFUnitSP;
enum DWARFProducer {
eProducerInvalid = 0,
class DWARFUnit : public UserID {
using die_iterator_range =
static llvm::Expected<DWARFUnitSP>
extract(SymbolFileDWARF &dwarf2Data, lldb::user_id_t uid,
const DWARFDataExtractor &debug_info, DIERef::Section section,
lldb::offset_t *offset_ptr);
virtual ~DWARFUnit();
bool IsDWOUnit() { return m_is_dwo; }
/// Get the DWO ID from the DWARFUnitHeader for DWARF5, or from the unit DIE's
/// DW_AT_dwo_id or DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id for DWARF4 and earlier.
std::optional<uint64_t> GetDWOId();
/// Get the DWO ID from the DWARFUnitHeader only. DWARF5 skeleton units have
/// the DWO ID in the compile unit header and we sometimes only want to access
/// this cheap value without causing the more expensive attribute fetches that
/// GetDWOId() uses.
std::optional<uint64_t> GetHeaderDWOId() { return m_header.getDWOId(); }
void ExtractUnitDIEIfNeeded();
void ExtractUnitDIENoDwoIfNeeded();
void ExtractDIEsIfNeeded();
class ScopedExtractDIEs {
DWARFUnit *m_cu;
bool m_clear_dies = false;
ScopedExtractDIEs(DWARFUnit &cu);
ScopedExtractDIEs(const ScopedExtractDIEs &) = delete;
const ScopedExtractDIEs &operator=(const ScopedExtractDIEs &) = delete;
ScopedExtractDIEs(ScopedExtractDIEs &&rhs);
ScopedExtractDIEs &operator=(ScopedExtractDIEs &&rhs);
ScopedExtractDIEs ExtractDIEsScoped();
bool Verify(Stream *s) const;
virtual void Dump(Stream *s) const = 0;
/// Get the data that contains the DIE information for this unit.
/// This will return the correct bytes that contain the data for
/// this DWARFUnit. It could be .debug_info or .debug_types
/// depending on where the data for this unit originates.
/// \return
/// The correct data for the DIE information in this unit.
const DWARFDataExtractor &GetData() const;
/// Get the size in bytes of the unit header.
/// \return
/// Byte size of the unit header
uint32_t GetHeaderByteSize() const;
// Offset of the initial length field.
dw_offset_t GetOffset() const { return m_header.getOffset(); }
/// Get the size in bytes of the length field in the header.
/// In DWARF32 this is just 4 bytes
/// \return
/// Byte size of the compile unit header length field
size_t GetLengthByteSize() const { return 4; }
bool ContainsDIEOffset(dw_offset_t die_offset) const {
return die_offset >= GetFirstDIEOffset() &&
die_offset < GetNextUnitOffset();
dw_offset_t GetFirstDIEOffset() const {
return GetOffset() + GetHeaderByteSize();
dw_offset_t GetNextUnitOffset() const { return m_header.getNextUnitOffset(); }
// Size of the CU data (without initial length and without header).
size_t GetDebugInfoSize() const;
// Size of the CU data incl. header but without initial length.
dw_offset_t GetLength() const { return m_header.getLength(); }
uint16_t GetVersion() const { return m_header.getVersion(); }
const llvm::DWARFAbbreviationDeclarationSet *GetAbbreviations() const;
dw_offset_t GetAbbrevOffset() const;
uint8_t GetAddressByteSize() const { return m_header.getAddressByteSize(); }
dw_addr_t GetAddrBase() const { return m_addr_base.value_or(0); }
dw_addr_t GetBaseAddress() const { return m_base_addr; }
dw_offset_t GetLineTableOffset();
dw_addr_t GetRangesBase() const { return m_ranges_base; }
dw_addr_t GetStrOffsetsBase() const { return m_str_offsets_base; }
void SetAddrBase(dw_addr_t addr_base);
void SetLoclistsBase(dw_addr_t loclists_base);
void SetRangesBase(dw_addr_t ranges_base);
void SetStrOffsetsBase(dw_offset_t str_offsets_base);
virtual void BuildAddressRangeTable(DWARFDebugAranges *debug_aranges) = 0;
dw_addr_t ReadAddressFromDebugAddrSection(uint32_t index) const;
lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const;
const DWARFDebugAranges &GetFunctionAranges();
void SetBaseAddress(dw_addr_t base_addr);
DWARFBaseDIE GetUnitDIEOnly() { return {this, GetUnitDIEPtrOnly()}; }
DWARFDIE DIE() { return DWARFDIE(this, DIEPtr()); }
DWARFDIE GetDIE(dw_offset_t die_offset);
/// Returns the AT_Name of the DIE at `die_offset`, if it exists, without
/// parsing the entire compile unit. An empty is string is returned upon
/// error or if the attribute is not present.
llvm::StringRef PeekDIEName(dw_offset_t die_offset);
DWARFUnit &GetNonSkeletonUnit();
static uint8_t GetAddressByteSize(const DWARFUnit *cu);
static uint8_t GetDefaultAddressSize();
lldb_private::CompileUnit *GetLLDBCompUnit() const { return m_lldb_cu; }
void SetLLDBCompUnit(lldb_private::CompileUnit *cu) { m_lldb_cu = cu; }
/// Get the skeleton compile unit for a DWO file.
/// We need to keep track of the skeleton compile unit for a DWO file so
/// we can access it. Sometimes this value is cached when the skeleton
/// compile unit is first parsed, but if a .dwp file parses all of the
/// DWARFUnits in the file, the skeleton compile unit might not have been
/// parsed yet, to there might not be a backlink. This accessor handles
/// both cases correctly and avoids crashes.
DWARFCompileUnit *GetSkeletonUnit();
void SetSkeletonUnit(DWARFUnit *skeleton_unit);
bool Supports_DW_AT_APPLE_objc_complete_type();
bool DW_AT_decl_file_attributes_are_invalid();
bool Supports_unnamed_objc_bitfields();
SymbolFileDWARF &GetSymbolFileDWARF() const { return m_dwarf; }
DWARFProducer GetProducer();
llvm::VersionTuple GetProducerVersion();
uint64_t GetDWARFLanguageType();
bool GetIsOptimized();
const FileSpec &GetCompilationDirectory();
const FileSpec &GetAbsolutePath();
FileSpec GetFile(size_t file_idx);
FileSpec::Style GetPathStyle();
SymbolFileDWARFDwo *GetDwoSymbolFile(bool load_all_debug_info = true);
die_iterator_range dies() {
return die_iterator_range(m_die_array.begin(), m_die_array.end());
DIERef::Section GetDebugSection() const { return m_section; }
uint8_t GetUnitType() const { return m_header.getUnitType(); }
bool IsTypeUnit() const { return m_header.isTypeUnit(); }
/// Note that this check only works for DWARF5+.
bool IsSkeletonUnit() const {
return GetUnitType() == llvm::dwarf::DW_UT_skeleton;
std::optional<uint64_t> GetStringOffsetSectionItem(uint32_t index) const;
/// Return a list of address ranges resulting from a (possibly encoded)
/// range list starting at a given offset in the appropriate ranges section.
llvm::Expected<DWARFRangeList> FindRnglistFromOffset(dw_offset_t offset);
/// Return a list of address ranges retrieved from an encoded range
/// list whose offset is found via a table lookup given an index (DWARF v5
/// and later).
llvm::Expected<DWARFRangeList> FindRnglistFromIndex(uint32_t index);
/// Return a rangelist's offset based on an index. The index designates
/// an entry in the rangelist table's offset array and is supplied by
/// DW_FORM_rnglistx.
llvm::Expected<uint64_t> GetRnglistOffset(uint32_t Index);
std::optional<uint64_t> GetLoclistOffset(uint32_t Index) {
if (!m_loclist_table_header)
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<uint64_t> Offset = m_loclist_table_header->getOffsetEntry(
m_dwarf.GetDWARFContext().getOrLoadLocListsData().GetAsLLVM(), Index);
if (!Offset)
return std::nullopt;
return *Offset + m_loclists_base;
/// Return the location table for parsing the given location list data. The
/// format is chosen according to the unit type. Never returns null.
GetLocationTable(const DataExtractor &data) const;
DWARFDataExtractor GetLocationData() const;
/// Returns true if any DIEs in the unit match any DW_TAG values in \a tags.
/// \param[in] tags
/// An array of dw_tag_t values to check all abbrevitions for.
/// \returns
/// True if any DIEs match any tag in \a tags, false otherwise.
bool HasAny(llvm::ArrayRef<dw_tag_t> tags);
/// Get the fission .dwo file specific error for this compile unit.
/// The skeleton compile unit only can have a DWO error. Any other type
/// of DWARFUnit will not have a valid DWO error.
/// \returns
/// A valid DWO error if there is a problem with anything in the
/// locating or parsing inforamtion in the .dwo file
const Status &GetDwoError() const { return m_dwo_error; }
/// Set the fission .dwo file specific error for this compile unit.
/// This helps tracks issues that arise when trying to locate or parse a
/// .dwo file. Things like a missing .dwo file, DWO ID mismatch, and other
/// .dwo errors can be stored in each compile unit so the issues can be
/// communicated to the user.
void SetDwoError(const Status &error) { m_dwo_error = error; }
DWARFUnit(SymbolFileDWARF &dwarf, lldb::user_id_t uid,
const llvm::DWARFUnitHeader &header,
const llvm::DWARFAbbreviationDeclarationSet &abbrevs,
DIERef::Section section, bool is_dwo);
llvm::Error ExtractHeader(SymbolFileDWARF &dwarf,
const DWARFDataExtractor &data,
lldb::offset_t *offset_ptr);
// Get the DWARF unit DWARF debug information entry. Parse the single DIE
// if needed.
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *GetUnitDIEPtrOnly() {
// m_first_die_mutex is not required as m_first_die is never cleared.
if (!m_first_die)
return nullptr;
return &m_first_die;
// Get all DWARF debug informration entries. Parse all DIEs if needed.
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *DIEPtr() {
if (m_die_array.empty())
return nullptr;
return &m_die_array[0];
const std::optional<llvm::DWARFDebugRnglistTable> &GetRnglistTable();
DWARFDataExtractor GetRnglistData() const;
SymbolFileDWARF &m_dwarf;
std::shared_ptr<DWARFUnit> m_dwo;
llvm::DWARFUnitHeader m_header;
const llvm::DWARFAbbreviationDeclarationSet *m_abbrevs = nullptr;
lldb_private::CompileUnit *m_lldb_cu = nullptr;
// If this is a DWO file, we have a backlink to our skeleton compile unit.
DWARFUnit *m_skeleton_unit = nullptr;
// The compile unit debug information entry item
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::collection m_die_array;
mutable llvm::sys::RWMutex m_die_array_mutex;
// It is used for tracking of ScopedExtractDIEs instances.
mutable llvm::sys::RWMutex m_die_array_scoped_mutex;
// ScopedExtractDIEs instances should not call ClearDIEsRWLocked()
// as someone called ExtractDIEsIfNeeded().
std::atomic<bool> m_cancel_scopes;
// GetUnitDIEPtrOnly() needs to return pointer to the first DIE.
// But the first element of m_die_array after ExtractUnitDIEIfNeeded()
// would possibly move in memory after later ExtractDIEsIfNeeded().
DWARFDebugInfoEntry m_first_die;
llvm::sys::RWMutex m_first_die_mutex;
// A table similar to the .debug_aranges table, but this one points to the
// exact DW_TAG_subprogram DIEs
std::unique_ptr<DWARFDebugAranges> m_func_aranges_up;
dw_addr_t m_base_addr = 0;
DWARFProducer m_producer = eProducerInvalid;
llvm::VersionTuple m_producer_version;
std::optional<uint64_t> m_language_type;
LazyBool m_is_optimized = eLazyBoolCalculate;
std::optional<FileSpec> m_comp_dir;
std::optional<FileSpec> m_file_spec;
std::optional<dw_addr_t> m_addr_base; ///< Value of DW_AT_addr_base.
dw_addr_t m_loclists_base = 0; ///< Value of DW_AT_loclists_base.
dw_addr_t m_ranges_base = 0; ///< Value of DW_AT_rnglists_base.
std::optional<uint64_t> m_gnu_addr_base;
std::optional<uint64_t> m_gnu_ranges_base;
/// Value of DW_AT_stmt_list.
dw_offset_t m_line_table_offset = DW_INVALID_OFFSET;
dw_offset_t m_str_offsets_base = 0; // Value of DW_AT_str_offsets_base.
std::optional<llvm::DWARFDebugRnglistTable> m_rnglist_table;
bool m_rnglist_table_done = false;
std::optional<llvm::DWARFListTableHeader> m_loclist_table_header;
const DIERef::Section m_section;
bool m_is_dwo;
bool m_has_parsed_non_skeleton_unit;
/// Value of DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id (v4) or dwo_id from CU header (v5).
std::optional<uint64_t> m_dwo_id;
/// If we get an error when trying to load a .dwo file, save that error here.
/// Errors include .dwo/.dwp file not found, or the .dwp/.dwp file was found
/// but DWO ID doesn't match, etc.
Status m_dwo_error;
void ParseProducerInfo();
void ExtractDIEsRWLocked();
void ClearDIEsRWLocked();
void AddUnitDIE(const DWARFDebugInfoEntry &cu_die);
void SetDwoStrOffsetsBase();
void ComputeCompDirAndGuessPathStyle();
void ComputeAbsolutePath();
DWARFUnit(const DWARFUnit &) = delete;
const DWARFUnit &operator=(const DWARFUnit &) = delete;
} // namespace dwarf
} // namespace lldb_private::plugin