blob: c37cc91e08ed12713f4384372d34572061a40186 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DWARFDebugInfo.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "SymbolFileDWARF.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include "lldb/Host/PosixApi.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/RegularExpression.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "DWARFCompileUnit.h"
#include "DWARFContext.h"
#include "DWARFDebugAranges.h"
#include "DWARFDebugInfo.h"
#include "DWARFDebugInfoEntry.h"
#include "DWARFFormValue.h"
#include "DWARFTypeUnit.h"
#include "LogChannelDWARF.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
using namespace lldb_private::plugin::dwarf;
// Constructor
DWARFDebugInfo::DWARFDebugInfo(SymbolFileDWARF &dwarf, DWARFContext &context)
: m_dwarf(dwarf), m_context(context), m_units(), m_cu_aranges_up() {}
const DWARFDebugAranges &DWARFDebugInfo::GetCompileUnitAranges() {
if (m_cu_aranges_up)
return *m_cu_aranges_up;
m_cu_aranges_up = std::make_unique<DWARFDebugAranges>();
const DWARFDataExtractor &debug_aranges_data =
// Extract what we can from the .debug_aranges first.
// Make a list of all CUs represented by the .debug_aranges data.
std::set<dw_offset_t> cus_with_data;
for (size_t n = 0; n < m_cu_aranges_up->GetNumRanges(); n++) {
dw_offset_t offset = m_cu_aranges_up->OffsetAtIndex(n);
if (offset != DW_INVALID_OFFSET)
// Manually build arange data for everything that wasn't in .debug_aranges.
// The .debug_aranges accelerator is not guaranteed to be complete.
// Tools such as dsymutil can provide stronger guarantees than required by the
// standard. Without that guarantee, we have to iterate over every CU in the
// .debug_info and make sure there's a corresponding entry in the table and if
// not, add one for every subprogram.
ObjectFile *OF = m_dwarf.GetObjectFile();
if (!OF || !OF->CanTrustAddressRanges()) {
const size_t num_units = GetNumUnits();
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_units; ++idx) {
DWARFUnit *cu = GetUnitAtIndex(idx);
dw_offset_t offset = cu->GetOffset();
if (cus_with_data.find(offset) == cus_with_data.end())
const bool minimize = true;
return *m_cu_aranges_up;
void DWARFDebugInfo::ParseUnitsFor(DIERef::Section section) {
DWARFDataExtractor data = section == DIERef::Section::DebugTypes
? m_context.getOrLoadDebugTypesData()
: m_context.getOrLoadDebugInfoData();
lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
while (data.ValidOffset(offset)) {
const lldb::offset_t unit_header_offset = offset;
llvm::Expected<DWARFUnitSP> expected_unit_sp =
DWARFUnit::extract(m_dwarf, m_units.size(), data, section, &offset);
if (!expected_unit_sp) {
Log *log = GetLog(DWARFLog::DebugInfo);
if (log)
LLDB_LOG(log, "Unable to extract DWARFUnitHeader at {0:x}: {1}",
DWARFUnitSP unit_sp = *expected_unit_sp;
// If it didn't return an error, then it should be returning a valid Unit.
// Keep a map of DWO ID back to the skeleton units. Sometimes accelerator
// table lookups can cause the DWO files to be accessed before the skeleton
// compile unit is parsed, so we keep a map to allow us to match up the DWO
// file to the back to the skeleton compile units.
if (unit_sp->GetUnitType() == lldb_private::dwarf::DW_UT_skeleton) {
if (std::optional<uint64_t> unit_dwo_id = unit_sp->GetHeaderDWOId())
m_dwarf5_dwo_id_to_skeleton_unit[*unit_dwo_id] = unit_sp.get();
offset = unit_sp->GetNextUnitOffset();
if (auto *type_unit = llvm::dyn_cast<DWARFTypeUnit>(unit_sp.get())) {
DWARFUnit *DWARFDebugInfo::GetSkeletonUnit(DWARFUnit *dwo_unit) {
// If this isn't a DWO unit, don't try and find the skeleton unit.
if (!dwo_unit->IsDWOUnit())
return nullptr;
auto dwo_id = dwo_unit->GetDWOId();
if (!dwo_id.has_value())
return nullptr;
// Parse the unit headers so that m_dwarf5_dwo_id_to_skeleton_unit is filled
// in with all of the DWARF5 skeleton compile units DWO IDs since it is easy
// to access the DWO IDs in the DWARFUnitHeader for each DWARFUnit.
// Find the value in our cache and return it we we find it. This cache may
// only contain DWARF5 units.
auto iter = m_dwarf5_dwo_id_to_skeleton_unit.find(*dwo_id);
if (iter != m_dwarf5_dwo_id_to_skeleton_unit.end())
return iter->second;
// DWARF5 unit headers have the DWO ID and should have already been in the map
// so if it wasn't found in the above find() call, then we didn't find it and
// don't need to do the more expensive DWARF4 search.
if (dwo_unit->GetVersion() >= 5)
return nullptr;
// Parse all DWO IDs from all DWARF4 and earlier compile units that have DWO
// IDs. It is more expensive to get the DWO IDs from DWARF4 compile units as
// we need to parse the unit DIE and extract the DW_AT_dwo_id or
// DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id attribute values, so do this only if we didn't find our
// match above search and only for DWARF4 and earlier compile units.
llvm::call_once(m_dwarf4_dwo_id_to_skeleton_unit_once_flag, [this]() {
for (uint32_t i = 0, num = GetNumUnits(); i < num; ++i) {
if (DWARFUnit *unit = GetUnitAtIndex(i)) {
if (unit->GetVersion() < 5) {
if (std::optional<uint64_t> unit_dwo_id = unit->GetDWOId())
m_dwarf4_dwo_id_to_skeleton_unit[*unit_dwo_id] = unit;
// Search the DWARF4 DWO results that we parsed lazily.
iter = m_dwarf4_dwo_id_to_skeleton_unit.find(*dwo_id);
if (iter != m_dwarf4_dwo_id_to_skeleton_unit.end())
return iter->second;
return nullptr;
void DWARFDebugInfo::ParseUnitHeadersIfNeeded() {
llvm::call_once(m_units_once_flag, [&] {
llvm::sort(m_type_hash_to_unit_index, llvm::less_first());
size_t DWARFDebugInfo::GetNumUnits() {
return m_units.size();
DWARFUnit *DWARFDebugInfo::GetUnitAtIndex(size_t idx) {
DWARFUnit *cu = nullptr;
if (idx < GetNumUnits())
cu = m_units[idx].get();
return cu;
uint32_t DWARFDebugInfo::FindUnitIndex(DIERef::Section section,
dw_offset_t offset) {
// llvm::lower_bound is not used as for DIE offsets it would still return
// index +1 and GetOffset() returning index itself would be a special case.
auto pos = llvm::upper_bound(
m_units, std::make_pair(section, offset),
[](const std::pair<DIERef::Section, dw_offset_t> &lhs,
const DWARFUnitSP &rhs) {
return lhs < std::make_pair(rhs->GetDebugSection(), rhs->GetOffset());
uint32_t idx = std::distance(m_units.begin(), pos);
if (idx == 0)
return idx - 1;
DWARFUnit *DWARFDebugInfo::GetUnitAtOffset(DIERef::Section section,
dw_offset_t cu_offset,
uint32_t *idx_ptr) {
uint32_t idx = FindUnitIndex(section, cu_offset);
DWARFUnit *result = GetUnitAtIndex(idx);
if (result && result->GetOffset() != cu_offset) {
result = nullptr;
if (idx_ptr)
*idx_ptr = idx;
return result;
DWARFDebugInfo::GetUnitContainingDIEOffset(DIERef::Section section,
dw_offset_t die_offset) {
uint32_t idx = FindUnitIndex(section, die_offset);
DWARFUnit *result = GetUnitAtIndex(idx);
if (result && !result->ContainsDIEOffset(die_offset))
return nullptr;
return result;
DWARFTypeUnit *DWARFDebugInfo::GetTypeUnitForHash(uint64_t hash) {
auto pos = llvm::lower_bound(m_type_hash_to_unit_index,
std::make_pair(hash, 0u), llvm::less_first());
if (pos == m_type_hash_to_unit_index.end() || pos->first != hash)
return nullptr;
return llvm::cast<DWARFTypeUnit>(GetUnitAtIndex(pos->second));
bool DWARFDebugInfo::ContainsTypeUnits() {
return !m_type_hash_to_unit_index.empty();
// GetDIE()
// Get the DIE (Debug Information Entry) with the specified offset.
DWARFDebugInfo::GetDIE(DIERef::Section section, dw_offset_t die_offset) {
if (DWARFUnit *cu = GetUnitContainingDIEOffset(section, die_offset))
return cu->GetNonSkeletonUnit().GetDIE(die_offset);
return DWARFDIE(); // Not found