blob: d920ea9d823f4f6b9b58b20b70a39813f8aa541c [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- RegisterContextMinidump_x86_64.h ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "MinidumpTypes.h"
#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterInfoInterface.h"
#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/lldb-x86-register-enums.h"
#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
// C includes
// C++ includes
namespace lldb_private {
namespace minidump {
// This function receives an ArrayRef pointing to the bytes of the Minidump
// register context and returns a DataBuffer that's ordered by the offsets
// specified in the RegisterInfoInterface argument
// This way we can reuse the already existing register contexts
ConvertMinidumpContext_x86_64(llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> source_data,
RegisterInfoInterface *target_reg_interface);
struct Uint128 {
llvm::support::ulittle64_t high;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t low;
// Reference: see breakpad/crashpad source or WinNT.h
struct MinidumpXMMSaveArea32AMD64 {
llvm::support::ulittle16_t control_word;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t status_word;
uint8_t tag_word;
uint8_t reserved1;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t error_opcode;
llvm::support::ulittle32_t error_offset;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t error_selector;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t reserved2;
llvm::support::ulittle32_t data_offset;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t data_selector;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t reserved3;
llvm::support::ulittle32_t mx_csr;
llvm::support::ulittle32_t mx_csr_mask;
Uint128 float_registers[8];
Uint128 xmm_registers[16];
uint8_t reserved4[96];
struct MinidumpContext_x86_64 {
// Register parameter home addresses.
llvm::support::ulittle64_t p1_home;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t p2_home;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t p3_home;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t p4_home;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t p5_home;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t p6_home;
// The context_flags field determines which parts
// of the structure are populated (have valid values)
llvm::support::ulittle32_t context_flags;
llvm::support::ulittle32_t mx_csr;
// The next register is included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Control
llvm::support::ulittle16_t cs;
// The next 4 registers are included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Segments
llvm::support::ulittle16_t ds;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t es;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t fs;
llvm::support::ulittle16_t gs;
// The next 2 registers are included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Control
llvm::support::ulittle16_t ss;
llvm::support::ulittle32_t eflags;
// The next 6 registers are included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::DebugRegisters
llvm::support::ulittle64_t dr0;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t dr1;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t dr2;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t dr3;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t dr6;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t dr7;
// The next 4 registers are included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Integer
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rax;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rcx;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rdx;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rbx;
// The next register is included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Control
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rsp;
// The next 11 registers are included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Integer
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rbp;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rsi;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rdi;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t r8;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t r9;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t r10;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t r11;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t r12;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t r13;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t r14;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t r15;
// The next register is included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Control
llvm::support::ulittle64_t rip;
// The next set of registers are included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags:FloatingPoint
union FPR {
MinidumpXMMSaveArea32AMD64 flt_save;
struct {
Uint128 header[2];
Uint128 legacy[8];
Uint128 xmm[16];
} sse_registers;
enum {
VRCount = 26,
Uint128 vector_register[VRCount];
llvm::support::ulittle64_t vector_control;
// The next 5 registers are included with
// MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::DebugRegisters
llvm::support::ulittle64_t debug_control;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t last_branch_to_rip;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t last_branch_from_rip;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t last_exception_to_rip;
llvm::support::ulittle64_t last_exception_from_rip;
// For context_flags. These values indicate the type of
// context stored in the structure. The high 24 bits identify the CPU, the
// low 8 bits identify the type of context saved.
enum class MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags : uint32_t {
x86_64_Flag = 0x00100000,
Control = x86_64_Flag | 0x00000001,
Integer = x86_64_Flag | 0x00000002,
Segments = x86_64_Flag | 0x00000004,
FloatingPoint = x86_64_Flag | 0x00000008,
DebugRegisters = x86_64_Flag | 0x00000010,
XState = x86_64_Flag | 0x00000040,
Full = Control | Integer | FloatingPoint,
All = Full | Segments | DebugRegisters,
LLVM_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(/* LargestValue = */ All)
} // end namespace minidump
} // end namespace lldb_private