blob: 4179136cd8ea6f436e2e9ade9b1fd5fe5df789dd [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- IntelPTMultiCoreTrace.h ------------------------------- -*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef liblldb_IntelPTMultiCoreTrace_H_
#define liblldb_IntelPTMultiCoreTrace_H_
#include "IntelPTProcessTrace.h"
#include "IntelPTSingleBufferTrace.h"
#include "lldb/Host/common/NativeProcessProtocol.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/TraceIntelPTGDBRemotePackets.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
namespace lldb_private {
namespace process_linux {
class IntelPTMultiCoreTrace : public IntelPTProcessTrace {
using ContextSwitchTrace = PerfEvent;
/// Start tracing all CPU cores.
/// \param[in] request
/// Intel PT configuration parameters.
/// \param[in] process
/// The process being debugged.
/// \param[in] cgroup_fd
/// A file descriptor in /sys/fs associated with the cgroup of the process to
/// trace. If not \a std::nullopt, then the trace sesion will use cgroup
/// filtering.
/// \return
/// An \a IntelPTMultiCoreTrace instance if tracing was successful, or
/// an \a llvm::Error otherwise.
static llvm::Expected<std::unique_ptr<IntelPTMultiCoreTrace>>
StartOnAllCores(const TraceIntelPTStartRequest &request,
NativeProcessProtocol &process,
std::optional<int> cgroup_fd = std::nullopt);
/// Execute the provided callback on each core that is being traced.
/// \param[in] callback.cpu_id
/// The core id that is being traced.
/// \param[in] callback.core_trace
/// The single-buffer trace instance for the given core.
void ForEachCore(std::function<void(lldb::cpu_id_t cpu_id,
IntelPTSingleBufferTrace &core_trace)>
/// Execute the provided callback on each core that is being traced.
/// \param[in] callback.cpu_id
/// The core id that is being traced.
/// \param[in] callback.intelpt_trace
/// The single-buffer intel pt trace instance for the given core.
/// \param[in] callback.context_switch_trace
/// The perf event collecting context switches for the given core.
void ForEachCore(std::function<void(lldb::cpu_id_t cpu_id,
IntelPTSingleBufferTrace &intelpt_trace,
ContextSwitchTrace &context_switch_trace)>
void ProcessDidStop() override;
void ProcessWillResume() override;
TraceIntelPTGetStateResponse GetState() override;
bool TracesThread(lldb::tid_t tid) const override;
llvm::Error TraceStart(lldb::tid_t tid) override;
llvm::Error TraceStop(lldb::tid_t tid) override;
TryGetBinaryData(const TraceGetBinaryDataRequest &request) override;
/// This assumes that all underlying perf_events for each core are part of the
/// same perf event group.
std::pair<IntelPTSingleBufferTrace, ContextSwitchTrace>>
NativeProcessProtocol &process, bool using_cgroup_filtering)
: m_traces_per_core(std::move(traces_per_core)), m_process(process),
m_using_cgroup_filtering(using_cgroup_filtering) {}
std::pair<IntelPTSingleBufferTrace, ContextSwitchTrace>>
/// The target process.
NativeProcessProtocol &m_process;
bool m_using_cgroup_filtering;
} // namespace process_linux
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_IntelPTMultiCoreTrace_H_