blob: 5e86a738a3aef314e48ba98bed21f70aef1cd285 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- A template class for testing ato* functions -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/limits.h" // INT_MAX, INT_MIN, LLONG_MAX, LLONG_MIN
#include "src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h"
#include "test/UnitTest/Test.h"
using LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::is_same_v;
template <typename ReturnT>
struct AtoTest : public LIBC_NAMESPACE::testing::Test {
using FunctionT = ReturnT (*)(const char *);
void validNumbers(FunctionT func) {
const char *zero = "0";
ASSERT_EQ(func(zero), static_cast<ReturnT>(0));
const char *ten = "10";
ASSERT_EQ(func(ten), static_cast<ReturnT>(10));
const char *negative_hundred = "-100";
ASSERT_EQ(func(negative_hundred), static_cast<ReturnT>(-100));
const char *positive_thousand = "+1000";
ASSERT_EQ(func(positive_thousand), static_cast<ReturnT>(1000));
const char *spaces_before = " 12345";
ASSERT_EQ(func(spaces_before), static_cast<ReturnT>(12345));
const char *tabs_before = "\t\t\t\t67890";
ASSERT_EQ(func(tabs_before), static_cast<ReturnT>(67890));
const char *letters_after = "123abc";
ASSERT_EQ(func(letters_after), static_cast<ReturnT>(123));
const char *letters_between = "456def789";
ASSERT_EQ(func(letters_between), static_cast<ReturnT>(456));
const char *all_together = "\t 110 times 5 = 550";
ASSERT_EQ(func(all_together), static_cast<ReturnT>(110));
const char *biggest_int = "2147483647";
ASSERT_EQ(func(biggest_int), static_cast<ReturnT>(INT_MAX));
const char *smallest_int = "-2147483648";
ASSERT_EQ(func(smallest_int), static_cast<ReturnT>(INT_MIN));
if constexpr (sizeof(ReturnT) >= 8) {
const char *biggest_long_long = "9223372036854775807";
ASSERT_EQ(func(biggest_long_long), static_cast<ReturnT>(LLONG_MAX));
const char *smallest_long_long = "-9223372036854775808";
ASSERT_EQ(func(smallest_long_long), static_cast<ReturnT>(LLONG_MIN));
// If this is atoi and the size of int is less than the size of long, then
// we parse as long and cast to int to match existing behavior. This only
// matters for cases where the result would be outside of the int range, and
// those cases are undefined, so we can choose whatever output value we
// want. In this case we have chosen to cast since that matches existing
// implementations and makes differential fuzzing easier, but no user should
// rely on this behavior.
if constexpr (is_same_v<ReturnT, int> && sizeof(ReturnT) < sizeof(long)) {
static_assert(sizeof(int) == 4);
const char *bigger_than_biggest_int = "2147483649";
const char *smaller_than_smallest_int = "-2147483649";
void nonBaseTenWholeNumbers(FunctionT func) {
const char *hexadecimal = "0x10";
ASSERT_EQ(func(hexadecimal), static_cast<ReturnT>(0));
const char *octal = "010";
ASSERT_EQ(func(octal), static_cast<ReturnT>(10));
const char *decimal_point = "5.9";
ASSERT_EQ(func(decimal_point), static_cast<ReturnT>(5));
void notNumbers(FunctionT func) {
const char *ten_as_word = "ten";
ASSERT_EQ(func(ten_as_word), static_cast<ReturnT>(0));
const char *lots_of_letters =
ASSERT_EQ(func(lots_of_letters), static_cast<ReturnT>(0));
template <typename ReturnType>
AtoTest(ReturnType (*)(const char *)) -> AtoTest<ReturnType>;
#define ATOI_TEST(name, func) \
using LlvmLibc##name##Test = AtoTest<decltype(func(""))>; \
TEST_F(LlvmLibc##name##Test, ValidNumbers) { validNumbers(func); } \
TEST_F(LlvmLibc##name##Test, NonBaseTenWholeNumbers) { \
nonBaseTenWholeNumbers(func); \
} \
TEST_F(LlvmLibc##name##Test, NotNumbers) { notNumbers(func); }