blob: b3b03f763992a03d1f0c59139993cf7b0fafb46e [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Utility class to test different flavors of nextafter ----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "hdr/math_macros.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/bit.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h"
#include "src/__support/FPUtil/BasicOperations.h"
#include "src/__support/FPUtil/FPBits.h"
#include "test/UnitTest/FEnvSafeTest.h"
#include "test/UnitTest/FPMatcher.h"
#include "test/UnitTest/Test.h"
template <typename T>
class NextAfterTestTemplate : public LIBC_NAMESPACE::testing::FEnvSafeTest {
using FPBits = LIBC_NAMESPACE::fputil::FPBits<T>;
using StorageType = typename FPBits::StorageType;
const T inf = FPBits::inf(Sign::POS).get_val();
const T neg_inf = FPBits::inf(Sign::NEG).get_val();
const T zero = FPBits::zero(Sign::POS).get_val();
const T neg_zero = FPBits::zero(Sign::NEG).get_val();
const T nan = FPBits::quiet_nan().get_val();
const StorageType min_subnormal = FPBits::min_subnormal().uintval();
const StorageType max_subnormal = FPBits::max_subnormal().uintval();
const StorageType min_normal = FPBits::min_normal().uintval();
const StorageType max_normal = FPBits::max_normal().uintval();
typedef T (*NextAfterFunc)(T, T);
void testNaN(NextAfterFunc func) {
ASSERT_FP_EQ(func(nan, 0), nan);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(func(0, nan), nan);
void testBoundaries(NextAfterFunc func) {
ASSERT_FP_EQ(func(zero, neg_zero), neg_zero);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(func(neg_zero, zero), zero);
// 'from' is zero|neg_zero.
T x = zero;
T result = func(x, T(1));
StorageType expected_bits = 1;
T expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
result = func(x, T(-1));
expected_bits = FPBits::SIGN_MASK + 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
x = neg_zero;
result = func(x, 1);
expected_bits = 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
result = func(x, -1);
expected_bits = FPBits::SIGN_MASK + 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
// 'from' is max subnormal value.
x = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(max_subnormal);
result = func(x, 1);
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(min_normal);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
result = func(x, 0);
expected_bits = max_subnormal - 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
x = -x;
result = func(x, -1);
expected_bits = FPBits::SIGN_MASK + min_normal;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
result = func(x, 0);
expected_bits = FPBits::SIGN_MASK + max_subnormal - 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
// 'from' is min subnormal value.
x = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(min_subnormal);
result = func(x, 1);
expected_bits = min_subnormal + 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(func(x, 0), 0);
x = -x;
result = func(x, -1);
expected_bits = FPBits::SIGN_MASK + min_subnormal + 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(func(x, 0), T(-0.0));
// 'from' is min normal.
x = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(min_normal);
result = func(x, 0);
expected_bits = max_subnormal;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
result = func(x, inf);
expected_bits = min_normal + 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
x = -x;
result = func(x, 0);
expected_bits = FPBits::SIGN_MASK + max_subnormal;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
result = func(x, -inf);
expected_bits = FPBits::SIGN_MASK + min_normal + 1;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
// 'from' is max normal and 'to' is infinity.
x = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(max_normal);
result = func(x, inf);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, inf);
result = func(-x, -inf);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, -inf);
// 'from' is infinity.
x = inf;
result = func(x, 0);
expected_bits = max_normal;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(func(x, inf), inf);
x = neg_inf;
result = func(x, 0);
expected_bits = FPBits::SIGN_MASK + max_normal;
expected = LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::bit_cast<T>(expected_bits);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(result, expected);
ASSERT_FP_EQ(func(x, neg_inf), neg_inf);
// 'from' is a power of 2.
x = T(32.0);
result = func(x, 0);
FPBits x_bits = FPBits(x);
FPBits result_bits = FPBits(result);
uint16_t(x_bits.get_biased_exponent() - 1));
ASSERT_EQ(result_bits.get_mantissa(), FPBits::FRACTION_MASK);
result = func(x, T(33.0));
result_bits = FPBits(result);
ASSERT_EQ(result_bits.get_biased_exponent(), x_bits.get_biased_exponent());
x_bits.get_mantissa() + StorageType(1));
x = -x;
result = func(x, 0);
result_bits = FPBits(result);
uint16_t(x_bits.get_biased_exponent() - 1));
ASSERT_EQ(result_bits.get_mantissa(), FPBits::FRACTION_MASK);
result = func(x, T(-33.0));
result_bits = FPBits(result);
ASSERT_EQ(result_bits.get_biased_exponent(), x_bits.get_biased_exponent());
x_bits.get_mantissa() + StorageType(1));
#define LIST_NEXTAFTER_TESTS(T, func) \
using LlvmLibcNextAfterTest = NextAfterTestTemplate<T>; \
TEST_F(LlvmLibcNextAfterTest, TestNaN) { testNaN(&func); } \
TEST_F(LlvmLibcNextAfterTest, TestBoundaries) { testBoundaries(&func); }