blob: f840a92b1a5a2c833bcf1282bc73125eb0fb8c64 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Common header for fmod implementations ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/bit.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/limits.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h"
#include "src/__support/FPUtil/FEnvImpl.h"
#include "src/__support/FPUtil/FPBits.h"
#include "src/__support/macros/optimization.h" // LIBC_UNLIKELY
namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE {
namespace fputil {
namespace generic {
// Objective:
// The algorithm uses integer arithmetic (max uint64_t) for general case.
// Some common cases, like abs(x) < abs(y) or abs(x) < 1000 * abs(y) are
// treated specially to increase performance. The part of checking special
// cases, numbers NaN, INF etc. treated separately.
// Objective:
// 1) FMod definition (
// fmod = numer - tquot * denom, where tquot is the truncated
// (i.e., rounded towards zero) result of: numer/denom.
// 2) FMod with negative x and/or y can be trivially converted to fmod for
// positive x and y. Therefore the algorithm below works only with
// positive numbers.
// 3) All positive floating point numbers can be represented as m * 2^e,
// where "m" is positive integer and "e" is signed.
// 4) FMod function can be calculated in integer numbers (x > y):
// fmod = m_x * 2^e_x - tquot * m_y * 2^e_y
// = 2^e_y * (m_x * 2^(e_x - e^y) - tquot * m_y).
// All variables in parentheses are unsigned integers.
// Mathematical background:
// Input x,y in the algorithm is represented (mathematically) like m_x*2^e_x
// and m_y*2^e_y. This is an ambiguous number representation. For example:
// m * 2^e = (2 * m) * 2^(e-1)
// The algorithm uses the facts that
// r = a % b = (a % (N * b)) % b,
// (a * c) % (b * c) = (a % b) * c
// where N is positive integer number. a, b and c - positive. Let's adopt
// the formula for representation above.
// a = m_x * 2^e_x, b = m_y * 2^e_y, N = 2^k
// r(k) = a % b = (m_x * 2^e_x) % (2^k * m_y * 2^e_y)
// = 2^(e_y + k) * (m_x * 2^(e_x - e_y - k) % m_y)
// r(k) = m_r * 2^e_r = (m_x % m_y) * 2^(m_y + k)
// = (2^p * (m_x % m_y) * 2^(e_y + k - p))
// m_r = 2^p * (m_x % m_y), e_r = m_y + k - p
// Algorithm description:
// First, let write x = m_x * 2^e_x and y = m_y * 2^e_y with m_x, m_y, e_x, e_y
// are integers (m_x amd m_y positive).
// Then the naive implementation of the fmod function with a simple
// for/while loop:
// while (e_x > e_y) {
// m_x *= 2; --e_x; // m_x * 2^e_x == 2 * m_x * 2^(e_x - 1)
// m_x %= m_y;
// }
// On the other hand, the algorithm exploits the fact that m_x, m_y are the
// mantissas of floating point numbers, which use less bits than the storage
// integers: 24 / 32 for floats and 53 / 64 for doubles, so if in each step of
// the iteration, we can left shift m_x as many bits as the storage integer
// type can hold, the exponent reduction per step will be at least 32 - 24 = 8
// for floats and 64 - 53 = 11 for doubles (double example below):
// while (e_x > e_y) {
// m_x <<= 11; e_x -= 11; // m_x * 2^e_x == 2^11 * m_x * 2^(e_x - 11)
// m_x %= m_y;
// }
// Some extra improvements are done:
// 1) Shift m_y maximum to the right, which can significantly improve
// performance for small integer numbers (y = 3 for example).
// The m_x shift in the loop can be 62 instead of 11 for double.
// 2) For some architectures with very slow division, it can be better to
// calculate inverse value ones, and after do multiplication in the loop.
// 3) "likely" special cases are treated specially to improve performance.
// Simple example:
// The examples below use byte for simplicity.
// 1) Shift hy maximum to right without losing bits and increase iy value
// m_y = 0b00101100 e_y = 20 after shift m_y = 0b00001011 e_y = 22.
// 2) m_x = m_x % m_y.
// 3) Move m_x maximum to left. Note that after (m_x = m_x % m_y) CLZ in m_x
// is not lower than CLZ in m_y. m_x=0b00001001 e_x = 100, m_x=0b10010000,
// e_x = 100-4 = 96.
// 4) Repeat (2) until e_x == e_y.
// Complexity analysis (double):
// Converting x,y to (m_x,e_x),(m_y, e_y): CTZ/shift/AND/OR/if. Loop count:
// (m_x - m_y) / (64 - "length of m_y").
// max("length of m_y") = 53,
// max(e_x - e_y) = 2048
// Maximum operation is 186. For rare "unrealistic" cases.
// Special cases (double):
// Supposing that case where |y| > 1e-292 and |x/y|<2000 is very common
// special processing is implemented. No m_y alignment, no loop:
// result = (m_x * 2^(e_x - e_y)) % m_y.
// When x and y are both subnormal (rare case but...) the
// result = m_x % m_y.
// Simplified conversion back to double.
// Exceptional cases handler according to
// and POSIX standard described in Linux man
// C standard for the function is not full, so not by default (although it can
// be implemented in another handler.
// Signaling NaN converted to quiet NaN with FE_INVALID exception.
template <typename T> struct FModDivisionSimpleHelper {
LIBC_INLINE constexpr static T execute(int exp_diff, int sides_zeroes_count,
T m_x, T m_y) {
while (exp_diff > sides_zeroes_count) {
exp_diff -= sides_zeroes_count;
m_x <<= sides_zeroes_count;
m_x %= m_y;
m_x <<= exp_diff;
m_x %= m_y;
return m_x;
template <typename T> struct FModDivisionInvMultHelper {
LIBC_INLINE constexpr static T execute(int exp_diff, int sides_zeroes_count,
T m_x, T m_y) {
constexpr int LENGTH = sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT;
if (exp_diff > sides_zeroes_count) {
T inv_hy = (cpp::numeric_limits<T>::max() / m_y);
while (exp_diff > sides_zeroes_count) {
exp_diff -= sides_zeroes_count;
T hd = (m_x * inv_hy) >> (LENGTH - sides_zeroes_count);
m_x <<= sides_zeroes_count;
m_x -= hd * m_y;
while (LIBC_UNLIKELY(m_x > m_y))
m_x -= m_y;
T hd = (m_x * inv_hy) >> (LENGTH - exp_diff);
m_x <<= exp_diff;
m_x -= hd * m_y;
while (LIBC_UNLIKELY(m_x > m_y))
m_x -= m_y;
} else {
m_x <<= exp_diff;
m_x %= m_y;
return m_x;
template <typename T, typename U = typename FPBits<T>::StorageType,
typename DivisionHelper = FModDivisionSimpleHelper<U>>
class FMod {
static_assert(cpp::is_floating_point_v<T> && cpp::is_unsigned_v<U> &&
(sizeof(U) * CHAR_BIT > FPBits<T>::FRACTION_LEN),
"FMod instantiated with invalid type.");
using FPB = FPBits<T>;
using StorageType = typename FPB::StorageType;
LIBC_INLINE static bool pre_check(T x, T y, T &out) {
using FPB = fputil::FPBits<T>;
const T quiet_nan = FPB::quiet_nan().get_val();
FPB sx(x), sy(y);
if (LIBC_LIKELY(!sy.is_zero() && !sy.is_inf_or_nan() &&
return false;
if (sx.is_nan() || sy.is_nan()) {
if (sx.is_signaling_nan() || sy.is_signaling_nan())
out = quiet_nan;
return true;
if (sx.is_inf() || sy.is_zero()) {
out = quiet_nan;
return true;
out = x;
return true;
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr FPB eval_internal(FPB sx, FPB sy) {
if (LIBC_LIKELY(sx.uintval() <= sy.uintval())) {
if (sx.uintval() < sy.uintval())
return sx; // |x|<|y| return x
return FPB::zero(); // |x|=|y| return 0.0
int e_x = sx.get_biased_exponent();
int e_y = sy.get_biased_exponent();
// Most common case where |y| is "very normal" and |x/y| < 2^EXP_LEN
e_x - e_y <= int(FPB::EXP_LEN))) {
StorageType m_x = sx.get_explicit_mantissa();
StorageType m_y = sy.get_explicit_mantissa();
StorageType d = (e_x == e_y)
? (m_x - m_y)
: static_cast<StorageType>(m_x << (e_x - e_y)) % m_y;
if (d == 0)
return FPB::zero();
// iy - 1 because of "zero power" for number with power 1
return FPB::make_value(d, e_y - 1);
// Both subnormal special case.
if (LIBC_UNLIKELY(e_x == 0 && e_y == 0)) {
FPB d;
d.set_mantissa(sx.uintval() % sy.uintval());
return d;
// Note that hx is not subnormal by conditions above.
U m_x = static_cast<U>(sx.get_explicit_mantissa());
U m_y = static_cast<U>(sy.get_explicit_mantissa());
constexpr int DEFAULT_LEAD_ZEROS =
sizeof(U) * CHAR_BIT - FPB::FRACTION_LEN - 1;
int lead_zeros_m_y = DEFAULT_LEAD_ZEROS;
if (LIBC_LIKELY(e_y > 0)) {
} else {
m_y = static_cast<U>(sy.get_mantissa());
lead_zeros_m_y = cpp::countl_zero(m_y);
// Assume hy != 0
int tail_zeros_m_y = cpp::countr_zero(m_y);
int sides_zeroes_count = lead_zeros_m_y + tail_zeros_m_y;
// n > 0 by conditions above
int exp_diff = e_x - e_y;
// Shift hy right until the end or n = 0
int right_shift = exp_diff < tail_zeros_m_y ? exp_diff : tail_zeros_m_y;
m_y >>= right_shift;
exp_diff -= right_shift;
e_y += right_shift;
// Shift hx left until the end or n = 0
int left_shift =
m_x <<= left_shift;
exp_diff -= left_shift;
m_x %= m_y;
if (LIBC_UNLIKELY(m_x == 0))
return FPB::zero();
if (exp_diff == 0)
return FPB::make_value(static_cast<StorageType>(m_x), e_y);
// hx next can't be 0, because hx < hy, hy % 2 == 1 hx * 2^i % hy != 0
m_x = DivisionHelper::execute(exp_diff, sides_zeroes_count, m_x, m_y);
return FPB::make_value(static_cast<StorageType>(m_x), e_y);
LIBC_INLINE static T eval(T x, T y) {
if (T out; LIBC_UNLIKELY(pre_check(x, y, out)))
return out;
FPB sx(x), sy(y);
Sign sign = sx.sign();
FPB result = eval_internal(sx, sy);
return result.get_val();
} // namespace generic
} // namespace fputil
} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE