blob: ab050360c353b0596e1fcaf05c01e41ce9a3a96e [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Abstract class for bit manipulation of float numbers. ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/bit.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h"
#include "src/__support/common.h"
#include "src/__support/libc_assert.h" // LIBC_ASSERT
#include "src/__support/macros/attributes.h" // LIBC_INLINE, LIBC_INLINE_VAR
#include "src/__support/macros/properties/types.h" // LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128
#include "src/__support/math_extras.h" // mask_trailing_ones
#include "src/__support/sign.h" // Sign
#include "src/__support/uint128.h"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE {
namespace fputil {
// The supported floating point types.
enum class FPType {
// The classes hierarchy is as follows:
// ┌───────────────────┐
// │ FPLayout<FPType> │
// └─────────▲─────────┘
// │
// ┌─────────┴─────────┐
// │ FPStorage<FPType> │
// └─────────▲─────────┘
// │
// ┌────────────┴─────────────┐
// │ │
// ┌────────┴─────────┐ ┌──────────────┴──────────────────┐
// │ FPRepSem<FPType> │ │ FPRepSem<FPType::X86_Binary80 │
// └────────▲─────────┘ └──────────────▲──────────────────┘
// │ │
// └────────────┬─────────────┘
// │
// ┌───────┴───────┐
// │ FPRepImpl<T> │
// └───────▲───────┘
// │
// ┌────────┴────────┐
// ┌─────┴─────┐ ┌─────┴─────┐
// │ FPRep<T> │ │ FPBits<T> │
// └───────────┘ └───────────┘
// - 'FPLayout' defines only a few constants, namely the 'StorageType' and
// length of the sign, the exponent, fraction and significand parts.
// - 'FPStorage' builds more constants on top of those from 'FPLayout' like
// exponent bias and masks. It also holds the bit representation of the
// floating point as a 'StorageType' type and defines tools to assemble or
// test these parts.
// - 'FPRepSem' defines functions to interact semantically with the floating
// point representation. The default implementation is the one for 'IEEE754',
// a specialization is provided for X86 Extended Precision.
// - 'FPRepImpl' derives from 'FPRepSem' and adds functions that are common to
// all implementations or build on the ones in 'FPRepSem'.
// - 'FPRep' exposes all functions from 'FPRepImpl' and returns 'FPRep'
// instances when using Builders (static functions to create values).
// - 'FPBits' exposes all the functions from 'FPRepImpl' but operates on the
// native C++ floating point type instead of 'FPType'. An additional 'get_val'
// function allows getting the C++ floating point type value back. Builders
// called from 'FPBits' return 'FPBits' instances.
namespace internal {
// Defines the layout (sign, exponent, significand) of a floating point type in
// memory. It also defines its associated StorageType, i.e., the unsigned
// integer type used to manipulate its representation.
// Additionally we provide the fractional part length, i.e., the number of bits
// after the decimal dot when the number is in normal form.
template <FPType> struct FPLayout {};
template <> struct FPLayout<FPType::IEEE754_Binary16> {
using StorageType = uint16_t;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIGN_LEN = 1;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int EXP_LEN = 5;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIG_LEN = 10;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int FRACTION_LEN = SIG_LEN;
template <> struct FPLayout<FPType::IEEE754_Binary32> {
using StorageType = uint32_t;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIGN_LEN = 1;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int EXP_LEN = 8;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIG_LEN = 23;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int FRACTION_LEN = SIG_LEN;
template <> struct FPLayout<FPType::IEEE754_Binary64> {
using StorageType = uint64_t;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIGN_LEN = 1;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int EXP_LEN = 11;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIG_LEN = 52;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int FRACTION_LEN = SIG_LEN;
template <> struct FPLayout<FPType::IEEE754_Binary128> {
using StorageType = UInt128;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIGN_LEN = 1;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int EXP_LEN = 15;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIG_LEN = 112;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int FRACTION_LEN = SIG_LEN;
template <> struct FPLayout<FPType::X86_Binary80> {
using StorageType = UInt128;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIGN_LEN = 1;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int EXP_LEN = 15;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int SIG_LEN = 64;
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int FRACTION_LEN = SIG_LEN - 1;
// FPStorage derives useful constants from the FPLayout above.
template <FPType fp_type> struct FPStorage : public FPLayout<fp_type> {
using UP = FPLayout<fp_type>;
using UP::EXP_LEN; // The number of bits for the *exponent* part
using UP::SIG_LEN; // The number of bits for the *significand* part
using UP::SIGN_LEN; // The number of bits for the *sign* part
// For convenience, the sum of `SIG_LEN`, `EXP_LEN`, and `SIGN_LEN`.
// The number of bits after the decimal dot when the number is in normal form.
// An unsigned integer that is wide enough to contain all of the floating
// point bits.
using StorageType = typename UP::StorageType;
// The number of bits in StorageType.
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int STORAGE_LEN =
sizeof(StorageType) * CHAR_BIT;
static_assert(STORAGE_LEN >= TOTAL_LEN);
// The exponent bias. Always positive.
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr int32_t EXP_BIAS =
(1U << (EXP_LEN - 1U)) - 1U;
static_assert(EXP_BIAS > 0);
// The bit pattern that keeps only the *significand* part.
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr StorageType SIG_MASK =
mask_trailing_ones<StorageType, SIG_LEN>();
// The bit pattern that keeps only the *exponent* part.
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr StorageType EXP_MASK =
mask_trailing_ones<StorageType, EXP_LEN>() << SIG_LEN;
// The bit pattern that keeps only the *sign* part.
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr StorageType SIGN_MASK =
mask_trailing_ones<StorageType, SIGN_LEN>() << (EXP_LEN + SIG_LEN);
// The bit pattern that keeps only the *exponent + significand* part.
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr StorageType EXP_SIG_MASK =
mask_trailing_ones<StorageType, EXP_LEN + SIG_LEN>();
// The bit pattern that keeps only the *sign + exponent + significand* part.
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr StorageType FP_MASK =
mask_trailing_ones<StorageType, TOTAL_LEN>();
// The bit pattern that keeps only the *fraction* part.
// i.e., the *significand* without the leading one.
LIBC_INLINE_VAR static constexpr StorageType FRACTION_MASK =
mask_trailing_ones<StorageType, FRACTION_LEN>();
static_assert((SIG_MASK & EXP_MASK & SIGN_MASK) == 0, "masks disjoint");
static_assert((SIG_MASK | EXP_MASK | SIGN_MASK) == FP_MASK, "masks cover");
// Merge bits from 'a' and 'b' values according to 'mask'.
// Use 'a' bits when corresponding 'mask' bits are zeroes and 'b' bits when
// corresponding bits are ones.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr StorageType merge(StorageType a, StorageType b,
StorageType mask) {
return a ^ ((a ^ b) & mask);
// A stongly typed integer that prevents mixing and matching integers with
// different semantics.
template <typename T> struct TypedInt {
using value_type = T;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr explicit TypedInt(T value) : value(value) {}
LIBC_INLINE constexpr TypedInt(const TypedInt &value) = default;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr TypedInt &operator=(const TypedInt &value) = default;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr explicit operator T() const { return value; }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr StorageType to_storage_type() const {
return StorageType(value);
LIBC_INLINE friend constexpr bool operator==(TypedInt a, TypedInt b) {
return a.value == b.value;
LIBC_INLINE friend constexpr bool operator!=(TypedInt a, TypedInt b) {
return a.value != b.value;
T value;
// An opaque type to store a floating point exponent.
// We define special values but it is valid to create arbitrary values as long
// as they are in the range [min, max].
struct Exponent : public TypedInt<int32_t> {
using UP = TypedInt<int32_t>;
using UP::UP;
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto subnormal() {
return Exponent(-EXP_BIAS);
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto min() { return Exponent(1 - EXP_BIAS); }
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto zero() { return Exponent(0); }
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto max() { return Exponent(EXP_BIAS); }
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto inf() { return Exponent(EXP_BIAS + 1); }
// An opaque type to store a floating point biased exponent.
// We define special values but it is valid to create arbitrary values as long
// as they are in the range [zero, bits_all_ones].
// Values greater than bits_all_ones are truncated.
struct BiasedExponent : public TypedInt<uint32_t> {
using UP = TypedInt<uint32_t>;
using UP::UP;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BiasedExponent(Exponent exp)
: UP(static_cast<int32_t>(exp) + EXP_BIAS) {}
// Cast operator to get convert from BiasedExponent to Exponent.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr operator Exponent() const {
return Exponent(UP::value - EXP_BIAS);
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BiasedExponent &operator++() {
LIBC_ASSERT(*this != BiasedExponent(Exponent::inf()));
return *this;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BiasedExponent &operator--() {
LIBC_ASSERT(*this != BiasedExponent(Exponent::subnormal()));
return *this;
// An opaque type to store a floating point significand.
// We define special values but it is valid to create arbitrary values as long
// as they are in the range [zero, bits_all_ones].
// Note that the semantics of the Significand are implementation dependent.
// Values greater than bits_all_ones are truncated.
struct Significand : public TypedInt<StorageType> {
using UP = TypedInt<StorageType>;
using UP::UP;
LIBC_INLINE friend constexpr Significand operator|(const Significand a,
const Significand b) {
return Significand(
StorageType(a.to_storage_type() | b.to_storage_type()));
LIBC_INLINE friend constexpr Significand operator^(const Significand a,
const Significand b) {
return Significand(
StorageType(a.to_storage_type() ^ b.to_storage_type()));
LIBC_INLINE friend constexpr Significand operator>>(const Significand a,
int shift) {
return Significand(StorageType(a.to_storage_type() >> shift));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto zero() {
return Significand(StorageType(0));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto lsb() {
return Significand(StorageType(1));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto msb() {
return Significand(StorageType(1) << (SIG_LEN - 1));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr auto bits_all_ones() {
return Significand(SIG_MASK);
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr StorageType encode(BiasedExponent exp) {
return (exp.to_storage_type() << SIG_LEN) & EXP_MASK;
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr StorageType encode(Significand value) {
return value.to_storage_type() & SIG_MASK;
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr StorageType encode(BiasedExponent exp,
Significand sig) {
return encode(exp) | encode(sig);
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr StorageType encode(Sign sign, BiasedExponent exp,
Significand sig) {
if (sign.is_neg())
return SIGN_MASK | encode(exp, sig);
return encode(exp, sig);
// The floating point number representation as an unsigned integer.
StorageType bits{};
LIBC_INLINE constexpr FPStorage() : bits(0) {}
LIBC_INLINE constexpr FPStorage(StorageType value) : bits(value) {}
// Observers
LIBC_INLINE constexpr StorageType exp_bits() const { return bits & EXP_MASK; }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr StorageType sig_bits() const { return bits & SIG_MASK; }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr StorageType exp_sig_bits() const {
return bits & EXP_SIG_MASK;
// Parts
LIBC_INLINE constexpr BiasedExponent biased_exponent() const {
return BiasedExponent(static_cast<uint32_t>(exp_bits() >> SIG_LEN));
LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_biased_exponent(BiasedExponent biased) {
bits = merge(bits, encode(biased), EXP_MASK);
LIBC_INLINE constexpr Sign sign() const {
return (bits & SIGN_MASK) ? Sign::NEG : Sign::POS;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_sign(Sign signVal) {
if (sign() != signVal)
bits ^= SIGN_MASK;
// This layer defines all functions that are specific to how the the floating
// point type is encoded. It enables constructions, modification and observation
// of values manipulated as 'StorageType'.
template <FPType fp_type, typename RetT>
struct FPRepSem : public FPStorage<fp_type> {
using UP = FPStorage<fp_type>;
using typename UP::StorageType;
using typename UP::Exponent;
using typename UP::Significand;
using UP::bits;
using UP::encode;
using UP::exp_bits;
using UP::exp_sig_bits;
using UP::sig_bits;
using UP::UP;
// Builders
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT zero(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::subnormal(), Significand::zero()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT one(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::zero(), Significand::zero()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT min_subnormal(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::subnormal(), Significand::lsb()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT max_subnormal(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(
encode(sign, Exponent::subnormal(), Significand::bits_all_ones()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT min_normal(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::min(), Significand::zero()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT max_normal(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::max(), Significand::bits_all_ones()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT inf(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::inf(), Significand::zero()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT signaling_nan(Sign sign = Sign::POS,
StorageType v = 0) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::inf(),
(v ? Significand(v) : (Significand::msb() >> 1))));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT quiet_nan(Sign sign = Sign::POS,
StorageType v = 0) {
return RetT(
encode(sign, Exponent::inf(), Significand::msb() | Significand(v)));
// Observers
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_zero() const { return exp_sig_bits() == 0; }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_nan() const {
return exp_sig_bits() > encode(Exponent::inf(), Significand::zero());
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_quiet_nan() const {
return exp_sig_bits() >= encode(Exponent::inf(), Significand::msb());
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_signaling_nan() const {
return is_nan() && !is_quiet_nan();
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_inf() const {
return exp_sig_bits() == encode(Exponent::inf(), Significand::zero());
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_finite() const {
return exp_bits() != encode(Exponent::inf());
constexpr bool is_subnormal() const {
return exp_bits() == encode(Exponent::subnormal());
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_normal() const {
return is_finite() && !is_subnormal();
LIBC_INLINE constexpr RetT next_toward_inf() const {
if (is_finite())
return RetT(bits + StorageType(1));
return RetT(bits);
// Returns the mantissa with the implicit bit set iff the current
// value is a valid normal number.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr StorageType get_explicit_mantissa() const {
if (is_subnormal())
return sig_bits();
return (StorageType(1) << UP::SIG_LEN) | sig_bits();
// Specialization for the X86 Extended Precision type.
template <typename RetT>
struct FPRepSem<FPType::X86_Binary80, RetT>
: public FPStorage<FPType::X86_Binary80> {
using UP = FPStorage<FPType::X86_Binary80>;
using typename UP::StorageType;
// The x86 80 bit float represents the leading digit of the mantissa
// explicitly. This is the mask for that bit.
static constexpr StorageType EXPLICIT_BIT_MASK = StorageType(1)
// The X80 significand is made of an explicit bit and the fractional part.
static_assert((EXPLICIT_BIT_MASK & FRACTION_MASK) == 0,
"the explicit bit and the fractional part should not overlap");
"the explicit bit and the fractional part should cover the "
"whole significand");
using typename UP::Exponent;
using typename UP::Significand;
using UP::encode;
using UP::UP;
// Builders
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT zero(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::subnormal(), Significand::zero()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT one(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::zero(), Significand::msb()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT min_subnormal(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::subnormal(), Significand::lsb()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT max_subnormal(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::subnormal(),
Significand::bits_all_ones() ^ Significand::msb()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT min_normal(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::min(), Significand::msb()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT max_normal(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::max(), Significand::bits_all_ones()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT inf(Sign sign = Sign::POS) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::inf(), Significand::msb()));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT signaling_nan(Sign sign = Sign::POS,
StorageType v = 0) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::inf(),
Significand::msb() |
(v ? Significand(v) : (Significand::msb() >> 2))));
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT quiet_nan(Sign sign = Sign::POS,
StorageType v = 0) {
return RetT(encode(sign, Exponent::inf(),
Significand::msb() | (Significand::msb() >> 1) |
// Observers
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_zero() const { return exp_sig_bits() == 0; }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_nan() const {
// Most encoding forms from the table found in
// are interpreted as NaN.
// More precisely :
// - Pseudo-Infinity
// - Pseudo Not a Number
// - Signalling Not a Number
// - Floating-point Indefinite
// - Quiet Not a Number
// - Unnormal
// This can be reduced to the following logic:
if (exp_bits() == encode(Exponent::inf()))
return !is_inf();
if (exp_bits() != encode(Exponent::subnormal()))
return (sig_bits() & encode(Significand::msb())) == 0;
return false;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_quiet_nan() const {
return exp_sig_bits() >=
Significand::msb() | (Significand::msb() >> 1));
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_signaling_nan() const {
return is_nan() && !is_quiet_nan();
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_inf() const {
return exp_sig_bits() == encode(Exponent::inf(), Significand::msb());
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_finite() const {
return !is_inf() && !is_nan();
constexpr bool is_subnormal() const {
return exp_bits() == encode(Exponent::subnormal());
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_normal() const {
const auto exp = exp_bits();
if (exp == encode(Exponent::subnormal()) || exp == encode(Exponent::inf()))
return false;
return get_implicit_bit();
LIBC_INLINE constexpr RetT next_toward_inf() const {
if (is_finite()) {
if (exp_sig_bits() == max_normal().uintval()) {
return inf(sign());
} else if (exp_sig_bits() == max_subnormal().uintval()) {
return min_normal(sign());
} else if (sig_bits() == SIG_MASK) {
return RetT(encode(sign(), ++biased_exponent(), Significand::zero()));
} else {
return RetT(bits + StorageType(1));
return RetT(bits);
LIBC_INLINE constexpr StorageType get_explicit_mantissa() const {
return sig_bits();
// This functions is specific to FPRepSem<FPType::X86_Binary80>.
// TODO: Remove if possible.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool get_implicit_bit() const {
return static_cast<bool>(bits & EXPLICIT_BIT_MASK);
// This functions is specific to FPRepSem<FPType::X86_Binary80>.
// TODO: Remove if possible.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_implicit_bit(bool implicitVal) {
if (get_implicit_bit() != implicitVal)
// 'FPRepImpl' is the bottom of the class hierarchy that only deals with
// 'FPType'. The operations dealing with specific float semantics are
// implemented by 'FPRepSem' above and specialized when needed.
// The 'RetT' type is being propagated up to 'FPRepSem' so that the functions
// creating new values (Builders) can return the appropriate type. That is, when
// creating a value through 'FPBits' below the builder will return an 'FPBits'
// value.
// FPBits<float>::zero(); // returns an FPBits<>
// When we don't care about specific C++ floating point type we can use
// 'FPRep' and specify the 'FPType' directly.
// FPRep<FPType::IEEE754_Binary32:>::zero() // returns an FPRep<>
template <FPType fp_type, typename RetT>
struct FPRepImpl : public FPRepSem<fp_type, RetT> {
using UP = FPRepSem<fp_type, RetT>;
using StorageType = typename UP::StorageType;
using UP::bits;
using UP::encode;
using UP::exp_bits;
using UP::exp_sig_bits;
using typename UP::BiasedExponent;
using typename UP::Exponent;
using typename UP::Significand;
using UP::FP_MASK;
// Constants.
using UP::EXP_BIAS;
using UP::EXP_MASK;
using UP::SIG_LEN;
using UP::SIG_MASK;
using UP::SIGN_MASK;
(1 << UP::EXP_LEN) - 1;
// CTors
LIBC_INLINE constexpr FPRepImpl() = default;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr explicit FPRepImpl(StorageType x) : UP(x) {}
// Comparison
LIBC_INLINE constexpr friend bool operator==(FPRepImpl a, FPRepImpl b) {
return a.uintval() == b.uintval();
LIBC_INLINE constexpr friend bool operator!=(FPRepImpl a, FPRepImpl b) {
return a.uintval() != b.uintval();
// Representation
LIBC_INLINE constexpr StorageType uintval() const { return bits & FP_MASK; }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_uintval(StorageType value) {
bits = (value & FP_MASK);
// Builders
using UP::inf;
using UP::max_normal;
using UP::max_subnormal;
using UP::min_normal;
using UP::min_subnormal;
using UP::one;
using UP::quiet_nan;
using UP::signaling_nan;
using UP::zero;
// Modifiers
LIBC_INLINE constexpr RetT abs() const {
return RetT(bits & UP::EXP_SIG_MASK);
// Observers
using UP::get_explicit_mantissa;
using UP::is_finite;
using UP::is_inf;
using UP::is_nan;
using UP::is_normal;
using UP::is_quiet_nan;
using UP::is_signaling_nan;
using UP::is_subnormal;
using UP::is_zero;
using UP::next_toward_inf;
using UP::sign;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_inf_or_nan() const { return !is_finite(); }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_neg() const { return sign().is_neg(); }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_pos() const { return sign().is_pos(); }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr uint16_t get_biased_exponent() const {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(UP::biased_exponent()));
LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_biased_exponent(StorageType biased) {
LIBC_INLINE constexpr int get_exponent() const {
return static_cast<int32_t>(Exponent(UP::biased_exponent()));
// If the number is subnormal, the exponent is treated as if it were the
// minimum exponent for a normal number. This is to keep continuity between
// the normal and subnormal ranges, but it causes problems for functions where
// values are calculated from the exponent, since just subtracting the bias
// will give a slightly incorrect result. Additionally, zero has an exponent
// of zero, and that should actually be treated as zero.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr int get_explicit_exponent() const {
Exponent exponent(UP::biased_exponent());
if (is_zero())
exponent = Exponent::zero();
if (exponent == Exponent::subnormal())
exponent = Exponent::min();
return static_cast<int32_t>(exponent);
LIBC_INLINE constexpr StorageType get_mantissa() const {
return bits & FRACTION_MASK;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_mantissa(StorageType mantVal) {
bits = UP::merge(bits, mantVal, FRACTION_MASK);
LIBC_INLINE constexpr void set_significand(StorageType sigVal) {
bits = UP::merge(bits, sigVal, SIG_MASK);
// Unsafe function to create a floating point representation.
// It simply packs the sign, biased exponent and mantissa values without
// checking bound nor normalization.
// WARNING: For X86 Extended Precision, implicit bit needs to be set correctly
// in the 'mantissa' by the caller. This function will not check for its
// validity.
// FIXME: Use an uint32_t for 'biased_exp'.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT
create_value(Sign sign, StorageType biased_exp, StorageType mantissa) {
return RetT(encode(sign, BiasedExponent(static_cast<uint32_t>(biased_exp)),
// The function converts integer number and unbiased exponent to proper
// float T type:
// Result = number * 2^(ep+1 - exponent_bias)
// Be careful!
// 1) "ep" is the raw exponent value.
// 2) The function adds +1 to ep for seamless normalized to denormalized
// transition.
// 3) The function does not check exponent high limit.
// 4) "number" zero value is not processed correctly.
// 5) Number is unsigned, so the result can be only positive.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr RetT make_value(StorageType number, int ep) {
FPRepImpl result(0);
int lz =
UP::FRACTION_LEN + 1 - (UP::STORAGE_LEN - cpp::countl_zero(number));
number <<= lz;
ep -= lz;
if (LIBC_LIKELY(ep >= 0)) {
// Implicit number bit will be removed by mask
result.set_biased_exponent(ep + 1);
} else {
result.set_significand(number >> -ep);
return RetT(result.uintval());
// A generic class to manipulate floating point formats.
// It derives its functionality to FPRepImpl above.
template <FPType fp_type>
struct FPRep : public FPRepImpl<fp_type, FPRep<fp_type>> {
using UP = FPRepImpl<fp_type, FPRep<fp_type>>;
using StorageType = typename UP::StorageType;
using UP::UP;
LIBC_INLINE constexpr explicit operator StorageType() const {
return UP::uintval();
} // namespace internal
// Returns the FPType corresponding to C++ type T on the host.
template <typename T> LIBC_INLINE static constexpr FPType get_fp_type() {
using UnqualT = cpp::remove_cv_t<T>;
if constexpr (cpp::is_same_v<UnqualT, float> && __FLT_MANT_DIG__ == 24)
return FPType::IEEE754_Binary32;
else if constexpr (cpp::is_same_v<UnqualT, double> && __DBL_MANT_DIG__ == 53)
return FPType::IEEE754_Binary64;
else if constexpr (cpp::is_same_v<UnqualT, long double>) {
if constexpr (__LDBL_MANT_DIG__ == 53)
return FPType::IEEE754_Binary64;
else if constexpr (__LDBL_MANT_DIG__ == 64)
return FPType::X86_Binary80;
else if constexpr (__LDBL_MANT_DIG__ == 113)
return FPType::IEEE754_Binary128;
#if defined(LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16)
else if constexpr (cpp::is_same_v<UnqualT, float16>)
return FPType::IEEE754_Binary16;
#if defined(LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128)
else if constexpr (cpp::is_same_v<UnqualT, float128>)
return FPType::IEEE754_Binary128;
static_assert(cpp::always_false<UnqualT>, "Unsupported type");
// A generic class to manipulate C++ floating point formats.
// It derives its functionality to FPRepImpl above.
template <typename T>
struct FPBits final : public internal::FPRepImpl<get_fp_type<T>(), FPBits<T>> {
"FPBits instantiated with invalid type.");
using UP = internal::FPRepImpl<get_fp_type<T>(), FPBits<T>>;
using StorageType = typename UP::StorageType;
// Constructors.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr FPBits() = default;
template <typename XType> LIBC_INLINE constexpr explicit FPBits(XType x) {
using Unqual = typename cpp::remove_cv_t<XType>;
if constexpr (cpp::is_same_v<Unqual, T>) {
UP::bits = cpp::bit_cast<StorageType>(x);
} else if constexpr (cpp::is_same_v<Unqual, StorageType>) {
UP::bits = x;
} else {
// We don't want accidental type promotions/conversions, so we require
// exact type match.
// Floating-point conversions.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr T get_val() const { return cpp::bit_cast<T>(UP::bits); }
} // namespace fputil
} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE