blob: d9f08b1e7efe830ebab500dd10ea0cf4ec101a00 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "../CtxInstrProfiling.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <thread>
using namespace __ctx_profile;
class ContextTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override { memset(&Root, 0, sizeof(ContextRoot)); }
void TearDown() override { __llvm_ctx_profile_free(); }
ContextRoot Root;
TEST(ArenaTest, ZeroInit) {
char Buffer[1024];
memset(Buffer, 1, 1024);
Arena *A = new (Buffer) Arena(10);
for (auto I = 0U; I < A->size(); ++I)
EXPECT_EQ(A->pos()[I], static_cast<char>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(A->size(), 10U);
TEST(ArenaTest, Basic) {
Arena *A = Arena::allocateNewArena(1024);
EXPECT_EQ(A->size(), 1024U);
EXPECT_EQ(A->next(), nullptr);
auto *M1 = A->tryBumpAllocate(1020);
EXPECT_NE(M1, nullptr);
auto *M2 = A->tryBumpAllocate(4);
EXPECT_NE(M2, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(M1 + 1020, M2);
EXPECT_EQ(A->tryBumpAllocate(1), nullptr);
Arena *A2 = Arena::allocateNewArena(2024, A);
EXPECT_EQ(A->next(), A2);
EXPECT_EQ(A2->next(), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(A, nullptr);
TEST_F(ContextTest, Basic) {
auto *Ctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_start_context(&Root, 1, 10, 4);
ASSERT_NE(Ctx, nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(Root.CurrentMem, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(Root.FirstMemBlock, Root.CurrentMem);
EXPECT_EQ(Ctx->size(), sizeof(ContextNode) + 10 * sizeof(uint64_t) +
4 * sizeof(ContextNode *));
EXPECT_EQ(Ctx->counters_size(), 10U);
EXPECT_EQ(Ctx->callsites_size(), 4U);
EXPECT_EQ(__llvm_ctx_profile_current_context_root, &Root);
EXPECT_EQ(__llvm_ctx_profile_current_context_root, nullptr);
TEST_F(ContextTest, Callsite) {
auto *Ctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_start_context(&Root, 1, 10, 4);
int FakeCalleeAddress = 0;
const bool IsScratch = isScratch(Ctx);
// This is the sequence the caller performs - it's the lowering of the
// instrumentation of the callsite "2". "2" is arbitrary here.
__llvm_ctx_profile_expected_callee[0] = &FakeCalleeAddress;
__llvm_ctx_profile_callsite[0] = &Ctx->subContexts()[2];
// This is what the callee does
auto *Subctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_get_context(&FakeCalleeAddress, 2, 3, 1);
// We expect the subcontext to be appropriately placed and dimensioned
EXPECT_EQ(Ctx->subContexts()[2], Subctx);
EXPECT_EQ(Subctx->counters_size(), 3U);
EXPECT_EQ(Subctx->callsites_size(), 1U);
// We reset these in _get_context.
EXPECT_EQ(__llvm_ctx_profile_expected_callee[0], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(__llvm_ctx_profile_callsite[0], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(Subctx->size(), sizeof(ContextNode) + 3 * sizeof(uint64_t) +
1 * sizeof(ContextNode *));
TEST_F(ContextTest, ScratchNoCollection) {
EXPECT_EQ(__llvm_ctx_profile_current_context_root, nullptr);
int FakeCalleeAddress = 0;
// this would be the very first function executing this. the TLS is empty,
// too.
auto *Ctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_get_context(&FakeCalleeAddress, 2, 3, 1);
// We never entered a context (_start_context was never called) - so the
// returned context must be scratch.
TEST_F(ContextTest, ScratchDuringCollection) {
auto *Ctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_start_context(&Root, 1, 10, 4);
int FakeCalleeAddress = 0;
int OtherFakeCalleeAddress = 0;
__llvm_ctx_profile_expected_callee[0] = &FakeCalleeAddress;
__llvm_ctx_profile_callsite[0] = &Ctx->subContexts()[2];
auto *Subctx =
__llvm_ctx_profile_get_context(&OtherFakeCalleeAddress, 2, 3, 1);
// We expected a different callee - so return scratch. It mimics what happens
// in the case of a signal handler - in this case, OtherFakeCalleeAddress is
// the signal handler.
EXPECT_EQ(__llvm_ctx_profile_expected_callee[0], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(__llvm_ctx_profile_callsite[0], nullptr);
int ThirdFakeCalleeAddress = 0;
__llvm_ctx_profile_expected_callee[1] = &ThirdFakeCalleeAddress;
__llvm_ctx_profile_callsite[1] = &Subctx->subContexts()[0];
auto *Subctx2 =
__llvm_ctx_profile_get_context(&ThirdFakeCalleeAddress, 3, 0, 0);
// We again expect scratch because the '0' position is where the runtime
// looks, so it doesn't matter the '1' position is populated correctly.
__llvm_ctx_profile_expected_callee[0] = &ThirdFakeCalleeAddress;
__llvm_ctx_profile_callsite[0] = &Subctx->subContexts()[0];
auto *Subctx3 =
__llvm_ctx_profile_get_context(&ThirdFakeCalleeAddress, 3, 0, 0);
// We expect scratch here, too, because the value placed in
// __llvm_ctx_profile_callsite is scratch
TEST_F(ContextTest, NeedMoreMemory) {
auto *Ctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_start_context(&Root, 1, 10, 4);
int FakeCalleeAddress = 0;
const bool IsScratch = isScratch(Ctx);
const auto *CurrentMem = Root.CurrentMem;
__llvm_ctx_profile_expected_callee[0] = &FakeCalleeAddress;
__llvm_ctx_profile_callsite[0] = &Ctx->subContexts()[2];
// Allocate a massive subcontext to force new arena allocation
auto *Subctx =
__llvm_ctx_profile_get_context(&FakeCalleeAddress, 3, 1 << 20, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(Ctx->subContexts()[2], Subctx);
EXPECT_NE(CurrentMem, Root.CurrentMem);
EXPECT_NE(Root.CurrentMem, nullptr);
TEST_F(ContextTest, ConcurrentRootCollection) {
std::atomic<int> NonScratch = 0;
std::atomic<int> Executions = 0;
__sanitizer::Semaphore GotCtx;
auto Entrypoint = [&]() {
auto *Ctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_start_context(&Root, 1, 10, 4);
const bool IS = isScratch(Ctx);
NonScratch += (!IS);
if (!IS) {
std::thread T1(Entrypoint);
std::thread T2(Entrypoint);
EXPECT_EQ(NonScratch, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(Executions, 2);
TEST_F(ContextTest, Dump) {
auto *Ctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_start_context(&Root, 1, 10, 4);
int FakeCalleeAddress = 0;
__llvm_ctx_profile_expected_callee[0] = &FakeCalleeAddress;
__llvm_ctx_profile_callsite[0] = &Ctx->subContexts()[2];
auto *Subctx = __llvm_ctx_profile_get_context(&FakeCalleeAddress, 2, 3, 1);
struct Writer {
ContextRoot *const Root;
const size_t Entries;
bool State = false;
Writer(ContextRoot *Root, size_t Entries) : Root(Root), Entries(Entries) {}
bool write(const ContextNode &Node) {
EXPECT_EQ(Node.guid(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(Node.counters()[0], Entries);
EXPECT_EQ(Node.counters_size(), 10U);
EXPECT_EQ(Node.callsites_size(), 4U);
EXPECT_EQ(Node.subContexts()[0], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(Node.subContexts()[1], nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(Node.subContexts()[2], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(Node.subContexts()[3], nullptr);
const auto &SN = *Node.subContexts()[2];
EXPECT_EQ(SN.guid(), 2U);
EXPECT_EQ(SN.counters()[0], Entries);
EXPECT_EQ(SN.counters_size(), 3U);
EXPECT_EQ(SN.callsites_size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(SN.subContexts()[0], nullptr);
State = true;
return true;
Writer W(&Root, 1);
__llvm_ctx_profile_fetch(&W, [](void *W, const ContextNode &Node) -> bool {
return reinterpret_cast<Writer *>(W)->write(Node);
// this resets all counters but not the internal structure.
Writer W2(&Root, 0);
__llvm_ctx_profile_fetch(&W2, [](void *W, const ContextNode &Node) -> bool {
return reinterpret_cast<Writer *>(W)->write(Node);