blob: 361be79e2557ed45bd2328c9ed456280afc23922 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- Python -*-
import os
# Setup config name. = "MemorySanitizer" + getattr(config, "name_suffix", "default")
# Setup source root.
config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# Setup default compiler flags used with -fsanitize=memory option.
clang_msan_cflags = (
+ [config.target_cflags]
+ config.debug_info_flags
# Some Msan tests leverage backtrace() which requires libexecinfo on FreeBSD.
if config.host_os == "FreeBSD":
clang_msan_cflags += ["-lexecinfo", "-fPIC"]
# On SystemZ we need -mbackchain to make the fast unwinder work.
if config.target_arch == "s390x":
clang_msan_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_msan_cflags
# Flags for KMSAN invocation. This is C-only, we're not interested in C++.
clang_kmsan_cflags = (
["-fsanitize=kernel-memory"] + [config.target_cflags] + config.debug_info_flags
def build_invocation(compile_flags):
return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " "
config.substitutions.append(("%clang_msan ", build_invocation(clang_msan_cflags)))
config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_msan ", build_invocation(clang_msan_cxxflags)))
config.substitutions.append(("%clang_kmsan ", build_invocation(clang_kmsan_cflags)))
# Default test suffixes.
config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"]
if config.host_os not in ["Linux", "NetBSD", "FreeBSD"]:
config.unsupported = True
# For mips64, mips64el we have forced store_context_size to 1 because these
# archs use slow unwinder which is not async signal safe. Therefore we only
# check the first frame since store_context size is 1.
if config.host_arch in ["mips64", "mips64el"]:
config.substitutions.append(("CHECK-%short-stack", "CHECK-SHORT-STACK"))
config.substitutions.append(("CHECK-%short-stack", "CHECK-FULL-STACK"))
if config.host_os == "NetBSD":
config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix))