blob: 321009c65228d988a88710659d08de56b7b8e93f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Standard pass instrumentations handling ----------------*- C++ -*--===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file defines IR-printing pass instrumentation callbacks as well as
/// StandardInstrumentations class that manages standard pass instrumentations.
#include "llvm/Passes/StandardInstrumentations.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Any.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/CallGraphSCCPass.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LazyCallGraph.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassInstrumentation.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PrintPasses.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
cl::opt<bool> PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation::VerifyPreservedCFG(
"verify-cfg-preserved", cl::Hidden,
#ifdef NDEBUG
// FIXME: Change `-debug-pass-manager` from boolean to enum type. Similar to
// `-debug-pass` in legacy PM.
static cl::opt<bool>
DebugPMVerbose("debug-pass-manager-verbose", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false),
cl::desc("Print all pass management debugging information. "
"`-debug-pass-manager` must also be specified"));
static cl::opt<bool>
DebugPassStructure("debug-pass-structure", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false),
cl::desc("Print pass structure information."));
// An option that prints out the IR after passes, similar to
// -print-after-all except that it only prints the IR after passes that
// change the IR. Those passes that do not make changes to the IR are
// reported as not making any changes. In addition, the initial IR is
// also reported. Other hidden options affect the output from this
// option. -filter-passes will limit the output to the named passes
// that actually change the IR and other passes are reported as filtered out.
// The specified passes will either be reported as making no changes (with
// no IR reported) or the changed IR will be reported. Also, the
// -filter-print-funcs and -print-module-scope options will do similar
// filtering based on function name, reporting changed IRs as functions(or
// modules if -print-module-scope is specified) for a particular function
// or indicating that the IR has been filtered out. The extra options
// can be combined, allowing only changed IRs for certain passes on certain
// functions to be reported in different formats, with the rest being
// reported as filtered out. The -print-before-changed option will print
// the IR as it was before each pass that changed it. The optional
// value of quiet will only report when the IR changes, suppressing
// all other messages, including the initial IR. The values "diff" and
// "diff-quiet" will present the changes in a form similar to a patch, in
// either verbose or quiet mode, respectively. The lines that are removed
// and added are prefixed with '-' and '+', respectively. The
// -filter-print-funcs and -filter-passes can be used to filter the output.
// This reporter relies on the linux diff utility to do comparisons and
// insert the prefixes. For systems that do not have the necessary
// facilities, the error message will be shown in place of the expected output.
enum class ChangePrinter {
static cl::opt<ChangePrinter> PrintChanged(
"print-changed", cl::desc("Print changed IRs"), cl::Hidden,
cl::ValueOptional, cl::init(ChangePrinter::NoChangePrinter),
clEnumValN(ChangePrinter::PrintChangedQuiet, "quiet",
"Run in quiet mode"),
clEnumValN(ChangePrinter::PrintChangedDiffVerbose, "diff",
"Display patch-like changes"),
clEnumValN(ChangePrinter::PrintChangedDiffQuiet, "diff-quiet",
"Display patch-like changes in quiet mode"),
clEnumValN(ChangePrinter::PrintChangedColourDiffVerbose, "cdiff",
"Display patch-like changes with color"),
clEnumValN(ChangePrinter::PrintChangedColourDiffQuiet, "cdiff-quiet",
"Display patch-like changes in quiet mode with color"),
// Sentinel value for unspecified option.
clEnumValN(ChangePrinter::PrintChangedVerbose, "", "")));
// An option that supports the -print-changed option. See
// the description for -print-changed for an explanation of the use
// of this option. Note that this option has no effect without -print-changed.
static cl::list<std::string>
PrintPassesList("filter-passes", cl::value_desc("pass names"),
cl::desc("Only consider IR changes for passes whose names "
"match for the print-changed option"),
cl::CommaSeparated, cl::Hidden);
// An option that supports the -print-changed option. See
// the description for -print-changed for an explanation of the use
// of this option. Note that this option has no effect without -print-changed.
static cl::opt<bool>
cl::desc("Print before passes that change them"),
cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
// An option for specifying the diff used by print-changed=[diff | diff-quiet]
static cl::opt<std::string>
DiffBinary("print-changed-diff-path", cl::Hidden, cl::init("diff"),
cl::desc("system diff used by change reporters"));
namespace {
// Perform a system based diff between \p Before and \p After, using
// \p OldLineFormat, \p NewLineFormat, and \p UnchangedLineFormat
// to control the formatting of the output. Return an error message
// for any failures instead of the diff.
std::string doSystemDiff(StringRef Before, StringRef After,
StringRef OldLineFormat, StringRef NewLineFormat,
StringRef UnchangedLineFormat) {
StringRef SR[2]{Before, After};
// Store the 2 bodies into temporary files and call diff on them
// to get the body of the node.
const unsigned NumFiles = 3;
std::string FileName[NumFiles];
int FD[NumFiles]{-1, -1, -1};
for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumFiles; ++I) {
if (FD[I] == -1) {
SmallVector<char, 200> SV;
std::error_code EC =
sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("tmpdiff", "txt", FD[I], SV);
if (EC)
return "Unable to create temporary file.";
FileName[I] = Twine(SV).str();
// The third file is used as the result of the diff.
if (I == NumFiles - 1)
std::error_code EC = sys::fs::openFileForWrite(FileName[I], FD[I]);
if (EC)
return "Unable to open temporary file for writing.";
raw_fd_ostream OutStream(FD[I], /*shouldClose=*/true);
if (FD[I] == -1)
return "Error opening file for writing.";
OutStream << SR[I];
static ErrorOr<std::string> DiffExe = sys::findProgramByName(DiffBinary);
if (!DiffExe)
return "Unable to find diff executable.";
SmallString<128> OLF = formatv("--old-line-format={0}", OldLineFormat);
SmallString<128> NLF = formatv("--new-line-format={0}", NewLineFormat);
SmallString<128> ULF =
formatv("--unchanged-line-format={0}", UnchangedLineFormat);
StringRef Args[] = {"-w", "-d", OLF, NLF, ULF, FileName[0], FileName[1]};
Optional<StringRef> Redirects[] = {None, StringRef(FileName[2]), None};
int Result = sys::ExecuteAndWait(*DiffExe, Args, None, Redirects);
if (Result < 0)
return "Error executing system diff.";
std::string Diff;
auto B = MemoryBuffer::getFile(FileName[2]);
if (B && *B)
Diff = (*B)->getBuffer().str();
return "Unable to read result.";
// Clean up.
for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumFiles; ++I) {
std::error_code EC = sys::fs::remove(FileName[I]);
if (EC)
return "Unable to remove temporary file.";
return Diff;
/// Extract Module out of \p IR unit. May return nullptr if \p IR does not match
/// certain global filters. Will never return nullptr if \p Force is true.
const Module *unwrapModule(Any IR, bool Force = false) {
if (any_isa<const Module *>(IR))
return any_cast<const Module *>(IR);
if (any_isa<const Function *>(IR)) {
const Function *F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
if (!Force && !isFunctionInPrintList(F->getName()))
return nullptr;
return F->getParent();
if (any_isa<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR)) {
const LazyCallGraph::SCC *C = any_cast<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR);
for (const LazyCallGraph::Node &N : *C) {
const Function &F = N.getFunction();
if (Force || (!F.isDeclaration() && isFunctionInPrintList(F.getName()))) {
return F.getParent();
assert(!Force && "Expected a module");
return nullptr;
if (any_isa<const Loop *>(IR)) {
const Loop *L = any_cast<const Loop *>(IR);
const Function *F = L->getHeader()->getParent();
if (!Force && !isFunctionInPrintList(F->getName()))
return nullptr;
return F->getParent();
llvm_unreachable("Unknown IR unit");
void printIR(raw_ostream &OS, const Function *F) {
if (!isFunctionInPrintList(F->getName()))
OS << *F;
void printIR(raw_ostream &OS, const Module *M,
bool ShouldPreserveUseListOrder = false) {
if (isFunctionInPrintList("*") || forcePrintModuleIR()) {
M->print(OS, nullptr, ShouldPreserveUseListOrder);
} else {
for (const auto &F : M->functions()) {
printIR(OS, &F);
void printIR(raw_ostream &OS, const LazyCallGraph::SCC *C) {
for (const LazyCallGraph::Node &N : *C) {
const Function &F = N.getFunction();
if (!F.isDeclaration() && isFunctionInPrintList(F.getName())) {
void printIR(raw_ostream &OS, const Loop *L) {
const Function *F = L->getHeader()->getParent();
if (!isFunctionInPrintList(F->getName()))
printLoop(const_cast<Loop &>(*L), OS);
std::string getIRName(Any IR) {
if (any_isa<const Module *>(IR))
return "[module]";
if (any_isa<const Function *>(IR)) {
const Function *F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
return F->getName().str();
if (any_isa<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR)) {
const LazyCallGraph::SCC *C = any_cast<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR);
return C->getName();
if (any_isa<const Loop *>(IR)) {
const Loop *L = any_cast<const Loop *>(IR);
std::string S;
raw_string_ostream OS(S);
L->print(OS, /*Verbose*/ false, /*PrintNested*/ false);
return OS.str();
llvm_unreachable("Unknown wrapped IR type");
bool moduleContainsFilterPrintFunc(const Module &M) {
return any_of(M.functions(),
[](const Function &F) {
return isFunctionInPrintList(F.getName());
}) ||
bool sccContainsFilterPrintFunc(const LazyCallGraph::SCC &C) {
return any_of(C,
[](const LazyCallGraph::Node &N) {
return isFunctionInPrintList(N.getName());
}) ||
bool shouldPrintIR(Any IR) {
if (any_isa<const Module *>(IR)) {
const Module *M = any_cast<const Module *>(IR);
return moduleContainsFilterPrintFunc(*M);
if (any_isa<const Function *>(IR)) {
const Function *F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
return isFunctionInPrintList(F->getName());
if (any_isa<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR)) {
const LazyCallGraph::SCC *C = any_cast<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR);
return sccContainsFilterPrintFunc(*C);
if (any_isa<const Loop *>(IR)) {
const Loop *L = any_cast<const Loop *>(IR);
return isFunctionInPrintList(L->getHeader()->getParent()->getName());
llvm_unreachable("Unknown wrapped IR type");
/// Generic IR-printing helper that unpacks a pointer to IRUnit wrapped into
/// llvm::Any and does actual print job.
void unwrapAndPrint(raw_ostream &OS, Any IR,
bool ShouldPreserveUseListOrder = false) {
if (!shouldPrintIR(IR))
if (forcePrintModuleIR()) {
auto *M = unwrapModule(IR);
assert(M && "should have unwrapped module");
printIR(OS, M, ShouldPreserveUseListOrder);
if (any_isa<const Module *>(IR)) {
const Module *M = any_cast<const Module *>(IR);
printIR(OS, M, ShouldPreserveUseListOrder);
if (any_isa<const Function *>(IR)) {
const Function *F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
printIR(OS, F);
if (any_isa<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR)) {
const LazyCallGraph::SCC *C = any_cast<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR);
printIR(OS, C);
if (any_isa<const Loop *>(IR)) {
const Loop *L = any_cast<const Loop *>(IR);
printIR(OS, L);
llvm_unreachable("Unknown wrapped IR type");
// Return true when this is a pass for which changes should be ignored
bool isIgnored(StringRef PassID) {
return isSpecialPass(PassID,
{"PassManager", "PassAdaptor", "AnalysisManagerProxy",
"DevirtSCCRepeatedPass", "ModuleInlinerWrapperPass"});
} // namespace
template <typename IRUnitT>
ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::~ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>() {
assert(BeforeStack.empty() && "Problem with Change Printer stack.");
template <typename IRUnitT>
bool ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::isInterestingFunction(const Function &F) {
return isFunctionInPrintList(F.getName());
template <typename IRUnitT>
bool ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::isInterestingPass(StringRef PassID) {
if (isIgnored(PassID))
return false;
static std::unordered_set<std::string> PrintPassNames(PrintPassesList.begin(),
return PrintPassNames.empty() || PrintPassNames.count(PassID.str());
// Return true when this is a pass on IR for which printing
// of changes is desired.
template <typename IRUnitT>
bool ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::isInteresting(Any IR, StringRef PassID) {
if (!isInterestingPass(PassID))
return false;
if (any_isa<const Function *>(IR))
return isInterestingFunction(*any_cast<const Function *>(IR));
return true;
template <typename IRUnitT>
void ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::saveIRBeforePass(Any IR, StringRef PassID) {
// Always need to place something on the stack because invalidated passes
// are not given the IR so it cannot be determined whether the pass was for
// something that was filtered out.
if (!isInteresting(IR, PassID))
// Is this the initial IR?
if (InitialIR) {
InitialIR = false;
if (VerboseMode)
// Save the IR representation on the stack.
IRUnitT &Data = BeforeStack.back();
generateIRRepresentation(IR, PassID, Data);
template <typename IRUnitT>
void ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::handleIRAfterPass(Any IR, StringRef PassID) {
assert(!BeforeStack.empty() && "Unexpected empty stack encountered.");
std::string Name = getIRName(IR);
if (isIgnored(PassID)) {
if (VerboseMode)
handleIgnored(PassID, Name);
} else if (!isInteresting(IR, PassID)) {
if (VerboseMode)
handleFiltered(PassID, Name);
} else {
// Get the before rep from the stack
IRUnitT &Before = BeforeStack.back();
// Create the after rep
IRUnitT After;
generateIRRepresentation(IR, PassID, After);
// Was there a change in IR?
if (same(Before, After)) {
if (VerboseMode)
omitAfter(PassID, Name);
} else
handleAfter(PassID, Name, Before, After, IR);
template <typename IRUnitT>
void ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::handleInvalidatedPass(StringRef PassID) {
assert(!BeforeStack.empty() && "Unexpected empty stack encountered.");
// Always flag it as invalidated as we cannot determine when
// a pass for a filtered function is invalidated since we do not
// get the IR in the call. Also, the output is just alternate
// forms of the banner anyway.
if (VerboseMode)
template <typename IRUnitT>
void ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::registerRequiredCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
[this](StringRef P, Any IR) { saveIRBeforePass(IR, P); });
[this](StringRef P, Any IR, const PreservedAnalyses &) {
handleIRAfterPass(IR, P);
[this](StringRef P, const PreservedAnalyses &) {
ChangedBlockData::ChangedBlockData(const BasicBlock &B)
: Label(B.getName().str()) {
raw_string_ostream SS(Body);
B.print(SS, nullptr, true, true);
template <typename IRUnitT>
TextChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::TextChangeReporter(bool Verbose)
: ChangeReporter<IRUnitT>(Verbose), Out(dbgs()) {}
template <typename IRUnitT>
void TextChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::handleInitialIR(Any IR) {
// Always print the module.
// Unwrap and print directly to avoid filtering problems in general routines.
auto *M = unwrapModule(IR, /*Force=*/true);
assert(M && "Expected module to be unwrapped when forced.");
Out << "*** IR Dump At Start ***\n";
M->print(Out, nullptr,
template <typename IRUnitT>
void TextChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::omitAfter(StringRef PassID,
std::string &Name) {
Out << formatv("*** IR Dump After {0} on {1} omitted because no change ***\n",
PassID, Name);
template <typename IRUnitT>
void TextChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::handleInvalidated(StringRef PassID) {
Out << formatv("*** IR Pass {0} invalidated ***\n", PassID);
template <typename IRUnitT>
void TextChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::handleFiltered(StringRef PassID,
std::string &Name) {
SmallString<20> Banner =
formatv("*** IR Dump After {0} on {1} filtered out ***\n", PassID, Name);
Out << Banner;
template <typename IRUnitT>
void TextChangeReporter<IRUnitT>::handleIgnored(StringRef PassID,
std::string &Name) {
Out << formatv("*** IR Pass {0} on {1} ignored ***\n", PassID, Name);
IRChangedPrinter::~IRChangedPrinter() {}
void IRChangedPrinter::registerCallbacks(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
if (PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedVerbose ||
PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedQuiet)
void IRChangedPrinter::generateIRRepresentation(Any IR, StringRef PassID,
std::string &Output) {
raw_string_ostream OS(Output);
unwrapAndPrint(OS, IR,
void IRChangedPrinter::handleAfter(StringRef PassID, std::string &Name,
const std::string &Before,
const std::string &After, Any) {
// Report the IR before the changes when requested.
if (PrintChangedBefore)
Out << "*** IR Dump Before " << PassID << " on " << Name << " ***\n"
<< Before;
// We might not get anything to print if we only want to print a specific
// function but it gets deleted.
if (After.empty()) {
Out << "*** IR Deleted After " << PassID << " on " << Name << " ***\n";
Out << "*** IR Dump After " << PassID << " on " << Name << " ***\n" << After;
bool IRChangedPrinter::same(const std::string &S1, const std::string &S2) {
return S1 == S2;
template <typename IRData>
void OrderedChangedData<IRData>::report(
const OrderedChangedData &Before, const OrderedChangedData &After,
function_ref<void(const IRData *, const IRData *)> HandlePair) {
const auto &BFD = Before.getData();
const auto &AFD = After.getData();
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator BI = Before.getOrder().begin();
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator BE = Before.getOrder().end();
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator AI = After.getOrder().begin();
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator AE = After.getOrder().end();
auto handlePotentiallyRemovedIRData = [&](std::string S) {
// The order in LLVM may have changed so check if still exists.
if (!AFD.count(S)) {
// This has been removed.
HandlePair(&BFD.find(*BI)->getValue(), nullptr);
auto handleNewIRData = [&](std::vector<const IRData *> &Q) {
// Print out any queued up new sections
for (const IRData *NBI : Q)
HandlePair(nullptr, NBI);
// Print out the IRData in the after order, with before ones interspersed
// appropriately (ie, somewhere near where they were in the before list).
// Start at the beginning of both lists. Loop through the
// after list. If an element is common, then advance in the before list
// reporting the removed ones until the common one is reached. Report any
// queued up new ones and then report the common one. If an element is not
// common, then enqueue it for reporting. When the after list is exhausted,
// loop through the before list, reporting any removed ones. Finally,
// report the rest of the enqueued new ones.
std::vector<const IRData *> NewIRDataQueue;
while (AI != AE) {
if (!BFD.count(*AI)) {
// This section is new so place it in the queue. This will cause it
// to be reported after deleted sections.
// This section is in both; advance and print out any before-only
// until we get to it.
while (*BI != *AI) {
// Report any new sections that were queued up and waiting.
const IRData &AData = AFD.find(*AI)->getValue();
const IRData &BData = BFD.find(*AI)->getValue();
HandlePair(&BData, &AData);
// Check any remaining before sections to see if they have been removed
while (BI != BE) {
void ChangedIRComparer::compare(Any IR, StringRef Prefix, StringRef PassID,
StringRef Name) {
if (!getModuleForComparison(IR)) {
// Not a module so just handle the single function.
assert(Before.getData().size() == 1 && "Expected only one function.");
assert(After.getData().size() == 1 && "Expected only one function.");
handleFunctionCompare(Name, Prefix, PassID, false,
Before, After, [&](const ChangedFuncData *B, const ChangedFuncData *A) {
ChangedFuncData Missing;
if (!B)
B = &Missing;
else if (!A)
A = &Missing;
assert(B != &Missing && A != &Missing &&
"Both functions cannot be missing.");
handleFunctionCompare(Name, Prefix, PassID, true, *B, *A);
void ChangedIRComparer::analyzeIR(Any IR, ChangedIRData &Data) {
if (const Module *M = getModuleForComparison(IR)) {
// Create data for each existing/interesting function in the module.
for (const Function &F : *M)
generateFunctionData(Data, F);
const Function *F = nullptr;
if (any_isa<const Function *>(IR))
F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
else {
assert(any_isa<const Loop *>(IR) && "Unknown IR unit.");
const Loop *L = any_cast<const Loop *>(IR);
F = L->getHeader()->getParent();
assert(F && "Unknown IR unit.");
generateFunctionData(Data, *F);
const Module *ChangedIRComparer::getModuleForComparison(Any IR) {
if (any_isa<const Module *>(IR))
return any_cast<const Module *>(IR);
if (any_isa<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR))
return any_cast<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR)
return nullptr;
bool ChangedIRComparer::generateFunctionData(ChangedIRData &Data,
const Function &F) {
if (!F.isDeclaration() && isFunctionInPrintList(F.getName())) {
ChangedFuncData CFD;
for (const auto &B : F) {
CFD.getData().insert({B.getName(), B});
Data.getData().insert({F.getName(), CFD});
return true;
return false;
PrintIRInstrumentation::~PrintIRInstrumentation() {
assert(ModuleDescStack.empty() && "ModuleDescStack is not empty at exit");
void PrintIRInstrumentation::pushModuleDesc(StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
const Module *M = unwrapModule(IR);
ModuleDescStack.emplace_back(M, getIRName(IR), PassID);
PrintIRInstrumentation::popModuleDesc(StringRef PassID) {
assert(!ModuleDescStack.empty() && "empty ModuleDescStack");
PrintModuleDesc ModuleDesc = ModuleDescStack.pop_back_val();
assert(std::get<2>(ModuleDesc).equals(PassID) && "malformed ModuleDescStack");
return ModuleDesc;
void PrintIRInstrumentation::printBeforePass(StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
if (isIgnored(PassID))
// Saving Module for AfterPassInvalidated operations.
// Note: here we rely on a fact that we do not change modules while
// traversing the pipeline, so the latest captured module is good
// for all print operations that has not happen yet.
if (StoreModuleDesc && shouldPrintAfterPass(PassID))
pushModuleDesc(PassID, IR);
if (!shouldPrintBeforePass(PassID))
if (!shouldPrintIR(IR))
dbgs() << "*** IR Dump Before " << PassID << " on " << getIRName(IR)
<< " ***\n";
unwrapAndPrint(dbgs(), IR);
void PrintIRInstrumentation::printAfterPass(StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
if (isIgnored(PassID))
if (!shouldPrintAfterPass(PassID))
if (StoreModuleDesc) {
const Module *M;
std::string IRName;
StringRef StoredPassID;
std::tie(M, IRName, StoredPassID) = popModuleDesc(PassID);
assert(StoredPassID == PassID && "mismatched PassID");
if (!shouldPrintIR(IR))
dbgs() << "*** IR Dump After " << PassID << " on " << getIRName(IR)
<< " ***\n";
unwrapAndPrint(dbgs(), IR);
void PrintIRInstrumentation::printAfterPassInvalidated(StringRef PassID) {
StringRef PassName = PIC->getPassNameForClassName(PassID);
if (!StoreModuleDesc || !shouldPrintAfterPass(PassName))
if (isIgnored(PassID))
const Module *M;
std::string IRName;
StringRef StoredPassID;
std::tie(M, IRName, StoredPassID) = popModuleDesc(PassID);
assert(StoredPassID == PassID && "mismatched PassID");
// Additional filtering (e.g. -filter-print-func) can lead to module
// printing being skipped.
if (!M)
SmallString<20> Banner =
formatv("*** IR Dump After {0} on {1} (invalidated) ***", PassID, IRName);
dbgs() << Banner << "\n";
printIR(dbgs(), M);
bool PrintIRInstrumentation::shouldPrintBeforePass(StringRef PassID) {
if (shouldPrintBeforeAll())
return true;
StringRef PassName = PIC->getPassNameForClassName(PassID);
return llvm::is_contained(printBeforePasses(), PassName);
bool PrintIRInstrumentation::shouldPrintAfterPass(StringRef PassID) {
if (shouldPrintAfterAll())
return true;
StringRef PassName = PIC->getPassNameForClassName(PassID);
return llvm::is_contained(printAfterPasses(), PassName);
void PrintIRInstrumentation::registerCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
this->PIC = &PIC;
// BeforePass callback is not just for printing, it also saves a Module
// for later use in AfterPassInvalidated.
StoreModuleDesc = forcePrintModuleIR() && shouldPrintAfterSomePass();
if (shouldPrintBeforeSomePass() || StoreModuleDesc)
[this](StringRef P, Any IR) { this->printBeforePass(P, IR); });
if (shouldPrintAfterSomePass()) {
[this](StringRef P, Any IR, const PreservedAnalyses &) {
this->printAfterPass(P, IR);
[this](StringRef P, const PreservedAnalyses &) {
void OptNoneInstrumentation::registerCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
[this](StringRef P, Any IR) { return this->shouldRun(P, IR); });
bool OptNoneInstrumentation::shouldRun(StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
const Function *F = nullptr;
if (any_isa<const Function *>(IR)) {
F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
} else if (any_isa<const Loop *>(IR)) {
F = any_cast<const Loop *>(IR)->getHeader()->getParent();
bool ShouldRun = !(F && F->hasOptNone());
if (!ShouldRun && DebugLogging) {
errs() << "Skipping pass " << PassID << " on " << F->getName()
<< " due to optnone attribute\n";
return ShouldRun;
void OptBisectInstrumentation::registerCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
if (!OptBisector->isEnabled())
PIC.registerShouldRunOptionalPassCallback([](StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
return isIgnored(PassID) || OptBisector->checkPass(PassID, getIRName(IR));
void PrintPassInstrumentation::registerCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
if (!DebugLogging)
std::vector<StringRef> SpecialPasses = {"PassManager"};
if (!DebugPMVerbose)
[SpecialPasses](StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
assert(!isSpecialPass(PassID, SpecialPasses) &&
"Unexpectedly skipping special pass");
dbgs() << "Skipping pass: " << PassID << " on " << getIRName(IR)
<< "\n";
[SpecialPasses](StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
if (isSpecialPass(PassID, SpecialPasses))
dbgs() << "Running pass: " << PassID << " on " << getIRName(IR) << "\n";
PIC.registerBeforeAnalysisCallback([](StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
dbgs() << "Running analysis: " << PassID << " on " << getIRName(IR) << "\n";
void PassStructurePrinter::printWithIdent(bool Expand, const Twine &Msg) {
if (!Msg.isTriviallyEmpty())
dbgs().indent(Ident) << Msg << "\n";
Ident = Expand ? Ident + 2 : Ident - 2;
assert(Ident >= 0);
void PassStructurePrinter::registerCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
if (!DebugPassStructure)
PIC.registerBeforeNonSkippedPassCallback([this](StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
printWithIdent(true, PassID + " on " + getIRName(IR));
[this](StringRef PassID, Any IR, const PreservedAnalyses &) {
printWithIdent(false, Twine());
[this](StringRef PassID, const PreservedAnalyses &) {
printWithIdent(false, Twine());
PIC.registerBeforeAnalysisCallback([this](StringRef PassID, Any IR) {
printWithIdent(true, PassID + " analysis on " + getIRName(IR));
[this](StringRef PassID, Any IR) { printWithIdent(false, Twine()); });
PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation::CFG::CFG(const Function *F,
bool TrackBBLifetime) {
if (TrackBBLifetime)
BBGuards = DenseMap<intptr_t, BBGuard>(F->size());
for (const auto &BB : *F) {
if (BBGuards)
BBGuards->try_emplace(intptr_t(&BB), &BB);
for (auto *Succ : successors(&BB)) {
if (BBGuards)
BBGuards->try_emplace(intptr_t(Succ), Succ);
static void printBBName(raw_ostream &out, const BasicBlock *BB) {
if (BB->hasName()) {
out << BB->getName() << "<" << BB << ">";
if (!BB->getParent()) {
out << "unnamed_removed<" << BB << ">";
if (BB == &BB->getParent()->getEntryBlock()) {
out << "entry"
<< "<" << BB << ">";
unsigned FuncOrderBlockNum = 0;
for (auto &FuncBB : *BB->getParent()) {
if (&FuncBB == BB)
out << "unnamed_" << FuncOrderBlockNum << "<" << BB << ">";
void PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation::CFG::printDiff(raw_ostream &out,
const CFG &Before,
const CFG &After) {
if (Before.isPoisoned()) {
out << "Some blocks were deleted\n";
// Find and print graph differences.
if (Before.Graph.size() != After.Graph.size())
out << "Different number of non-leaf basic blocks: before="
<< Before.Graph.size() << ", after=" << After.Graph.size() << "\n";
for (auto &BB : Before.Graph) {
auto BA = After.Graph.find(BB.first);
if (BA == After.Graph.end()) {
out << "Non-leaf block ";
printBBName(out, BB.first);
out << " is removed (" << BB.second.size() << " successors)\n";
for (auto &BA : After.Graph) {
auto BB = Before.Graph.find(BA.first);
if (BB == Before.Graph.end()) {
out << "Non-leaf block ";
printBBName(out, BA.first);
out << " is added (" << BA.second.size() << " successors)\n";
if (BB->second == BA.second)
out << "Different successors of block ";
printBBName(out, BA.first);
out << " (unordered):\n";
out << "- before (" << BB->second.size() << "): ";
for (auto &SuccB : BB->second) {
printBBName(out, SuccB.first);
if (SuccB.second != 1)
out << "(" << SuccB.second << "), ";
out << ", ";
out << "\n";
out << "- after (" << BA.second.size() << "): ";
for (auto &SuccA : BA.second) {
printBBName(out, SuccA.first);
if (SuccA.second != 1)
out << "(" << SuccA.second << "), ";
out << ", ";
out << "\n";
// PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation uses PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis to check
// passes, that reported they kept CFG analyses up-to-date, did not actually
// change CFG. This check is done as follows. Before every functional pass in
// BeforeNonSkippedPassCallback a CFG snapshot (an instance of
// PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation::CFG) is requested from
// FunctionAnalysisManager as a result of PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis. When the
// functional pass finishes and reports that CFGAnalyses or AllAnalyses are
// up-to-date then the cached result of PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis (if
// available) is checked to be equal to a freshly created CFG snapshot.
struct PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis
: public AnalysisInfoMixin<PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis> {
friend AnalysisInfoMixin<PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis>;
static AnalysisKey Key;
/// Provide the result type for this analysis pass.
using Result = PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation::CFG;
/// Run the analysis pass over a function and produce CFG.
Result run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM) {
return Result(&F, /* TrackBBLifetime */ true);
AnalysisKey PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis::Key;
bool PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation::CFG::invalidate(
Function &F, const PreservedAnalyses &PA,
FunctionAnalysisManager::Invalidator &) {
auto PAC = PA.getChecker<PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis>();
return !(PAC.preserved() || PAC.preservedSet<AllAnalysesOn<Function>>() ||
void PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation::registerCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC, FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM) {
if (!VerifyPreservedCFG)
FAM.registerPass([&] { return PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis(); });
auto checkCFG = [](StringRef Pass, StringRef FuncName, const CFG &GraphBefore,
const CFG &GraphAfter) {
if (GraphAfter == GraphBefore)
dbgs() << "Error: " << Pass
<< " does not invalidate CFG analyses but CFG changes detected in "
"function @"
<< FuncName << ":\n";
CFG::printDiff(dbgs(), GraphBefore, GraphAfter);
report_fatal_error(Twine("CFG unexpectedly changed by ", Pass));
[this, &FAM](StringRef P, Any IR) {
if (!any_isa<const Function *>(IR))
const auto *F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
// Make sure a fresh CFG snapshot is available before the pass.
FAM.getResult<PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis>(*const_cast<Function *>(F));
[this](StringRef P, const PreservedAnalyses &PassPA) {
assert(PassStack.pop_back_val() == P &&
"Before and After callbacks must correspond");
PIC.registerAfterPassCallback([this, &FAM,
checkCFG](StringRef P, Any IR,
const PreservedAnalyses &PassPA) {
assert(PassStack.pop_back_val() == P &&
"Before and After callbacks must correspond");
if (!any_isa<const Function *>(IR))
if (!PassPA.allAnalysesInSetPreserved<CFGAnalyses>() &&
const auto *F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
if (auto *GraphBefore = FAM.getCachedResult<PreservedCFGCheckerAnalysis>(
*const_cast<Function *>(F)))
checkCFG(P, F->getName(), *GraphBefore,
CFG(F, /* TrackBBLifetime */ false));
void VerifyInstrumentation::registerCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
[this](StringRef P, Any IR, const PreservedAnalyses &PassPA) {
if (isIgnored(P) || P == "VerifierPass")
if (any_isa<const Function *>(IR) || any_isa<const Loop *>(IR)) {
const Function *F;
if (any_isa<const Loop *>(IR))
F = any_cast<const Loop *>(IR)->getHeader()->getParent();
F = any_cast<const Function *>(IR);
if (DebugLogging)
dbgs() << "Verifying function " << F->getName() << "\n";
if (verifyFunction(*F))
report_fatal_error("Broken function found, compilation aborted!");
} else if (any_isa<const Module *>(IR) ||
any_isa<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR)) {
const Module *M;
if (any_isa<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR))
M = any_cast<const LazyCallGraph::SCC *>(IR)
M = any_cast<const Module *>(IR);
if (DebugLogging)
dbgs() << "Verifying module " << M->getName() << "\n";
if (verifyModule(*M))
report_fatal_error("Broken module found, compilation aborted!");
InLineChangePrinter::~InLineChangePrinter() {}
void InLineChangePrinter::generateIRRepresentation(Any IR, StringRef PassID,
ChangedIRData &D) {
ChangedIRComparer::analyzeIR(IR, D);
void InLineChangePrinter::handleAfter(StringRef PassID, std::string &Name,
const ChangedIRData &Before,
const ChangedIRData &After, Any IR) {
SmallString<20> Banner =
formatv("*** IR Dump After {0} on {1} ***\n", PassID, Name);
Out << Banner;
ChangedIRComparer(Out, Before, After, UseColour)
.compare(IR, "", PassID, Name);
Out << "\n";
bool InLineChangePrinter::same(const ChangedIRData &D1,
const ChangedIRData &D2) {
return D1 == D2;
void ChangedIRComparer::handleFunctionCompare(StringRef Name, StringRef Prefix,
StringRef PassID, bool InModule,
const ChangedFuncData &Before,
const ChangedFuncData &After) {
// Print a banner when this is being shown in the context of a module
if (InModule)
Out << "\n*** IR for function " << Name << " ***\n";
Before, After, [&](const ChangedBlockData *B, const ChangedBlockData *A) {
StringRef BStr = B ? B->getBody() : "\n";
StringRef AStr = A ? A->getBody() : "\n";
const std::string Removed =
UseColour ? "\033[31m-%l\033[0m\n" : "-%l\n";
const std::string Added = UseColour ? "\033[32m+%l\033[0m\n" : "+%l\n";
const std::string NoChange = " %l\n";
Out << doSystemDiff(BStr, AStr, Removed, Added, NoChange);
void InLineChangePrinter::registerCallbacks(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC) {
if (PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedDiffVerbose ||
PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedDiffQuiet ||
PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedColourDiffVerbose ||
PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedColourDiffQuiet)
StandardInstrumentations::StandardInstrumentations(bool DebugLogging,
bool VerifyEach)
: PrintPass(DebugLogging), OptNone(DebugLogging),
PrintChangedIR(PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedVerbose),
PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedDiffVerbose ||
PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedColourDiffVerbose,
PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedColourDiffVerbose ||
PrintChanged == ChangePrinter::PrintChangedColourDiffQuiet),
Verify(DebugLogging), VerifyEach(VerifyEach) {}
void StandardInstrumentations::registerCallbacks(
PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC, FunctionAnalysisManager *FAM) {
if (FAM)
PreservedCFGChecker.registerCallbacks(PIC, *FAM);
if (VerifyEach)
namespace llvm {
template class ChangeReporter<std::string>;
template class TextChangeReporter<std::string>;
template class ChangeReporter<ChangedIRData>;
template class TextChangeReporter<ChangedIRData>;
} // namespace llvm