blob: 34dd741bdc242dae91d74e3a80e0c521ea0087dd [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -verify %s
namespace std_example {
struct B1 {
B1(int, ...) {}
struct B2 {
B2(double) {}
int get();
struct D1 : B1 { // expected-note {{no default constructor}}
using B1::B1; // inherits B1(int, ...)
int x;
int y = get();
void test() {
D1 d(2, 3, 4); // OK: B1 is initialized by calling B1(2, 3, 4),
// then d.x is default-initialized (no initialization is performed),
// then d.y is initialized by calling get()
D1 e; // expected-error {{implicitly-deleted}}
struct D2 : B2 {
using B2::B2;
B1 b; // expected-note {{constructor inherited by 'D2' is implicitly deleted because field 'b' has no default constructor}}
D2 f(1.0); // expected-error {{constructor inherited by 'D2' from base class 'B2' is implicitly deleted}}
struct W {
struct X : virtual W {
using W::W;
X() = delete;
struct Y : X {
using X::X;
struct Z : Y, virtual W {
using Y::Y;
Z z(0); // OK: initialization of Y does not invoke default constructor of X
template <class T> struct Log : T {
using T::T; // inherits all constructors from class T
~Log() { /* ... */ }
namespace vbase {
struct V {
struct A : virtual V {
A() = delete; // expected-note 2{{deleted here}} expected-note {{deleted}}
using V::V;
struct B : virtual V { // expected-note {{no default constructor}}
B() = delete; // expected-note 2{{deleted here}}
B(int, int);
using V::V;
struct C : B { // expected-note {{deleted default constructor}}
using B::B;
struct D : A, C { // expected-note {{deleted default constructor}} expected-note {{deleted corresponding constructor}}
using A::A;
using C::C;
A a0; // expected-error {{deleted}}
A a1(0);
B b0; // expected-error {{deleted}}
B b1(0);
B b2(0, 0);
C c0; // expected-error {{deleted}}
C c1(0);
C c2(0, 0); // expected-error {{deleted}}
D d0; // expected-error {{deleted}}
D d1(0);
D d2(0, 0); // expected-error {{deleted}}
namespace vbase_of_vbase {
struct V { V(int); };
struct W : virtual V { using V::V; };
struct X : virtual W, virtual V { using W::W; };
X x(0);
namespace constexpr_init_order {
struct Param;
struct A {
constexpr A(Param);
int a;
struct B : A { B(); using A::A; int b = 2; };
// Construct a situation where a value can be observed to change during
// constant evaluation in C++11: value-initialization of Wrap2 performs
// zero-initialization and then calls the constructor.
struct Wrap1 : B { constexpr Wrap1(); };
struct Wrap2 : Wrap1 {};
extern const Wrap2 b;
struct Param {
constexpr Param(int c) : n(4 * b.a + b.b + c) {}
int n;
constexpr A::A(Param p) : a(p.n) {}
constexpr Wrap1::Wrap1() : B(1) {}
constexpr Wrap2 b = {};
constexpr B c(1);
static_assert(b.a == 1, "p should be initialized before B() is executed");
static_assert(c.a == 7, "b not initialized properly");
namespace default_args {
// We work around a defect in P0136R1 where it would reject reasonable
// code like the following:
struct Base {
Base(int = 0);
struct Derived : Base {
using Base::Base;
Derived d;
// FIXME: Once a fix is standardized, implement it.