blob: a97c7aa482aa6284f3b83a1668b2a1dac09569fd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Run the test suite using a separate process for each test file.
import multiprocessing
import os
import platform
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
# Command template of the invocation of the test driver.
template = '%s %s/ %s -p %s %s'
def process_dir(root, files, test_root, dotest_options):
"""Examine a directory for tests, and invoke any found within it."""
failed = []
passed = []
for name in files:
path = os.path.join(root, name)
# We're only interested in the test file with the "Test*.py" naming pattern.
if not name.startswith("Test") or not name.endswith(".py"):
# Neither a symbolically linked file.
if os.path.islink(path):
command = template % (sys.executable, test_root, dotest_options if dotest_options else "", name, root)
if 0 != os.system(command):
return (failed, passed)
in_q = None
out_q = None
def process_dir_worker(arg_tuple):
"""Worker thread main loop when in multithreaded mode.
Takes one directory specification at a time and works on it."""
(root, files, test_root, dotest_options) = arg_tuple
return process_dir(root, files, test_root, dotest_options)
def walk_and_invoke(test_root, dotest_options, num_threads):
"""Look for matched files and invoke test driver on each one.
In single-threaded mode, each test driver is invoked directly.
In multi-threaded mode, submit each test driver to a worker
queue, and then wait for all to complete."""
# Collect the test files that we'll run.
test_work_items = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(test_root, topdown=False):
test_work_items.append((root, files, test_root, dotest_options))
# Run the items, either in a pool (for multicore speedup) or
# calling each individually.
if num_threads > 1:
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_threads)
test_results =, test_work_items)
test_results = []
for work_item in test_work_items:
failed = []
passed = []
for test_result in test_results:
(dir_failed, dir_passed) = test_result
failed += dir_failed
passed += dir_passed
return (failed, passed)
def main():
test_root = sys.path[0]
parser = OptionParser(usage="""\
Run lldb test suite using a separate process for each test file.
parser.add_option('-o', '--options',
type='string', action='store',
help="""The options passed to '' if specified.""")
parser.add_option('-t', '--threads',
help="""The number of threads to use when running tests separately.""",
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
dotest_options = opts.dotest_options
num_threads = opts.num_threads
if num_threads < 1:
num_threads_str = os.environ.get("LLDB_TEST_THREADS")
if num_threads_str:
num_threads = int(num_threads_str)
if num_threads < 1:
num_threads = 1
num_threads = 1
system_info = " ".join(platform.uname())
(failed, passed) = walk_and_invoke(test_root, dotest_options, num_threads)
num_tests = len(failed) + len(passed)
print "Ran %d tests." % num_tests
if len(failed) > 0:
print "Failing Tests (%d)" % len(failed)
for f in failed:
print "FAIL: LLDB (suite) :: %s (%s)" % (f, system_info)
if __name__ == '__main__':