blob: 0a698d1081d471e600ce85e13aba09e06a69768f [file] [log] [blame]
// LLDB C++ API Test: verify the event description as obtained by calling
// SBEvent::GetCStringFromEvent that is received by an
// SBListener object registered with a process with a breakpoint.
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include "lldb-headers.h"
#include "common.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace std;
// listener thread control
extern atomic<bool> g_done;
multithreaded_queue<string> g_thread_descriptions;
multithreaded_queue<string> g_frame_functions;
extern SBListener g_listener;
void listener_func() {
while (!g_done) {
SBEvent event;
bool got_event = g_listener.WaitForEvent(1, event);
if (got_event) {
if (!event.IsValid())
throw Exception("event is not valid in listener thread");
// send process description
SBProcess process = SBProcess::GetProcessFromEvent(event);
SBStream description;
for (int i = 0; i < process.GetNumThreads(); ++i) {
// send each thread description
SBThread thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex(i);
// send each frame function name
uint32_t num_frames = thread.GetNumFrames();
for(int j = 0; j < num_frames; ++j) {
const char* function_name = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(j).GetSymbol().GetName();
if (function_name)
void check_listener(SBDebugger &dbg) {
// check thread description
bool got_description = false;
string desc = g_thread_descriptions.pop(5, got_description);
if (!got_description)
throw Exception("Expected at least one thread description string");
// check at least one frame has a function name
desc = g_frame_functions.pop(5, got_description);
if (!got_description)
throw Exception("Expected at least one frame function name string");