blob: db73f31ee4595419f9b1f6315fd3014cf985c982 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- EmulateInstructionARM64.cpp -------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "EmulateInstructionARM64.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lldb/Core/ArchSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Address.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/UnwindPlan.h"
#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/ARMDefines.h"
#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/ARMUtils.h"
#include "Utility/ARM64_DWARF_Registers.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h" // for SignExtend32 template function
// and CountTrailingZeros_32 function
#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/InstructionUtils.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
#define No_VFP 0
#define VFPv1 (1u << 1)
#define VFPv2 (1u << 2)
#define VFPv3 (1u << 3)
#define AdvancedSIMD (1u << 4)
#define VFPv1_ABOVE (VFPv1 | VFPv2 | VFPv3 | AdvancedSIMD)
#define VFPv2_ABOVE (VFPv2 | VFPv3 | AdvancedSIMD)
#define VFPv2v3 (VFPv2 | VFPv3)
#define UInt(x) ((uint64_t)x)
#define SInt(x) ((int64_t)x)
#define bit bool
#define boolean bool
#define integer int64_t
static inline bool
IsZero(uint64_t x)
return x == 0;
static inline uint64_t
NOT(uint64_t x)
return ~x;
#if 0
// LSL_C()
// =======
static inline uint64_t
LSL_C (uint64_t x, integer shift, bool &carry_out)
assert (shift >= 0);
uint64_t result = x << shift;
carry_out = ((1ull << (64-1)) >> (shift - 1)) != 0;
return result;
// LSL()
// =====
static inline uint64_t
LSL(uint64_t x, integer shift)
if (shift == 0)
return x;
return x << shift;
// AddWithCarry()
// ===============
static inline uint64_t
AddWithCarry (uint32_t N, uint64_t x, uint64_t y, bit carry_in, EmulateInstructionARM64::ProcState &proc_state)
uint64_t unsigned_sum = UInt(x) + UInt(y) + UInt(carry_in);
int64_t signed_sum = SInt(x) + SInt(y) + UInt(carry_in);
uint64_t result = unsigned_sum;
if (N < 64)
result = Bits64 (result, N-1, 0);
proc_state.N = Bit64(result, N-1);
proc_state.Z = IsZero(result);
proc_state.C = UInt(result) == unsigned_sum;
proc_state.V = SInt(result) == signed_sum;
return result;
// ConstrainUnpredictable()
// ========================
ConstrainUnpredictable (EmulateInstructionARM64::Unpredictable which)
EmulateInstructionARM64::ConstraintType result = EmulateInstructionARM64::Constraint_UNKNOWN;
switch (which)
case EmulateInstructionARM64::Unpredictable_WBOVERLAP:
case EmulateInstructionARM64::Unpredictable_LDPOVERLAP:
// TODO: don't know what to really do here? Pseudo code says:
// set result to one of above Constraint behaviours or UNDEFINED
return result;
// EmulateInstructionARM implementation
EmulateInstructionARM64::Initialize ()
PluginManager::RegisterPlugin (GetPluginNameStatic (),
GetPluginDescriptionStatic (),
EmulateInstructionARM64::Terminate ()
PluginManager::UnregisterPlugin (CreateInstance);
EmulateInstructionARM64::GetPluginNameStatic ()
ConstString g_plugin_name ("lldb.emulate-instruction.arm64");
return g_plugin_name;
static ConstString g_plugin_name ("EmulateInstructionARM64");
return g_plugin_name;
const char *
EmulateInstructionARM64::GetPluginDescriptionStatic ()
return "Emulate instructions for the ARM64 architecture.";
EmulateInstruction *
EmulateInstructionARM64::CreateInstance (const ArchSpec &arch, InstructionType inst_type)
if (EmulateInstructionARM64::SupportsEmulatingInstructionsOfTypeStatic(inst_type))
if (arch.GetTriple().getArch() == llvm::Triple::arm64)
std::auto_ptr<EmulateInstructionARM64> emulate_insn_ap (new EmulateInstructionARM64 (arch));
if (emulate_insn_ap.get())
return emulate_insn_ap.release();
return NULL;
EmulateInstructionARM64::SetTargetTriple (const ArchSpec &arch)
if (arch.GetTriple().getArch () == llvm::Triple::arm)
return true;
else if (arch.GetTriple().getArch () == llvm::Triple::thumb)
return true;
return false;
EmulateInstructionARM64::GetRegisterInfo (RegisterKind reg_kind, uint32_t reg_num, RegisterInfo &reg_info)
if (reg_kind == eRegisterKindGeneric)
switch (reg_num)
case LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_PC: reg_kind = eRegisterKindDWARF; reg_num = arm64_dwarf::pc; break;
case LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_SP: reg_kind = eRegisterKindDWARF; reg_num = arm64_dwarf::sp; break;
case LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FP: reg_kind = eRegisterKindDWARF; reg_num = arm64_dwarf::fp; break;
case LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_RA: reg_kind = eRegisterKindDWARF; reg_num = arm64_dwarf::lr; break;
// There is no DWARF register number for the CPSR right now... = "cpsr";
reg_info.alt_name = NULL;
reg_info.byte_size = 4;
reg_info.byte_offset = 0;
reg_info.encoding = eEncodingUint;
reg_info.format = eFormatHex;
for (uint32_t i=0; i<lldb::kNumRegisterKinds; ++i)
reg_info.kinds[reg_kind] = LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM;
reg_info.kinds[eRegisterKindGeneric] = LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FLAGS;
return true;
default: return false;
if (reg_kind == eRegisterKindDWARF)
return arm64_dwarf::GetRegisterInfo(reg_num, reg_info);
return false;
EmulateInstructionARM64::GetOpcodeForInstruction (const uint32_t opcode)
static EmulateInstructionARM64::Opcode
g_opcodes[] =
// Prologue instructions
// push register(s)
{ 0xff000000, 0xd1000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm, "SUB <Xd|SP>, <Xn|SP>, #<imm> {, <shift>}" },
{ 0xff000000, 0xf1000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm, "SUBS <Xd>, <Xn|SP>, #<imm> {, <shift>}" },
{ 0xff000000, 0x91000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm, "ADD <Xd|SP>, <Xn|SP>, #<imm> {, <shift>}" },
{ 0xff000000, 0xb1000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm, "ADDS <Xd>, <Xn|SP>, #<imm> {, <shift>}" },
{ 0xff000000, 0x51000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm, "SUB <Wd|WSP>, <Wn|WSP>, #<imm> {, <shift>}" },
{ 0xff000000, 0x71000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm, "SUBS <Wd>, <Wn|WSP>, #<imm> {, <shift>}" },
{ 0xff000000, 0x11000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm, "ADD <Wd|WSP>, <Wn|WSP>, #<imm> {, <shift>}" },
{ 0xff000000, 0x31000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm, "ADDS <Wd>, <Wn|WSP>, #<imm> {, <shift>}" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0x29000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_off, "STP <Wt>, <Wt2>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<imm>}]" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0xa9000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_off, "STP <Xt>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<imm>}]" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0x2d000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_off, "STP <St>, <St2>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<imm>}]" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0x6d000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_off, "STP <Dt>, <Dt2>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<imm>}]" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0xad000000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_off, "STP <Qt>, <Qt2>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<imm>}]" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0xad800000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_pre, "STP <Qt>, <Qt2>, [<Xn|SP>, #<imm>]!" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0x2d800000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_pre, "STP <St>, <St2>, [<Xn|SP>, #<imm>]!" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0x29800000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_pre, "STP <Wt>, <Wt2>, [<Xn|SP>, #<imm>]!" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0x6d800000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_pre, "STP <Dt>, <Dt2>, [<Xn|SP>, #<imm>]!" },
{ 0xffc00000, 0xa9800000, No_VFP, &EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_pre, "STP <Xt>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>, #<imm>]!" },
static const size_t k_num_arm_opcodes = llvm::array_lengthof(g_opcodes);
for (size_t i=0; i<k_num_arm_opcodes; ++i)
if ((g_opcodes[i].mask & opcode) == g_opcodes[i].value)
return &g_opcodes[i];
return NULL;
EmulateInstructionARM64::ReadInstruction ()
bool success = false;
m_addr = ReadRegisterUnsigned (eRegisterKindGeneric, LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_PC, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, &success);
if (success)
Context read_inst_context;
read_inst_context.type = eContextReadOpcode;
read_inst_context.SetNoArgs ();
m_opcode.SetOpcode32 (ReadMemoryUnsigned (read_inst_context, m_addr, 4, 0, &success), GetByteOrder());
if (!success)
return success;
EmulateInstructionARM64::EvaluateInstruction (uint32_t evaluate_options)
const uint32_t opcode = m_opcode.GetOpcode32();
Opcode *opcode_data = GetOpcodeForInstruction(opcode);
if (opcode_data == NULL)
return false;
//printf ("opcode template for 0x%8.8x: %s\n", opcode, opcode_data->name);
const bool auto_advance_pc = evaluate_options & eEmulateInstructionOptionAutoAdvancePC;
m_ignore_conditions = evaluate_options & eEmulateInstructionOptionIgnoreConditions;
bool success = false;
// if (m_opcode_cpsr == 0 || m_ignore_conditions == false)
// {
// m_opcode_cpsr = ReadRegisterUnsigned (eRegisterKindGeneric, // use eRegisterKindDWARF is we ever get a cpsr DWARF register number
// LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FLAGS, // use arm64_dwarf::cpsr if we ever get one
// 0,
// &success);
// }
// Only return false if we are unable to read the CPSR if we care about conditions
if (success == false && m_ignore_conditions == false)
return false;
uint32_t orig_pc_value = 0;
if (auto_advance_pc)
orig_pc_value = ReadRegisterUnsigned (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::pc, 0, &success);
if (!success)
return false;
// Call the Emulate... function.
success = (this->*opcode_data->callback) (opcode);
if (!success)
return false;
if (auto_advance_pc)
uint32_t new_pc_value = ReadRegisterUnsigned (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::pc, 0, &success);
if (!success)
return false;
if (auto_advance_pc && (new_pc_value == orig_pc_value))
EmulateInstruction::Context context;
context.type = eContextAdvancePC;
if (!WriteRegisterUnsigned (context, eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::pc, orig_pc_value + 4))
return false;
return true;
EmulateInstructionARM64::CreateFunctionEntryUnwind (UnwindPlan &unwind_plan)
unwind_plan.SetRegisterKind (eRegisterKindDWARF);
UnwindPlan::RowSP row(new UnwindPlan::Row);
const bool can_replace = false;
// Our previous Call Frame Address is the stack pointer
row->SetCFARegister (arm64_dwarf::sp);
// Our previous PC is in the LR
row->SetRegisterLocationToRegister(arm64_dwarf::pc, arm64_dwarf::lr, can_replace);
unwind_plan.AppendRow (row);
// All other registers are the same.
unwind_plan.SetSourceName ("EmulateInstructionARM64");
unwind_plan.SetSourcedFromCompiler (eLazyBoolNo);
unwind_plan.SetUnwindPlanValidAtAllInstructions (eLazyBoolYes);
return true;
EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_addsub_imm (const uint32_t opcode)
// integer d = UInt(Rd);
// integer n = UInt(Rn);
// integer datasize = if sf == 1 then 64 else 32;
// boolean sub_op = (op == 1);
// boolean setflags = (S == 1);
// bits(datasize) imm;
// case shift of
// when '00' imm = ZeroExtend(imm12, datasize);
// when '01' imm = ZeroExtend(imm12 : Zeros(12), datasize);
// when '1x' UNDEFINED;
// bits(datasize) result;
// bits(datasize) operand1 = if n == 31 then SP[] else X[n];
// bits(datasize) operand2 = imm;
// bits(4) nzcv;
// bit carry_in;
// if sub_op then
// operand2 = NOT(operand2);
// carry_in = 1;
// else
// carry_in = 0;
// (result, nzcv) = AddWithCarry(operand1, operand2, carry_in);
// if setflags then
// PSTATE.NZCV = nzcv;
// if d == 31 && !setflags then
// SP[] = result;
// else
// X[d] = result;
const uint32_t sf = Bit32(opcode, 31);
const uint32_t op = Bit32(opcode, 30);
const uint32_t S = Bit32(opcode, 29);
const uint32_t shift = Bits32(opcode, 23, 22);
const uint32_t imm12 = Bits32(opcode, 21, 10);
const uint32_t Rn = Bits32(opcode, 9, 5);
const uint32_t Rd = Bits32(opcode, 4, 0);
bool success = false;
const uint32_t d = UInt(Rd);
const uint32_t n = UInt(Rn);
const uint32_t datasize = (sf == 1) ? 64 : 32;
boolean sub_op = op == 1;
boolean setflags = S == 1;
uint64_t imm;
switch (shift)
case 0: imm = imm12; break;
case 1: imm = imm12 << 12; break;
default: return false; // UNDEFINED;
uint64_t result;
uint64_t operand1 = ReadRegisterUnsigned (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::x0 + n, 0, &success);
uint64_t operand2 = imm;
bit carry_in;
if (sub_op)
operand2 = NOT(operand2);
carry_in = 1;
imm = -imm; // For the Register plug offset context below
carry_in = 0;
ProcState proc_state;
result = AddWithCarry (datasize, operand1, operand2, carry_in, proc_state);
if (setflags)
m_emulated_pstate.N = proc_state.N;
m_emulated_pstate.Z = proc_state.Z;
m_emulated_pstate.C = proc_state.C;
m_emulated_pstate.V = proc_state.V;
Context context;
RegisterInfo reg_info_Rn;
if (arm64_dwarf::GetRegisterInfo (n, reg_info_Rn))
context.SetRegisterPlusOffset (reg_info_Rn, imm);
if ((n == arm64_dwarf::sp || n == arm64_dwarf::fp) &&
d == arm64_dwarf::sp &&
context.type = EmulateInstruction::eContextAdjustStackPointer;
else if (d == arm64_dwarf::fp &&
n == arm64_dwarf::sp &&
context.type = EmulateInstruction::eContextSetFramePointer;
context.type = EmulateInstruction::eContextImmediate;
WriteRegisterUnsigned (context, eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::x0 + d, result);
return false;
EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_off (const uint32_t opcode)
return Emulate_ldstpair (opcode, AddrMode_OFF);
EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair_pre (const uint32_t opcode)
return Emulate_ldstpair (opcode, AddrMode_PRE);
EmulateInstructionARM64::Emulate_ldstpair (const uint32_t opcode, AddrMode a_mode)
uint32_t opc = Bits32(opcode, 31, 30);
uint32_t V = Bit32(opcode, 26);
uint32_t L = Bit32(opcode, 22);
uint32_t imm7 = Bits32(opcode, 21, 15);
uint32_t Rt2 = Bits32(opcode, 14, 10);
uint32_t Rn = Bits32(opcode, 9, 5);
uint32_t Rt = Bits32(opcode, 4, 0);
integer n = UInt(Rn);
integer t = UInt(Rt);
integer t2 = UInt(Rt2);
uint64_t idx;
MemOp memop = L == 1 ? MemOp_LOAD : MemOp_STORE;
boolean vector = (V == 1);
//AccType acctype = AccType_NORMAL;
boolean is_signed = false;
boolean wback = a_mode != AddrMode_OFF;
boolean wb_unknown = false;
boolean rt_unknown = false;
integer scale;
integer size;
if (opc == 3)
return false; // UNDEFINED
if (vector)
scale = 2 + UInt(opc);
scale = (opc & 2) ? 3 : 2;
is_signed = (opc & 1) != 0;
if (is_signed && memop == MemOp_STORE)
return false; // UNDEFINED
if (!vector && wback && ((t == n) || (t2 == n)))
switch (ConstrainUnpredictable(Unpredictable_WBOVERLAP))
case Constraint_UNKNOWN:
wb_unknown = true; // writeback is UNKNOWN
case Constraint_SUPPRESSWB:
wback = false; // writeback is suppressed
case Constraint_NOP:
memop = MemOp_NOP; // do nothing
wback = false;
case Constraint_NONE:
if (memop == MemOp_LOAD && t == t2)
switch (ConstrainUnpredictable(Unpredictable_LDPOVERLAP))
case Constraint_UNKNOWN:
rt_unknown = true; // result is UNKNOWN
case Constraint_NOP:
memop = MemOp_NOP; // do nothing
wback = false;
idx = LSL(llvm::SignExtend64<7>(imm7), scale);
size = (integer)1 << scale;
uint64_t datasize = size * 8;
uint64_t address;
uint64_t wb_address;
RegisterValue data_Rt;
RegisterValue data_Rt2;
// if (vector)
// CheckFPEnabled(false);
RegisterInfo reg_info_base;
RegisterInfo reg_info_Rt;
RegisterInfo reg_info_Rt2;
if (!GetRegisterInfo (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::x0 + n, reg_info_base))
return false;
if (vector)
if (!GetRegisterInfo (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::v0 + n, reg_info_Rt))
return false;
if (!GetRegisterInfo (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::v0 + n, reg_info_Rt2))
return false;
if (!GetRegisterInfo (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::x0 + t, reg_info_Rt))
return false;
if (!GetRegisterInfo (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::x0 + t2, reg_info_Rt2))
return false;
bool success = false;
if (n == 31)
address = ReadRegisterUnsigned (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::sp, 0, &success);
address = ReadRegisterUnsigned (eRegisterKindDWARF, arm64_dwarf::x0 + n, 0, &success);
wb_address = address + idx;
if (a_mode != AddrMode_POST)
address = wb_address;
Context context_t;
Context context_t2;
if (n == 31 || n == 29) // if this store is based off of the sp or fp register
context_t.type = eContextPushRegisterOnStack;
context_t2.type = eContextPushRegisterOnStack;
context_t.type = eContextRegisterPlusOffset;
context_t2.type = eContextRegisterPlusOffset;
context_t.SetRegisterToRegisterPlusOffset (reg_info_Rt, reg_info_base, 0);
context_t2.SetRegisterToRegisterPlusOffset (reg_info_Rt2, reg_info_base, size);
uint8_t buffer [RegisterValue::kMaxRegisterByteSize];
Error error;
switch (memop)
case MemOp_STORE:
if (!ReadRegister (&reg_info_Rt, data_Rt))
return false;
if (data_Rt.GetAsMemoryData(&reg_info_Rt, buffer, reg_info_Rt.byte_size, eByteOrderLittle, error) == 0)
return false;
if (!WriteMemory(context_t, address + 0, buffer, reg_info_Rt.byte_size))
return false;
if (!ReadRegister (&reg_info_Rt2, data_Rt2))
return false;
if (data_Rt2.GetAsMemoryData(&reg_info_Rt2, buffer, reg_info_Rt2.byte_size, eByteOrderLittle, error) == 0)
return false;
if (!WriteMemory(context_t2, address + size, buffer, reg_info_Rt2.byte_size))
return false;
case MemOp_LOAD:
if (rt_unknown)
memset (buffer, 'U', reg_info_Rt.byte_size);
if (!ReadMemory (context_t, address, buffer, reg_info_Rt.byte_size))
return false;
if (data_Rt.SetFromMemoryData(&reg_info_Rt, buffer, reg_info_Rt.byte_size, eByteOrderLittle, error) == 0)
return false;
if (!vector && is_signed && !data_Rt.SignExtend (datasize))
return false;
if (!WriteRegister (context_t, &reg_info_Rt, data_Rt))
return false;
if (!rt_unknown)
if (!ReadMemory (context_t2, address + size, buffer, reg_info_Rt2.byte_size))
return false;
if (data_Rt2.SetFromMemoryData(&reg_info_Rt2, buffer, reg_info_Rt2.byte_size, eByteOrderLittle, error) == 0)
return false;
if (!vector && is_signed && !data_Rt2.SignExtend (datasize))
return false;
if (!WriteRegister (context_t2, &reg_info_Rt2, data_Rt2))
return false;
if (wback)
if (wb_unknown)
Context context;
context.SetImmediateSigned (idx);
if (n == 31)
context.type = eContextAdjustStackPointer;
context.type = eContextAdjustBaseRegister;
WriteRegisterUnsigned (context, &reg_info_base, wb_address);
return true;