blob: 12a9324008d815bcfce2cb6536a0b4385ad69bde [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- lldb-private-types.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_lldb_private_types_h_
#define liblldb_lldb_private_types_h_
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
namespace lldb_private
class Platform;
class ExecutionContext;
// Every register is described in detail including its name, alternate
// name (optional), encoding, size in bytes and the default display
// format.
typedef struct
const char *name; // Name of this register, can't be NULL
const char *alt_name; // Alternate name of this register, can be NULL
uint32_t byte_size; // Size in bytes of the register
uint32_t byte_offset; // The byte offset in the register context data where this register's value is found
lldb::Encoding encoding; // Encoding of the register bits
lldb::Format format; // Default display format
uint32_t kinds[lldb::kNumRegisterKinds]; // Holds all of the various register numbers for all register kinds
uint32_t *value_regs; // List of registers that must be terminated with LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM
uint32_t *invalidate_regs; // List of registers that must be invalidated when this register is modified, list must be terminated with LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM
} RegisterInfo;
// Registers are grouped into register sets
typedef struct
const char *name; // Name of this register set
const char *short_name; // A short name for this register set
size_t num_registers; // The number of registers in REGISTERS array below
const uint32_t *registers; // An array of register numbers in this set
} RegisterSet;
typedef struct
int64_t value;
const char *string_value;
const char *usage;
} OptionEnumValueElement;
struct OptionValidator
virtual ~OptionValidator() { }
virtual bool IsValid(Platform &platform, const ExecutionContext &target) const = 0;
virtual const char * ShortConditionString() const = 0;
virtual const char * LongConditionString() const = 0;
struct OptionDefinition
uint32_t usage_mask; // Used to mark options that can be used together. If (1 << n & usage_mask) != 0
// then this option belongs to option set n.
bool required; // This option is required (in the current usage level)
const char *long_option; // Full name for this option.
int short_option; // Single character for this option.
int option_has_arg; // no_argument, required_argument or optional_argument
OptionValidator* validator; // If non-NULL, option is valid iff |validator->IsValid()|, otherwise always valid.
OptionEnumValueElement *enum_values; // If non-NULL an array of enum values.
uint32_t completion_type; // Cookie the option class can use to do define the argument completion.
lldb::CommandArgumentType argument_type; // Type of argument this option takes
const char *usage_text; // Full text explaining what this options does and what (if any) argument to
// pass it.
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // #if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // liblldb_lldb_private_types_h_