blob: 37fcb35f06ff303818da0f436d4e1e30f337d0f7 [file] [log] [blame]
Nightly Builds
Nightly builds of LLDB are packaged and tested from trunk:
Debian and Ubuntu:
The pkgsrc framework offers a package with recent LLDB in the wip repository:
cd pkgsrc/wip/lldb-git
make install clean
Debian packages are available for LLDB 3.5 and later.
* `Jessie - LLDB 3.5 <>`_
* `Stretch - LLDB 3.8 <>`_
* `Buster - LLDB 6.0 <>`_
* `Sid - LLDB 6.0 <>`_
Ubuntu packages are available for LLDB 3.8 and later.
* `Ubuntu 16.04LTS - LLDB 3.8 <>`_
* `Ubuntu 18.04LTS - LLDB 6.0 <>`_
Arch Linux packages the latest `LLDB 6.0