blob: 507b41309042c3535477b663c277445c5e132ef1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Variable.h -----------------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_Variable_h_
#define liblldb_Variable_h_
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "lldb/Core/Mangled.h"
#include "lldb/Core/RangeMap.h"
#include "lldb/Expression/DWARFExpression.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Declaration.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/UserID.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class Variable : public UserID, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Variable> {
typedef RangeVector<lldb::addr_t, lldb::addr_t> RangeList;
// Constructors and Destructors
Variable(lldb::user_id_t uid, const char *name,
const char
*mangled, // The mangled or fully qualified name of the variable.
const lldb::SymbolFileTypeSP &symfile_type_sp,
lldb::ValueType scope, SymbolContextScope *owner_scope,
const RangeList &scope_range, Declaration *decl,
const DWARFExpression &location, bool external, bool artificial,
bool static_member = false);
virtual ~Variable();
void Dump(Stream *s, bool show_context) const;
bool DumpDeclaration(Stream *s, bool show_fullpaths, bool show_module);
const Declaration &GetDeclaration() const { return m_declaration; }
ConstString GetName() const;
ConstString GetUnqualifiedName() const;
SymbolContextScope *GetSymbolContextScope() const { return m_owner_scope; }
// Since a variable can have a basename "i" and also a mangled
// named "_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_11iE" and a demangled mangled name
// "(anonymous namespace)::i", this function will allow a generic match
// function that can be called by commands and expression parsers to make
// sure we match anything we come across.
bool NameMatches(const ConstString &name) const;
bool NameMatches(const RegularExpression &regex) const;
Type *GetType();
lldb::LanguageType GetLanguage() const;
lldb::ValueType GetScope() const { return m_scope; }
bool IsExternal() const { return m_external; }
bool IsArtificial() const { return m_artificial; }
bool IsStaticMember() const { return m_static_member; }
DWARFExpression &LocationExpression() { return m_location; }
const DWARFExpression &LocationExpression() const { return m_location; }
bool DumpLocationForAddress(Stream *s, const Address &address);
size_t MemorySize() const;
void CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext *sc);
bool IsInScope(StackFrame *frame);
bool LocationIsValidForFrame(StackFrame *frame);
bool LocationIsValidForAddress(const Address &address);
bool GetLocationIsConstantValueData() const { return m_loc_is_const_data; }
void SetLocationIsConstantValueData(bool b) { m_loc_is_const_data = b; }
typedef size_t (*GetVariableCallback)(void *baton, const char *name,
VariableList &var_list);
static Status GetValuesForVariableExpressionPath(
llvm::StringRef variable_expr_path, ExecutionContextScope *scope,
GetVariableCallback callback, void *baton, VariableList &variable_list,
ValueObjectList &valobj_list);
static size_t AutoComplete(const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx,
llvm::StringRef name, StringList &matches,
bool &word_complete);
CompilerDeclContext GetDeclContext();
CompilerDecl GetDecl();
ConstString m_name; // The basename of the variable (no namespaces)
Mangled m_mangled; // The mangled name of the variable
lldb::SymbolFileTypeSP m_symfile_type_sp; // The type pointer of the variable
// (int, struct, class, etc)
lldb::ValueType m_scope; // global, parameter, local
*m_owner_scope; // The symbol file scope that this variable was defined in
RangeList m_scope_range; // The list of ranges inside the owner's scope where
// this variable is valid
Declaration m_declaration; // Declaration location for this item.
DWARFExpression m_location; // The location of this variable that can be fed
// to DWARFExpression::Evaluate()
uint8_t m_external : 1, // Visible outside the containing compile unit?
m_artificial : 1, // Non-zero if the variable is not explicitly declared
// in source
m_loc_is_const_data : 1, // The m_location expression contains the
// constant variable value data, not a DWARF
// location
m_static_member : 1; // Non-zero if variable is static member of a class
// or struct.
Variable(const Variable &rhs);
Variable &operator=(const Variable &rhs);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_Variable_h_