blob: 6e6632aa710f07354ae4029e979c99ef25a0bb0d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- NativeRegisterContext.cpp -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lldb/Host/common/NativeRegisterContext.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/RegisterValue.h"
#include "lldb/Host/PosixApi.h"
#include "lldb/Host/common/NativeProcessProtocol.h"
#include "lldb/Host/common/NativeThreadProtocol.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
NativeRegisterContext::NativeRegisterContext(NativeThreadProtocol &thread)
: m_thread(thread) {}
// Destructor
NativeRegisterContext::~NativeRegisterContext() {}
// FIXME revisit invalidation, process stop ids, etc. Right now we don't
// support caching in NativeRegisterContext. We can do this later by utilizing
// NativeProcessProtocol::GetStopID () and adding a stop id to
// NativeRegisterContext.
// void
// NativeRegisterContext::InvalidateIfNeeded (bool force) {
// ProcessSP process_sp (m_thread.GetProcess());
// bool invalidate = force;
// uint32_t process_stop_id = UINT32_MAX;
// if (process_sp)
// process_stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID();
// else
// invalidate = true;
// if (!invalidate)
// invalidate = process_stop_id != GetStopID();
// if (invalidate)
// {
// InvalidateAllRegisters ();
// SetStopID (process_stop_id);
// }
// }
const RegisterInfo *
NativeRegisterContext::GetRegisterInfoByName(llvm::StringRef reg_name,
uint32_t start_idx) {
if (reg_name.empty())
return nullptr;
const uint32_t num_registers = GetRegisterCount();
for (uint32_t reg = start_idx; reg < num_registers; ++reg) {
const RegisterInfo *reg_info = GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg);
if (reg_name.equals_lower(reg_info->name) ||
return reg_info;
return nullptr;
const RegisterInfo *NativeRegisterContext::GetRegisterInfo(uint32_t kind,
uint32_t num) {
const uint32_t reg_num = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(kind, num);
if (reg_num == LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM)
return nullptr;
return GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg_num);
const char *NativeRegisterContext::GetRegisterName(uint32_t reg) {
const RegisterInfo *reg_info = GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg);
if (reg_info)
return reg_info->name;
return nullptr;
const char *NativeRegisterContext::GetRegisterSetNameForRegisterAtIndex(
uint32_t reg_index) const {
const RegisterInfo *const reg_info = GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg_index);
if (!reg_info)
return nullptr;
for (uint32_t set_index = 0; set_index < GetRegisterSetCount(); ++set_index) {
const RegisterSet *const reg_set = GetRegisterSet(set_index);
if (!reg_set)
for (uint32_t reg_num_index = 0; reg_num_index < reg_set->num_registers;
++reg_num_index) {
const uint32_t reg_num = reg_set->registers[reg_num_index];
// FIXME double check we're checking the right register kind here.
if (reg_info->kinds[RegisterKind::eRegisterKindLLDB] == reg_num) {
// The given register is a member of this register set. Return the
// register set name.
return reg_set->name;
// Didn't find it.
return nullptr;
lldb::addr_t NativeRegisterContext::GetPC(lldb::addr_t fail_value) {
Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_THREAD));
uint32_t reg = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(eRegisterKindGeneric,
if (log)
log->Printf("NativeRegisterContext::%s using reg index %" PRIu32
" (default %" PRIu64 ")",
__FUNCTION__, reg, fail_value);
const uint64_t retval = ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(reg, fail_value);
if (log)
log->Printf("NativeRegisterContext::%s " PRIu32 " retval %" PRIu64,
__FUNCTION__, retval);
return retval;
NativeRegisterContext::GetPCfromBreakpointLocation(lldb::addr_t fail_value) {
return GetPC(fail_value);
Status NativeRegisterContext::SetPC(lldb::addr_t pc) {
uint32_t reg = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(eRegisterKindGeneric,
return WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(reg, pc);
lldb::addr_t NativeRegisterContext::GetSP(lldb::addr_t fail_value) {
uint32_t reg = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(eRegisterKindGeneric,
return ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(reg, fail_value);
Status NativeRegisterContext::SetSP(lldb::addr_t sp) {
uint32_t reg = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(eRegisterKindGeneric,
return WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(reg, sp);
lldb::addr_t NativeRegisterContext::GetFP(lldb::addr_t fail_value) {
uint32_t reg = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(eRegisterKindGeneric,
return ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(reg, fail_value);
Status NativeRegisterContext::SetFP(lldb::addr_t fp) {
uint32_t reg = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(eRegisterKindGeneric,
return WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(reg, fp);
lldb::addr_t NativeRegisterContext::GetReturnAddress(lldb::addr_t fail_value) {
uint32_t reg = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(eRegisterKindGeneric,
return ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(reg, fail_value);
lldb::addr_t NativeRegisterContext::GetFlags(lldb::addr_t fail_value) {
uint32_t reg = ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(eRegisterKindGeneric,
return ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(reg, fail_value);
NativeRegisterContext::ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(uint32_t reg,
lldb::addr_t fail_value) {
return ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg), fail_value);
return fail_value;
NativeRegisterContext::ReadRegisterAsUnsigned(const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
lldb::addr_t fail_value) {
Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_THREAD));
if (reg_info) {
RegisterValue value;
Status error = ReadRegister(reg_info, value);
if (error.Success()) {
if (log)
log->Printf("NativeRegisterContext::%s ReadRegister() succeeded, value "
"%" PRIu64,
__FUNCTION__, value.GetAsUInt64());
return value.GetAsUInt64();
} else {
if (log)
log->Printf("NativeRegisterContext::%s ReadRegister() failed, error %s",
__FUNCTION__, error.AsCString());
} else {
if (log)
log->Printf("NativeRegisterContext::%s ReadRegister() null reg_info",
return fail_value;
Status NativeRegisterContext::WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(uint32_t reg,
uint64_t uval) {
return Status("NativeRegisterContext::%s (): reg is invalid", __FUNCTION__);
return WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg), uval);
NativeRegisterContext::WriteRegisterFromUnsigned(const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
uint64_t uval) {
if (!reg_info)
return Status("reg_info is nullptr");
RegisterValue value;
if (!value.SetUInt(uval, reg_info->byte_size))
return Status("RegisterValue::SetUInt () failed");
return WriteRegister(reg_info, value);
lldb::tid_t NativeRegisterContext::GetThreadID() const {
return m_thread.GetID();
uint32_t NativeRegisterContext::NumSupportedHardwareBreakpoints() { return 0; }
uint32_t NativeRegisterContext::SetHardwareBreakpoint(lldb::addr_t addr,
size_t size) {
Status NativeRegisterContext::ClearAllHardwareBreakpoints() {
return Status("not implemented");
bool NativeRegisterContext::ClearHardwareBreakpoint(uint32_t hw_idx) {
return false;
Status NativeRegisterContext::GetHardwareBreakHitIndex(uint32_t &bp_index,
lldb::addr_t trap_addr) {
bp_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
return Status("not implemented");
uint32_t NativeRegisterContext::NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints() { return 0; }
uint32_t NativeRegisterContext::SetHardwareWatchpoint(lldb::addr_t addr,
size_t size,
uint32_t watch_flags) {
bool NativeRegisterContext::ClearHardwareWatchpoint(uint32_t hw_index) {
return false;
Status NativeRegisterContext::ClearAllHardwareWatchpoints() {
return Status("not implemented");
Status NativeRegisterContext::IsWatchpointHit(uint32_t wp_index, bool &is_hit) {
is_hit = false;
return Status("not implemented");
Status NativeRegisterContext::GetWatchpointHitIndex(uint32_t &wp_index,
lldb::addr_t trap_addr) {
wp_index = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32;
return Status("not implemented");
Status NativeRegisterContext::IsWatchpointVacant(uint32_t wp_index,
bool &is_vacant) {
is_vacant = false;
return Status("not implemented");
lldb::addr_t NativeRegisterContext::GetWatchpointAddress(uint32_t wp_index) {
lldb::addr_t NativeRegisterContext::GetWatchpointHitAddress(uint32_t wp_index) {
bool NativeRegisterContext::HardwareSingleStep(bool enable) { return false; }
Status NativeRegisterContext::ReadRegisterValueFromMemory(
const RegisterInfo *reg_info, lldb::addr_t src_addr, size_t src_len,
RegisterValue &reg_value) {
Status error;
if (reg_info == nullptr) {
error.SetErrorString("invalid register info argument.");
return error;
// Moving from addr into a register
// Case 1: src_len == dst_len
// |AABBCCDD| Address contents
// |AABBCCDD| Register contents
// Case 2: src_len > dst_len
// Status! (The register should always be big enough to hold the data)
// Case 3: src_len < dst_len
// |AABB| Address contents
// |AABB0000| Register contents [on little-endian hardware]
// |0000AABB| Register contents [on big-endian hardware]
if (src_len > RegisterValue::kMaxRegisterByteSize) {
error.SetErrorString("register too small to receive memory data");
return error;
const size_t dst_len = reg_info->byte_size;
if (src_len > dst_len) {
"%" PRIu64 " bytes is too big to store in register %s (%" PRIu64
" bytes)",
static_cast<uint64_t>(src_len), reg_info->name,
return error;
NativeProcessProtocol &process = m_thread.GetProcess();
uint8_t src[RegisterValue::kMaxRegisterByteSize];
// Read the memory
size_t bytes_read;
error = process.ReadMemory(src_addr, src, src_len, bytes_read);
if (error.Fail())
return error;
// Make sure the memory read succeeded...
if (bytes_read != src_len) {
// This might happen if we read _some_ bytes but not all
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("read %" PRIu64 " of %" PRIu64 " bytes",
return error;
// We now have a memory buffer that contains the part or all of the register
// value. Set the register value using this memory data.
// TODO: we might need to add a parameter to this function in case the byte
// order of the memory data doesn't match the process. For now we are
// assuming they are the same.
reg_value.SetFromMemoryData(reg_info, src, src_len, process.GetByteOrder(),
return error;
Status NativeRegisterContext::WriteRegisterValueToMemory(
const RegisterInfo *reg_info, lldb::addr_t dst_addr, size_t dst_len,
const RegisterValue &reg_value) {
uint8_t dst[RegisterValue::kMaxRegisterByteSize];
Status error;
NativeProcessProtocol &process = m_thread.GetProcess();
// TODO: we might need to add a parameter to this function in case the byte
// order of the memory data doesn't match the process. For now we are
// assuming they are the same.
const size_t bytes_copied = reg_value.GetAsMemoryData(
reg_info, dst, dst_len, process.GetByteOrder(), error);
if (error.Success()) {
if (bytes_copied == 0) {
error.SetErrorString("byte copy failed.");
} else {
size_t bytes_written;
error = process.WriteMemory(dst_addr, dst, bytes_copied, bytes_written);
if (error.Fail())
return error;
if (bytes_written != bytes_copied) {
// This might happen if we read _some_ bytes but not all
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("only wrote %" PRIu64 " of %" PRIu64
" bytes",
return error;
NativeRegisterContext::ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber(uint32_t kind,
uint32_t num) const {
const uint32_t num_regs = GetRegisterCount();
assert(kind < kNumRegisterKinds);
for (uint32_t reg_idx = 0; reg_idx < num_regs; ++reg_idx) {
const RegisterInfo *reg_info = GetRegisterInfoAtIndex(reg_idx);
if (reg_info->kinds[kind] == num)
return reg_idx;