blob: 4df1df94dfbadf6efd7f7a9cf06b57e5efeac282 [file] [log] [blame]
# This script modifies the lldb module (which was automatically generated via
# running swig) to support iteration and/or equality operations for certain lldb
# objects, implements truth value testing for certain lldb objects, and adds a
# global variable 'debugger_unique_id' which is initialized to 0.
# As a cleanup step, it also removes the 'residues' from the autodoc features of
# swig. For an example, take a look at SBTarget.h header file, where we take
# advantage of the already existing doxygen C++-docblock and make it the Python
# docstring for the same method. The 'residues' in this context include the c
# comment marker, the trailing blank (SPC's) line, and the doxygen comment start
# marker.
# In addition to the 'residues' removal during the cleanup step, it also
# transforms the 'char' data type (which was actually 'char *' but the 'autodoc'
# feature of swig removes ' *' from it) into 'str' (as a Python str type).
# System modules
import sys
import re
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
import io as StringIO
import StringIO
# import use_lldb_suite so we can find third-party and helper modules
import use_lldb_suite
# Third party modules
import six
# LLDB modules
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
output_name = "./"
output_name = sys.argv[1] + "/"
# print "output_name is '" + output_name + "'"
# Residues to be removed.
c_comment_marker = "//------------"
# The pattern for recognizing the doxygen comment block line.
doxygen_comment_start = re.compile("^\s*(/// ?)")
# The demarcation point for turning on/off residue removal state.
# When bracketed by the lines, the CLEANUP_DOCSTRING state (see below) is ON.
toggle_docstring_cleanup_line = ' """'
def char_to_str_xform(line):
"""This transforms the 'char', i.e, 'char *' to 'str', Python string."""
line = line.replace(' char', ' str')
line = line.replace('char ', 'str ')
# Special case handling of 'char **argv' and 'char **envp'.
line = line.replace('str argv', 'list argv')
line = line.replace('str envp', 'list envp')
return line
# The one-liner docstring also needs char_to_str transformation, btw.
TWO_SPACES = ' ' * 2
EIGHT_SPACES = ' ' * 8
one_liner_docstring_pattern = re.compile(
'^(%s|%s)""".*"""$' %
class NewContent(StringIO.StringIO):
"""Simple facade to keep track of the previous line to be committed."""
def __init__(self):
self.prev_line = None
def add_line(self, a_line):
"""Add a line to the content, if there is a previous line, commit it."""
if self.prev_line is not None:
self.write(self.prev_line + "\n")
self.prev_line = a_line
def del_line(self):
"""Forget about the previous line, do not commit it."""
self.prev_line = None
def del_blank_line(self):
"""Forget about the previous line if it is a blank line."""
if self.prev_line is not None and not self.prev_line.strip():
self.prev_line = None
def finish(self):
"""Call this when you're finished with populating content."""
if self.prev_line is not None:
self.write(self.prev_line + "\n")
self.prev_line = None
# The new content will have the iteration protocol defined for our lldb
# objects.
new_content = NewContent()
with open(output_name, 'r') as f_in:
content =
# These define the states of our finite state machine.
# Our FSM begins its life in the NORMAL state. The state CLEANUP_DOCSTRING can
# be entered from the NORMAL. While in this state, the FSM is fixing/cleaning
# the Python docstrings generated by the swig docstring features.
state = NORMAL
for line in content.splitlines():
# If ' """' is the sole line, prepare to transition to the
# CLEANUP_DOCSTRING state or out of it.
if line == toggle_docstring_cleanup_line:
# Special handling of the trailing blank line right before the '"""'
# end docstring marker.
# Remove the comment marker line.
if c_comment_marker in line:
# Also remove the '\a ' and '\b 'substrings.
line = line.replace('\a ', '')
line = line.replace('\b ', '')
# And the leading '///' substring.
doxygen_comment_match = doxygen_comment_start.match(line)
if doxygen_comment_match:
line = line.replace(, '', 1)
line = char_to_str_xform(line)
# Note that the transition out of CLEANUP_DOCSTRING is handled at the
# beginning of this function already.
# This deals with one-liner docstring, for example, SBThread.GetName:
# """GetName(self) -> char""".
if one_liner_docstring_pattern.match(line):
line = char_to_str_xform(line)
# Pass the original line of content to new_content.
# We are finished with recording new content.
with open(output_name, 'w') as f_out: