blob: ca2a2deb58d8763042d05dae3d041dfeea326a4a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- RemoteAwarePlatform.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Target/Platform.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// A base class for platforms which automatically want to be able to forward
/// operations to a remote platform instance (such as PlatformRemoteGDBServer).
class RemoteAwarePlatform : public Platform {
using Platform::Platform;
bool GetModuleSpec(const FileSpec &module_file_spec, const ArchSpec &arch,
ModuleSpec &module_spec) override;
lldb::user_id_t OpenFile(const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t flags,
uint32_t mode, Status &error) override;
bool CloseFile(lldb::user_id_t fd, Status &error) override;
uint64_t ReadFile(lldb::user_id_t fd, uint64_t offset, void *dst,
uint64_t dst_len, Status &error) override;
uint64_t WriteFile(lldb::user_id_t fd, uint64_t offset, const void *src,
uint64_t src_len, Status &error) override;
lldb::user_id_t GetFileSize(const FileSpec &file_spec) override;
Status CreateSymlink(const FileSpec &src, const FileSpec &dst) override;
bool GetFileExists(const FileSpec &file_spec) override;
Status Unlink(const FileSpec &file_spec) override;
FileSpec GetRemoteWorkingDirectory() override;
bool SetRemoteWorkingDirectory(const FileSpec &working_dir) override;
Status MakeDirectory(const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t mode) override;
Status GetFilePermissions(const FileSpec &file_spec,
uint32_t &file_permissions) override;
Status SetFilePermissions(const FileSpec &file_spec,
uint32_t file_permissions) override;
bool CalculateMD5(const FileSpec &file_spec, uint64_t &low,
uint64_t &high) override;
Status GetFileWithUUID(const FileSpec &platform_file, const UUID *uuid,
FileSpec &local_file) override;
bool GetRemoteOSVersion() override;
bool GetRemoteOSBuildString(std::string &s) override;
bool GetRemoteOSKernelDescription(std::string &s) override;
ArchSpec GetRemoteSystemArchitecture() override;
Status RunShellCommand(const char *command, const FileSpec &working_dir,
int *status_ptr, int *signo_ptr,
std::string *command_output,
const Timeout<std::micro> &timeout) override;
const char *GetHostname() override;
const char *GetUserName(uint32_t uid) override;
const char *GetGroupName(uint32_t gid) override;
lldb_private::Environment GetEnvironment() override;
bool IsConnected() const override;
bool GetProcessInfo(lldb::pid_t pid, ProcessInstanceInfo &proc_info) override;
uint32_t FindProcesses(const ProcessInstanceInfoMatch &match_info,
ProcessInstanceInfoList &process_infos) override;
lldb::ProcessSP ConnectProcess(llvm::StringRef connect_url,
llvm::StringRef plugin_name,
Debugger &debugger, Target *target,
Status &error) override;
Status LaunchProcess(ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info) override;
Status KillProcess(const lldb::pid_t pid) override;
lldb::PlatformSP m_remote_platform_sp;
} // namespace lldb_private