blob: 83f7d01522770d38f358a79bbe9279b9e4e61135 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Reproducer.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Utility/FileCollector.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace lldb_private {
namespace repro {
class Reproducer;
enum class ReproducerMode {
/// The provider defines an interface for generating files needed for
/// reproducing.
/// Different components will implement different providers.
class ProviderBase {
virtual ~ProviderBase() = default;
const FileSpec &GetRoot() const { return m_root; }
/// The Keep method is called when it is decided that we need to keep the
/// data in order to provide a reproducer.
virtual void Keep(){};
/// The Discard method is called when it is decided that we do not need to
/// keep any information and will not generate a reproducer.
virtual void Discard(){};
// Returns the class ID for this type.
static const void *ClassID() { return &ID; }
// Returns the class ID for the dynamic type of this Provider instance.
virtual const void *DynamicClassID() const = 0;
virtual llvm::StringRef GetName() const = 0;
virtual llvm::StringRef GetFile() const = 0;
ProviderBase(const FileSpec &root) : m_root(root) {}
/// Every provider knows where to dump its potential files.
FileSpec m_root;
virtual void anchor();
static char ID;
template <typename ThisProviderT> class Provider : public ProviderBase {
static const void *ClassID() { return &ThisProviderT::ID; }
const void *DynamicClassID() const override { return &ThisProviderT::ID; }
llvm::StringRef GetName() const override { return ThisProviderT::info::name; }
llvm::StringRef GetFile() const override { return ThisProviderT::info::file; }
using ProviderBase::ProviderBase; // Inherit constructor.
struct FileInfo {
static const char *name;
static const char *file;
class FileProvider : public Provider<FileProvider> {
typedef FileInfo info;
FileProvider(const FileSpec &directory)
: Provider(directory),
m_collector(directory.CopyByAppendingPathComponent("root")) {}
FileCollector &GetFileCollector() { return m_collector; }
void Keep() override {
auto mapping = GetRoot().CopyByAppendingPathComponent(info::file);
// Temporary files that are removed during execution can cause copy errors.
if (auto ec = m_collector.CopyFiles(/*stop_on_error=*/false))
static char ID;
FileCollector m_collector;
/// The generator is responsible for the logic needed to generate a
/// reproducer. For doing so it relies on providers, who serialize data that
/// is necessary for reproducing a failure.
class Generator final {
Generator(const FileSpec &root);
/// Method to indicate we want to keep the reproducer. If reproducer
/// generation is disabled, this does nothing.
void Keep();
/// Method to indicate we do not want to keep the reproducer. This is
/// unaffected by whether or not generation reproduction is enabled, as we
/// might need to clean up files already written to disk.
void Discard();
/// Create and register a new provider.
template <typename T> T *Create() {
std::unique_ptr<ProviderBase> provider = llvm::make_unique<T>(m_root);
return static_cast<T *>(Register(std::move(provider)));
/// Get an existing provider.
template <typename T> T *Get() {
auto it = m_providers.find(T::ClassID());
if (it == m_providers.end())
return nullptr;
return static_cast<T *>(it->second.get());
/// Get a provider if it exists, otherwise create it.
template <typename T> T &GetOrCreate() {
auto *provider = Get<T>();
if (provider)
return *provider;
return *Create<T>();
const FileSpec &GetRoot() const;
friend Reproducer;
ProviderBase *Register(std::unique_ptr<ProviderBase> provider);
/// Builds and index with provider info.
void AddProvidersToIndex();
/// Map of provider IDs to provider instances.
llvm::DenseMap<const void *, std::unique_ptr<ProviderBase>> m_providers;
std::mutex m_providers_mutex;
/// The reproducer root directory.
FileSpec m_root;
/// Flag to ensure that we never call both keep and discard.
bool m_done;
class Loader final {
Loader(const FileSpec &root);
template <typename T> FileSpec GetFile() {
if (!HasFile(T::file))
return {};
return GetRoot().CopyByAppendingPathComponent(T::file);
llvm::Error LoadIndex();
const FileSpec &GetRoot() const { return m_root; }
bool HasFile(llvm::StringRef file);
FileSpec m_root;
std::vector<std::string> m_files;
bool m_loaded;
/// The reproducer enables clients to obtain access to the Generator and
/// Loader.
class Reproducer {
static Reproducer &Instance();
static llvm::Error Initialize(ReproducerMode mode,
llvm::Optional<FileSpec> root);
static void Terminate();
Reproducer() = default;
Generator *GetGenerator();
Loader *GetLoader();
const Generator *GetGenerator() const;
const Loader *GetLoader() const;
FileSpec GetReproducerPath() const;
llvm::Error SetCapture(llvm::Optional<FileSpec> root);
llvm::Error SetReplay(llvm::Optional<FileSpec> root);
static llvm::Optional<Reproducer> &InstanceImpl();
llvm::Optional<Generator> m_generator;
llvm::Optional<Loader> m_loader;
mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
} // namespace repro
} // namespace lldb_private