blob: f0ad8d8555ab644732302c6c9e0bcc94e9d2c263 [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: not lld -core --undefines-are-errors %s %p/Inputs/undef-coalesce-error.objtxt %p/Inputs/undef-coalesce-error2.objtxt 2> %t.err
# RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECKERR %s < %t.err
# RUN: lld -core %s %p/Inputs/undef-coalesce-error.objtxt %p/Inputs/undef-coalesce-error2.objtxt | FileCheck %s
# Test that -undefines-are-errors triggers and error
# and that not using that option results in undefined atoms.
- name: foo
type: code
- name: malloc
- name: free
# CHECKERR: free
# CHECKERR: malloc
# CHECKERR: symbol(s) not found
# CHECK: defined-atoms:
# CHECK: name: foo
# CHECK: name: bar
# CHECK: name: myfunc
# CHECK: undefined-atoms:
# CHECK: name: malloc
# CHECK: name: free
# CHECK: ...