blob: 1e50fed3fa833a0698eb17ffa16c26c958569020 [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t
## Check that ALIGN command workable using location counter
# RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \
# RUN: . = 0x10000; \
# RUN: .aaa : \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.aaa) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: . = ALIGN(4096); \
# RUN: .bbb : \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.bbb) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: . = ALIGN(4096 * 4); \
# RUN: .ccc : \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.ccc) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: }" > %t.script
# RUN: ld.lld -o %t1 --script %t.script %t
# RUN: llvm-objdump -section-headers %t1 | FileCheck %s
## Check that the two argument version of ALIGN command works
# RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \
# RUN: . = ALIGN(0x1234, 0x10000); \
# RUN: .aaa : \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.aaa) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: . = ALIGN(., 4096); \
# RUN: .bbb : \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.bbb) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: . = ALIGN(., 4096 * 4); \
# RUN: .ccc : \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.ccc) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: }" > %t.script
# RUN: ld.lld -o %t1 --script %t.script %t
# RUN: llvm-objdump -section-headers %t1 | FileCheck %s
# CHECK: Sections:
# CHECK-NEXT: Idx Name Size Address Type
# CHECK-NEXT: 0 00000000 0000000000000000
# CHECK-NEXT: 1 .aaa 00000008 0000000000010000 DATA
# CHECK-NEXT: 2 .bbb 00000008 0000000000011000 DATA
# CHECK-NEXT: 3 .ccc 00000008 0000000000014000 DATA
## Check output sections ALIGN modificator
# RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \
# RUN: . = 0x10000; \
# RUN: .aaa : \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.aaa) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: .bbb : ALIGN(4096) \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.bbb) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: .ccc : ALIGN(4096 * 4) \
# RUN: { \
# RUN: *(.ccc) \
# RUN: } \
# RUN: }" > %t2.script
# RUN: ld.lld -o %t2 --script %t2.script %t
# RUN: llvm-objdump -section-headers %t1 | FileCheck %s
.global _start
.section .aaa, "a"
.quad 0
.section .bbb, "a"
.quad 0
.section .ccc, "a"
.quad 0