blob: 0373d2b7473aaf0270095ad1e1303fa72f9dc76a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: grep -Ev "// *[A-Z-]+:" %s > %t.cpp
// RUN: cpp11-migrate -loop-convert %t.cpp -- -I %S/Inputs
// RUN: FileCheck -input-file=%t.cpp %s
#include "structures.h"
const int N = 10;
Val Arr[N];
Val &func(Val &);
void aliasing() {
// If the loop container is only used for a declaration of a temporary
// variable to hold each element, we can name the new variable for the
// converted range-based loop as the temporary variable's name.
// In the following case, "t" is used as a temporary variable to hold each
// element, and thus we consider the name "t" aliased to the loop.
// The extra blank braces are left as a placeholder for after the variable
// declaration is deleted.
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
Val &t = Arr[i]; { }
int y = t.x;
// CHECK: for (auto & t : Arr)
// CHECK-NOT: Val &{{[a-z_]+}} =
// CHECK-NEXT: { }
// CHECK-NEXT: int y = t.x;
// The container was not only used to initialize a temporary loop variable for
// the container's elements, so we do not alias the new loop variable.
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
Val &t = Arr[i];
int y = t.x;
int z = Arr[i].x + t.x;
// CHECK: for (auto & elem : Arr)
// CHECK-NEXT: Val &t = elem;
// CHECK-NEXT: int y = t.x;
// CHECK-NEXT: int z = elem.x + t.x;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
Val t = Arr[i];
int y = t.x;
int z = Arr[i].x + t.x;
// CHECK: for (auto & elem : Arr)
// CHECK-NEXT: Val t = elem;
// CHECK-NEXT: int y = t.x;
// CHECK-NEXT: int z = elem.x + t.x;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
Val &t = func(Arr[i]);
int y = t.x;
// CHECK: for (auto & elem : Arr)
// CHECK-NEXT: Val &t = func(elem);
// CHECK-NEXT: int y = t.x;
void refs_and_vals() {
// The following tests check that the transform correctly preserves the
// reference or value qualifiers of the aliased variable. That is, if the
// variable was declared as a value, the loop variable will be declared as a
// value and vice versa for references.
S s;
const S s_const = s;
for (S::const_iterator it = s_const.begin(); it != s_const.end(); ++it) {
MutableVal alias = *it; { }
alias.x = 0;
// CHECK: for (auto alias : s_const)
// CHECK-NOT: MutableVal {{[a-z_]+}} =
// CHECK-NEXT: { }
// CHECK-NEXT: alias.x = 0;
for (S::iterator it = s.begin(), e = s.end(); it != e; ++it) {
MutableVal alias = *it; { }
alias.x = 0;
// CHECK: for (auto alias : s)
// CHECK-NOT: MutableVal {{[a-z_]+}} =
// CHECK-NEXT: { }
// CHECK-NEXT: alias.x = 0;
for (S::iterator it = s.begin(), e = s.end(); it != e; ++it) {
MutableVal &alias = *it; { }
alias.x = 0;
// CHECK: for (auto & alias : s)
// CHECK-NOT: MutableVal &{{[a-z_]+}} =
// CHECK-NEXT: { }
// CHECK-NEXT: alias.x = 0;