blob: b27ace5f3ffa88414e3a7f4959fb9e3c432801f5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SymbolCollector.cpp -------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "SymbolCollector.h"
#include "../AST.h"
#include "../CodeCompletionStrings.h"
#include "../Logger.h"
#include "../URI.h"
#include "CanonicalIncludes.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexSymbol.h"
#include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
// Returns a URI of \p Path. Firstly, this makes the \p Path absolute using the
// current working directory of the given SourceManager if the Path is not an
// absolute path. If failed, this resolves relative paths against \p FallbackDir
// to get an absolute path. Then, this tries creating an URI for the absolute
// path with schemes specified in \p Opts. This returns an URI with the first
// working scheme, if there is any; otherwise, this returns None.
// The Path can be a path relative to the build directory, or retrieved from
// the SourceManager.
llvm::Optional<std::string> toURI(const SourceManager &SM, StringRef Path,
const SymbolCollector::Options &Opts) {
llvm::SmallString<128> AbsolutePath(Path);
if (std::error_code EC =
llvm::errs() << "Warning: could not make absolute file: '" << EC.message()
<< '\n';
if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(AbsolutePath)) {
// Handle the symbolic link path case where the current working directory
// (getCurrentWorkingDirectory) is a symlink./ We always want to the real
// file path (instead of the symlink path) for the C++ symbols.
// Consider the following example:
// src dir: /project/src/foo.h
// current working directory (symlink): /tmp/build -> /project/src/
// The file path of Symbol is "/project/src/foo.h" instead of
// "/tmp/build/foo.h"
if (const DirectoryEntry *Dir = SM.getFileManager().getDirectory(
llvm::sys::path::parent_path(AbsolutePath.str()))) {
StringRef DirName = SM.getFileManager().getCanonicalName(Dir);
SmallString<128> AbsoluteFilename;
llvm::sys::path::append(AbsoluteFilename, DirName,
AbsolutePath = AbsoluteFilename;
} else if (!Opts.FallbackDir.empty()) {
llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute(Opts.FallbackDir, AbsolutePath);
llvm::sys::path::remove_dots(AbsolutePath, /*remove_dot_dot=*/true);
std::string ErrMsg;
for (const auto &Scheme : Opts.URISchemes) {
auto U = URI::create(AbsolutePath, Scheme);
if (U)
return U->toString();
ErrMsg += llvm::toString(U.takeError()) + "\n";
log(llvm::Twine("Failed to create an URI for file ") + AbsolutePath + ": " +
return llvm::None;
// "a::b::c", return {"a::b::", "c"}. Scope is empty if there's no qualifier.
std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef>
splitQualifiedName(llvm::StringRef QName) {
assert(!QName.startswith("::") && "Qualified names should not start with ::");
size_t Pos = QName.rfind("::");
if (Pos == llvm::StringRef::npos)
return {StringRef(), QName};
return {QName.substr(0, Pos + 2), QName.substr(Pos + 2)};
bool shouldFilterDecl(const NamedDecl *ND, ASTContext *ASTCtx,
const SymbolCollector::Options &Opts) {
using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
if (ND->isImplicit())
return true;
// Skip anonymous declarations, e.g (anonymous enum/class/struct).
if (ND->getDeclName().isEmpty())
return true;
// FIXME: figure out a way to handle internal linkage symbols (e.g. static
// variables, function) defined in the .cc files. Also we skip the symbols
// in anonymous namespace as the qualifier names of these symbols are like
// `foo::<anonymous>::bar`, which need a special handling.
// In real world projects, we have a relatively large set of header files
// that define static variables (like "static const int A = 1;"), we still
// want to collect these symbols, although they cause potential ODR
// violations.
if (ND->isInAnonymousNamespace())
return true;
// We only want:
// * symbols in namespaces or translation unit scopes (e.g. no class
// members)
// * enum constants in unscoped enum decl (e.g. "red" in "enum {red};")
auto InTopLevelScope = hasDeclContext(
anyOf(namespaceDecl(), translationUnitDecl(), linkageSpecDecl()));
// Don't index template specializations.
auto IsSpecialization =
if (match(decl(allOf(unless(isExpansionInMainFile()),
*ND, *ASTCtx)
return true;
return false;
// We only collect #include paths for symbols that are suitable for global code
// completion, except for namespaces since #include path for a namespace is hard
// to define.
bool shouldCollectIncludePath(index::SymbolKind Kind) {
using SK = index::SymbolKind;
switch (Kind) {
case SK::Macro:
case SK::Enum:
case SK::Struct:
case SK::Class:
case SK::Union:
case SK::TypeAlias:
case SK::Using:
case SK::Function:
case SK::Variable:
case SK::EnumConstant:
return true;
return false;
/// Gets a canonical include (URI of the header or <header> or "header") for
/// header of \p Loc.
/// Returns None if fails to get include header for \p Loc.
/// FIXME: we should handle .inc files whose symbols are expected be exported by
/// their containing headers.
getIncludeHeader(llvm::StringRef QName, const SourceManager &SM,
SourceLocation Loc, const SymbolCollector::Options &Opts) {
llvm::StringRef FilePath = SM.getFilename(Loc);
if (FilePath.empty())
return llvm::None;
if (Opts.Includes) {
llvm::StringRef Mapped = Opts.Includes->mapHeader(FilePath, QName);
if (Mapped != FilePath)
return (Mapped.startswith("<") || Mapped.startswith("\""))
? Mapped.str()
: ("\"" + Mapped + "\"").str();
return toURI(SM, SM.getFilename(Loc), Opts);
// Return the symbol location of the given declaration `D`.
// For symbols defined inside macros:
// * use expansion location, if the symbol is formed via macro concatenation.
// * use spelling location, otherwise.
llvm::Optional<SymbolLocation> getSymbolLocation(
const NamedDecl &D, SourceManager &SM, const SymbolCollector::Options &Opts,
const clang::LangOptions &LangOpts, std::string &FileURIStorage) {
SourceLocation NameLoc = findNameLoc(&D);
auto U = toURI(SM, SM.getFilename(NameLoc), Opts);
if (!U)
return llvm::None;
FileURIStorage = std::move(*U);
SymbolLocation Result;
Result.FileURI = FileURIStorage;
Result.StartOffset = SM.getFileOffset(NameLoc);
Result.EndOffset = Result.StartOffset + clang::Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(
NameLoc, SM, LangOpts);
return std::move(Result);
// Checks whether \p ND is a definition of a TagDecl (class/struct/enum/union)
// in a header file, in which case clangd would prefer to use ND as a canonical
// declaration.
// FIXME: handle symbol types that are not TagDecl (e.g. functions), if using
// the the first seen declaration as canonical declaration is not a good enough
// heuristic.
bool isPreferredDeclaration(const NamedDecl &ND, index::SymbolRoleSet Roles) {
using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
return (Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(index::SymbolRole::Definition)) &&
llvm::isa<TagDecl>(&ND) &&
match(decl(isExpansionInMainFile()), ND, ND.getASTContext()).empty();
} // namespace
SymbolCollector::SymbolCollector(Options Opts) : Opts(std::move(Opts)) {}
void SymbolCollector::initialize(ASTContext &Ctx) {
ASTCtx = &Ctx;
CompletionAllocator = std::make_shared<GlobalCodeCompletionAllocator>();
CompletionTUInfo =
// Always return true to continue indexing.
bool SymbolCollector::handleDeclOccurence(
const Decl *D, index::SymbolRoleSet Roles,
ArrayRef<index::SymbolRelation> Relations, FileID FID, unsigned Offset,
index::IndexDataConsumer::ASTNodeInfo ASTNode) {
assert(ASTCtx && PP.get() && "ASTContext and Preprocessor must be set.");
assert(CompletionAllocator && CompletionTUInfo);
const NamedDecl *ND = llvm::dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D);
if (!ND)
return true;
// Mark D as referenced if this is a reference coming from the main file.
// D may not be an interesting symbol, but it's cheaper to check at the end.
if (Opts.CountReferences &&
(Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(index::SymbolRole::Reference)) &&
ASTCtx->getSourceManager().getMainFileID() == FID)
// Don't continue indexing if this is a mere reference.
if (!(Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(index::SymbolRole::Declaration) ||
Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(index::SymbolRole::Definition)))
return true;
if (shouldFilterDecl(ND, ASTCtx, Opts))
return true;
llvm::SmallString<128> USR;
if (index::generateUSRForDecl(ND, USR))
return true;
SymbolID ID(USR);
const NamedDecl &OriginalDecl = *cast<NamedDecl>(ASTNode.OrigD);
const Symbol *BasicSymbol = Symbols.find(ID);
if (!BasicSymbol) // Regardless of role, ND is the canonical declaration.
BasicSymbol = addDeclaration(*ND, std::move(ID));
else if (isPreferredDeclaration(OriginalDecl, Roles))
// If OriginalDecl is preferred, replace the existing canonical
// declaration (e.g. a class forward declaration). There should be at most
// one duplicate as we expect to see only one preferred declaration per
// TU, because in practice they are definitions.
BasicSymbol = addDeclaration(OriginalDecl, std::move(ID));
if (Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(index::SymbolRole::Definition))
addDefinition(OriginalDecl, *BasicSymbol);
return true;
void SymbolCollector::finish() {
// At the end of the TU, add 1 to the refcount of the ReferencedDecls.
for (const auto *ND : ReferencedDecls) {
llvm::SmallString<128> USR;
if (!index::generateUSRForDecl(ND, USR))
if (const auto *S = Symbols.find(SymbolID(USR))) {
Symbol Inc = *S;
const Symbol *SymbolCollector::addDeclaration(const NamedDecl &ND,
SymbolID ID) {
auto &SM = ND.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
std::string QName;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(QName);
PrintingPolicy Policy(ASTCtx->getLangOpts());
// Note that inline namespaces are treated as transparent scopes. This
// reflects the way they're most commonly used for lookup. Ideally we'd
// include them, but at query time it's hard to find all the inline
// namespaces to query: the preamble doesn't have a dedicated list.
Policy.SuppressUnwrittenScope = true;
ND.printQualifiedName(OS, Policy);
Symbol S;
S.ID = std::move(ID);
std::tie(S.Scope, S.Name) = splitQualifiedName(QName);
S.SymInfo = index::getSymbolInfo(&ND);
std::string FileURI;
if (auto DeclLoc =
getSymbolLocation(ND, SM, Opts, ASTCtx->getLangOpts(), FileURI))
S.CanonicalDeclaration = *DeclLoc;
// Add completion info.
// FIXME: we may want to choose a different redecl, or combine from several.
assert(ASTCtx && PP.get() && "ASTContext and Preprocessor must be set.");
CodeCompletionResult SymbolCompletion(&ND, 0);
const auto *CCS = SymbolCompletion.CreateCodeCompletionString(
*ASTCtx, *PP, CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Name, *CompletionAllocator,
/*IncludeBriefComments*/ true);
std::string Label;
std::string SnippetInsertText;
std::string IgnoredLabel;
std::string PlainInsertText;
getLabelAndInsertText(*CCS, &Label, &SnippetInsertText,
getLabelAndInsertText(*CCS, &IgnoredLabel, &PlainInsertText,
std::string FilterText = getFilterText(*CCS);
std::string Documentation = getDocumentation(*CCS);
std::string CompletionDetail = getDetail(*CCS);
std::string Include;
if (Opts.CollectIncludePath && shouldCollectIncludePath(S.SymInfo.Kind)) {
// Use the expansion location to get the #include header since this is
// where the symbol is exposed.
if (auto Header = getIncludeHeader(
QName, SM, SM.getExpansionLoc(ND.getLocation()), Opts))
Include = std::move(*Header);
S.CompletionFilterText = FilterText;
S.CompletionLabel = Label;
S.CompletionPlainInsertText = PlainInsertText;
S.CompletionSnippetInsertText = SnippetInsertText;
Symbol::Details Detail;
Detail.Documentation = Documentation;
Detail.CompletionDetail = CompletionDetail;
Detail.IncludeHeader = Include;
S.Detail = &Detail;
return Symbols.find(S.ID);
void SymbolCollector::addDefinition(const NamedDecl &ND,
const Symbol &DeclSym) {
if (DeclSym.Definition)
// If we saw some forward declaration, we end up copying the symbol.
// This is not ideal, but avoids duplicating the "is this a definition" check
// in clang::index. We should only see one definition.
Symbol S = DeclSym;
std::string FileURI;
if (auto DefLoc = getSymbolLocation(ND, ND.getASTContext().getSourceManager(),
Opts, ASTCtx->getLangOpts(), FileURI))
S.Definition = *DefLoc;
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang