blob: 096ccd9e6479b56ee96842d54039a5c382824842 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- FileIndexTests.cpp ---------------------------*- C++ -*-----------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "Annotations.h"
#include "ClangdUnit.h"
#include "TestFS.h"
#include "TestTU.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "index/FileIndex.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/PCHContainerOperations.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using testing::_;
using testing::AllOf;
using testing::ElementsAre;
using testing::Pair;
using testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
MATCHER_P(RefRange, Range, "") {
return std::tie(arg.Location.Start.Line, arg.Location.Start.Column,
arg.Location.End.Line, arg.Location.End.Column) ==
std::tie(Range.start.line, Range.start.character, Range.end.line,
MATCHER_P(FileURI, F, "") { return arg.Location.FileURI == F; }
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
testing::Matcher<const RefSlab &>
RefsAre(std::vector<testing::Matcher<Ref>> Matchers) {
return ElementsAre(testing::Pair(_, UnorderedElementsAreArray(Matchers)));
Symbol symbol(llvm::StringRef ID) {
Symbol Sym;
Sym.ID = SymbolID(ID);
Sym.Name = ID;
return Sym;
std::unique_ptr<SymbolSlab> numSlab(int Begin, int End) {
SymbolSlab::Builder Slab;
for (int i = Begin; i <= End; i++)
return llvm::make_unique<SymbolSlab>(std::move(Slab).build());
std::unique_ptr<RefSlab> refSlab(const SymbolID &ID, llvm::StringRef Path) {
RefSlab::Builder Slab;
Ref R;
R.Location.FileURI = Path;
R.Kind = RefKind::Reference;
Slab.insert(ID, R);
return llvm::make_unique<RefSlab>(std::move(Slab).build());
std::vector<std::string> getSymbolNames(const SymbolIndex &I,
std::string Query = "") {
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = Query;
std::vector<std::string> Names;
I.fuzzyFind(Req, [&](const Symbol &S) { Names.push_back(S.Name); });
return Names;
RefSlab getRefs(const SymbolIndex &I, SymbolID ID) {
RefsRequest Req;
Req.IDs = {ID};
RefSlab::Builder Slab;
I.refs(Req, [&](const Ref &S) { Slab.insert(ID, S); });
return std::move(Slab).build();
TEST(FileSymbolsTest, UpdateAndGet) {
FileSymbols FS;
EXPECT_THAT(getSymbolNames(*FS.buildMemIndex()), UnorderedElementsAre());
FS.update("f1", numSlab(1, 3), refSlab(SymbolID("1"), ""));
UnorderedElementsAre("1", "2", "3"));
EXPECT_THAT(getRefs(*FS.buildMemIndex(), SymbolID("1")),
TEST(FileSymbolsTest, Overlap) {
FileSymbols FS;
FS.update("f1", numSlab(1, 3), nullptr);
FS.update("f2", numSlab(3, 5), nullptr);
UnorderedElementsAre("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"));
TEST(FileSymbolsTest, SnapshotAliveAfterRemove) {
FileSymbols FS;
SymbolID ID("1");
FS.update("f1", numSlab(1, 3), refSlab(ID, ""));
auto Symbols = FS.buildMemIndex();
EXPECT_THAT(getSymbolNames(*Symbols), UnorderedElementsAre("1", "2", "3"));
EXPECT_THAT(getRefs(*Symbols, ID), RefsAre({FileURI("")}));
FS.update("f1", nullptr, nullptr);
auto Empty = FS.buildMemIndex();
EXPECT_THAT(getSymbolNames(*Empty), UnorderedElementsAre());
EXPECT_THAT(getRefs(*Empty, ID), ElementsAre());
EXPECT_THAT(getSymbolNames(*Symbols), UnorderedElementsAre("1", "2", "3"));
EXPECT_THAT(getRefs(*Symbols, ID), RefsAre({FileURI("")}));
std::vector<std::string> match(const SymbolIndex &I,
const FuzzyFindRequest &Req) {
std::vector<std::string> Matches;
I.fuzzyFind(Req, [&](const Symbol &Sym) {
Matches.push_back((Sym.Scope + Sym.Name).str());
return Matches;
// Adds Basename.cpp, which includes Basename.h, which contains Code.
void update(FileIndex &M, llvm::StringRef Basename, llvm::StringRef Code) {
TestTU File;
File.Filename = (Basename + ".cpp").str();
File.HeaderFilename = (Basename + ".h").str();
File.HeaderCode = Code;
auto AST =;
M.update(File.Filename, &AST.getASTContext(), AST.getPreprocessorPtr());
TEST(FileIndexTest, CustomizedURIScheme) {
FileIndex M({"unittest"});
update(M, "f", "class string {};");
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
bool SeenSymbol = false;
M.fuzzyFind(Req, [&](const Symbol &Sym) {
EXPECT_EQ(Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI, "unittest:///f.h");
SeenSymbol = true;
TEST(FileIndexTest, IndexAST) {
FileIndex M;
update(M, "f1", "namespace ns { void f() {} class X {}; }");
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
Req.Scopes = {"ns::"};
EXPECT_THAT(match(M, Req), UnorderedElementsAre("ns::f", "ns::X"));
TEST(FileIndexTest, NoLocal) {
FileIndex M;
update(M, "f1", "namespace ns { void f() { int local = 0; } class X {}; }");
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
EXPECT_THAT(match(M, Req), UnorderedElementsAre("ns", "ns::f", "ns::X"));
TEST(FileIndexTest, IndexMultiASTAndDeduplicate) {
FileIndex M;
update(M, "f1", "namespace ns { void f() {} class X {}; }");
update(M, "f2", "namespace ns { void ff() {} class X {}; }");
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
Req.Scopes = {"ns::"};
EXPECT_THAT(match(M, Req), UnorderedElementsAre("ns::f", "ns::X", "ns::ff"));
TEST(FileIndexTest, RemoveAST) {
FileIndex M;
update(M, "f1", "namespace ns { void f() {} class X {}; }");
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
Req.Scopes = {"ns::"};
EXPECT_THAT(match(M, Req), UnorderedElementsAre("ns::f", "ns::X"));
M.update("f1.cpp", nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(match(M, Req), UnorderedElementsAre());
TEST(FileIndexTest, RemoveNonExisting) {
FileIndex M;
M.update("no.cpp", nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(match(M, FuzzyFindRequest()), UnorderedElementsAre());
TEST(FileIndexTest, ClassMembers) {
FileIndex M;
update(M, "f1", "class X { static int m1; int m2; static void f(); };");
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
EXPECT_THAT(match(M, Req),
UnorderedElementsAre("X", "X::m1", "X::m2", "X::f"));
TEST(FileIndexTest, NoIncludeCollected) {
FileIndex M;
update(M, "f", "class string {};");
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
bool SeenSymbol = false;
M.fuzzyFind(Req, [&](const Symbol &Sym) {
SeenSymbol = true;
TEST(FileIndexTest, TemplateParamsInLabel) {
auto Source = R"cpp(
template <class Ty>
class vector {
template <class Ty, class Arg>
vector<Ty> make_vector(Arg A) {}
FileIndex M;
update(M, "f", Source);
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
bool SeenVector = false;
bool SeenMakeVector = false;
M.fuzzyFind(Req, [&](const Symbol &Sym) {
if (Sym.Name == "vector") {
EXPECT_EQ(Sym.Signature, "<class Ty>");
EXPECT_EQ(Sym.CompletionSnippetSuffix, "<${1:class Ty}>");
SeenVector = true;
if (Sym.Name == "make_vector") {
EXPECT_EQ(Sym.Signature, "<class Ty>(Arg A)");
EXPECT_EQ(Sym.CompletionSnippetSuffix, "<${1:class Ty}>(${2:Arg A})");
SeenMakeVector = true;
TEST(FileIndexTest, RebuildWithPreamble) {
auto FooCpp = testPath("foo.cpp");
auto FooH = testPath("foo.h");
// Preparse ParseInputs.
ParseInputs PI;
PI.CompileCommand.Directory = testRoot();
PI.CompileCommand.Filename = FooCpp;
PI.CompileCommand.CommandLine = {"clang", "-xc++", FooCpp};
llvm::StringMap<std::string> Files;
Files[FooCpp] = "";
Files[FooH] = R"cpp(
namespace ns_in_header {
int func_in_header();
PI.FS = buildTestFS(std::move(Files));
PI.Contents = R"cpp(
#include "foo.h"
namespace ns_in_source {
int func_in_source();
// Rebuild the file.
auto CI = buildCompilerInvocation(PI);
FileIndex Index;
bool IndexUpdated = false;
FooCpp, *CI, /*OldPreamble=*/nullptr, tooling::CompileCommand(), PI,
std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>(), /*StoreInMemory=*/true,
[&](ASTContext &Ctx, std::shared_ptr<Preprocessor> PP) {
EXPECT_FALSE(IndexUpdated) << "Expected only a single index update";
IndexUpdated = true;
Index.update(FooCpp, &Ctx, std::move(PP));
// Check the index contains symbols from the preamble, but not from the main
// file.
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
Req.Query = "";
Req.Scopes = {"", "ns_in_header::"};
match(Index, Req),
UnorderedElementsAre("ns_in_header", "ns_in_header::func_in_header"));
TEST(FileIndexTest, Refs) {
const char *HeaderCode = "class Foo {};";
Annotations MainCode(R"cpp(
void f() {
$foo[[Foo]] foo;
auto Foo =
findSymbol(TestTU::withHeaderCode(HeaderCode).headerSymbols(), "Foo");
RefsRequest Request;
Request.IDs = {Foo.ID};
FileIndex Index(/*URISchemes*/ {"unittest"});
// Add
TestTU Test;
Test.HeaderCode = HeaderCode;
Test.Code = MainCode.code();
Test.Filename = "";
auto AST =;
Index.update(Test.Filename, &AST.getASTContext(), AST.getPreprocessorPtr(),
// Add
TestTU Test2;
Test2.HeaderCode = HeaderCode;
Test2.Code = MainCode.code();
Test2.Filename = "";
AST =;
Index.update(Test2.Filename, &AST.getASTContext(), AST.getPreprocessorPtr(),
EXPECT_THAT(getRefs(Index, Foo.ID),
} // namespace
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang