blob: a082e100e436f352d7f81b2e2baa046452c7569b [file] [log] [blame]
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as vscodelc from 'vscode-languageclient';
* Method to get workspace configuration option
* @param option name of the option (e.g. for clangd.path should be path)
* @param defaultValue default value to return if option is not set
function getConfig<T>(option: string, defaultValue?: any): T {
const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('clangd');
return config.get<T>(option, defaultValue);
namespace SwitchSourceHeaderRequest {
export const type =
new vscodelc.RequestType<vscodelc.TextDocumentIdentifier, string|undefined,
void, void>('textDocument/switchSourceHeader');
class FileStatus {
private statuses = new Map<string, any>();
private readonly statusBarItem =
vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left, 10);
onFileUpdated(fileStatus: any) {
const filePath = vscode.Uri.parse(fileStatus.uri);
this.statuses.set(filePath.fsPath, fileStatus);
updateStatus() {
const path = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName;
const status = this.statuses.get(path);
if (!status) {
this.statusBarItem.text = `clangd: ` + status.state;;
clear() {
dispose() { this.statusBarItem.dispose(); }
class ClangdLanguageClient extends vscodelc.LanguageClient {
// Override the default implementation for failed requests. The default
// behavior is just to log failures in the output panel, however output panel
// is designed for extension debugging purpose, normal users will not open it,
// thus when the failure occurs, normal users doesn't know that.
// For user-interactive operations (e.g. applyFixIt, applyTweaks), we will
// prompt up the failure to users.
logFailedRequest(rpcReply: vscodelc.RPCMessageType, error: any) {
if (error instanceof vscodelc.ResponseError &&
rpcReply.method === "workspace/executeCommand")
// Call default implementation.
super.logFailedRequest(rpcReply, error);
* this method is called when your extension is activate
* your extension is activated the very first time the command is executed
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
const syncFileEvents = getConfig<boolean>('syncFileEvents', true);
const clangd: vscodelc.Executable = {
command : getConfig<string>('path'),
args : getConfig<string[]>('arguments')
const traceFile = getConfig<string>('trace');
if (!!traceFile) {
const trace = {CLANGD_TRACE : traceFile};
clangd.options = {env : {...process.env, ...trace}};
const serverOptions: vscodelc.ServerOptions = clangd;
// Note that CUDA ('.cu') files are special. When opening files of all other
// extensions, VSCode would load clangd automatically. This is achieved by
// having a corresponding 'onLanguage:...' activation event in package.json.
// However, VSCode does not have CUDA as a supported language yet, so we
// cannot add a corresponding activationEvent for CUDA files and clangd will
// *not* load itself automatically on '.cu' files.
const cudaFilePattern: string = '**/*.{' + [ 'cu' ].join() + '}';
const clientOptions: vscodelc.LanguageClientOptions = {
// Register the server for c-family and cuda files.
documentSelector: [
{ scheme: 'file', language: 'c' },
{ scheme: 'file', language: 'cpp' },
{ scheme: 'file', language: 'objective-c'},
{ scheme: 'file', language: 'objective-cpp'},
{ scheme: 'file', pattern: cudaFilePattern },
synchronize: !syncFileEvents ? undefined : {
// FIXME: send sync file events when clangd provides implemenatations.
initializationOptions: { clangdFileStatus: true },
// Do not switch to output window when clangd returns output
revealOutputChannelOn: vscodelc.RevealOutputChannelOn.Never
const clangdClient = new ClangdLanguageClient('Clang Language Server',
serverOptions, clientOptions);
console.log('Clang Language Server is now active!');
'clangd-vscode.switchheadersource', async () => {
const uri =
if (!uri) {
const docIdentifier =
const sourceUri = await clangdClient.sendRequest(
SwitchSourceHeaderRequest.type, docIdentifier);
if (!sourceUri) {
const doc = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(
const status = new FileStatus();
() => { status.updateStatus(); }));
clangdClient.onDidChangeState(({newState}) => {
if (newState == vscodelc.State.Running) {
// clangd starts or restarts after crash.
(fileStatus) => { status.onFileUpdated(fileStatus); });
} else if (newState == vscodelc.State.Stopped) {
// Clear all cached statuses when clangd crashes.
// An empty place holder for the activate command, otherwise we'll get an
// "command is not registered" error.
'clangd-vscode.activate', async () => {}));