blob: 21bce9cac45b8bc1c6a16ee096b623d1e6414e5c [file] [log] [blame]
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as jsonc from "jsonc-parser";
import * as path from 'path';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as vscodelc from 'vscode-languageclient';
import * as vscodelct from 'vscode-languageserver-types';
// Parameters for the semantic highlighting (server-side) push notification.
// Mirrors the structure in the semantic highlighting proposal for LSP.
interface SemanticHighlightingParams {
// The text document that has to be decorated with the semantic highlighting
// information.
textDocument: vscodelct.VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
// An array of semantic highlighting information.
lines: SemanticHighlightingInformation[];
// Contains the highlighting information for a specified line. Mirrors the
// structure in the semantic highlighting proposal for LSP.
interface SemanticHighlightingInformation {
// The zero-based line position in the text document.
line: number;
// A base64 encoded string representing every single highlighted characters
// with its start position, length and the "lookup table" index of of the
// semantic highlighting Text Mate scopes.
tokens?: string;
// A SemanticHighlightingToken decoded from the base64 data sent by clangd.
interface SemanticHighlightingToken {
// Start column for this token.
character: number;
// Length of the token.
length: number;
// The TextMate scope index to the clangd scope lookup table.
scopeIndex: number;
// A line of decoded highlightings from the data clangd sent.
export interface SemanticHighlightingLine {
// The zero-based line position in the text document.
line: number;
// All SemanticHighlightingTokens on the line.
tokens: SemanticHighlightingToken[];
// Language server push notification providing the semantic highlighting
// information for a text document.
export const NotificationType =
new vscodelc.NotificationType<SemanticHighlightingParams, void>(
// The feature that should be registered in the vscode lsp for enabling
// experimental semantic highlighting.
export class SemanticHighlightingFeature implements vscodelc.StaticFeature {
// The TextMate scope lookup table. A token with scope index i has the scopes
// on index i in the lookup table.
scopeLookupTable: string[][];
// The object that applies the highlightings clangd sends.
highlighter: Highlighter;
fillClientCapabilities(capabilities: vscodelc.ClientCapabilities) {
// Extend the ClientCapabilities type and add semantic highlighting
// capability to the object.
const textDocumentCapabilities: vscodelc.TextDocumentClientCapabilities&
{semanticHighlightingCapabilities?: {semanticHighlighting : boolean}} =
textDocumentCapabilities.semanticHighlightingCapabilities = {
semanticHighlighting : true,
async loadCurrentTheme() {
const themeRuleMatcher = new ThemeRuleMatcher(
await loadTheme(vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('workbench')
initialize(capabilities: vscodelc.ServerCapabilities,
documentSelector: vscodelc.DocumentSelector|undefined) {
// The semantic highlighting capability information is in the capabilities
// object but to access the data we must first extend the ServerCapabilities
// type.
const serverCapabilities: vscodelc.ServerCapabilities&
{semanticHighlighting?: {scopes : string[][]}} = capabilities;
if (!serverCapabilities.semanticHighlighting)
this.scopeLookupTable = serverCapabilities.semanticHighlighting.scopes;
// Important that highlighter is created before the theme is loading as
// otherwise it could try to update the themeRuleMatcher without the
// highlighter being created.
this.highlighter = new Highlighter(this.scopeLookupTable);
handleNotification(params: SemanticHighlightingParams) {
const lines: SemanticHighlightingLine[] =
(line) => ({line : line.line, tokens : decodeTokens(line.tokens)}));
this.highlighter.highlight(params.textDocument.uri, lines);
// Converts a string of base64 encoded tokens into the corresponding array of
// HighlightingTokens.
export function decodeTokens(tokens: string): SemanticHighlightingToken[] {
const scopeMask = 0xFFFF;
const lenShift = 0x10;
const uint32Size = 4;
const buf = Buffer.from(tokens, 'base64');
const retTokens = [];
for (let i = 0, end = buf.length / uint32Size; i < end; i += 2) {
const start = buf.readUInt32BE(i * uint32Size);
const lenKind = buf.readUInt32BE((i + 1) * uint32Size);
const scopeIndex = lenKind & scopeMask;
const len = lenKind >>> lenShift;
retTokens.push({character : start, scopeIndex : scopeIndex, length : len});
return retTokens;
// The main class responsible for processing of highlightings that clangd
// sends.
export class Highlighter {
// Maps uris with currently open TextDocuments to the current highlightings.
private files: Map<string, Map<number, SemanticHighlightingLine>> = new Map();
// DecorationTypes for the current theme that are used when highlighting. A
// SemanticHighlightingToken with scopeIndex i should have the decoration at
// index i in this list.
private decorationTypes: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType[] = [];
// The clangd TextMate scope lookup table.
private scopeLookupTable: string[][];
constructor(scopeLookupTable: string[][]) {
this.scopeLookupTable = scopeLookupTable;
// This function must be called at least once or no highlightings will be
// done. Sets the theme that is used when highlighting. Also triggers a
// recolorization for all current highlighters. Should be called whenever the
// theme changes and has been loaded. Should also be called when the first
// theme is loaded.
public initialize(themeRuleMatcher: ThemeRuleMatcher) {
this.decorationTypes.forEach((t) => t.dispose());
this.decorationTypes = => {
const options: vscode.DecorationRenderOptions = {
// If there exists no rule for this scope the matcher returns an empty
// color. That's ok because vscode does not do anything when applying
// empty decorations.
color : themeRuleMatcher.getBestThemeRule(scopes[0]).foreground,
// If the rangeBehavior is set to Open in any direction the
// highlighting becomes weird in certain cases.
rangeBehavior : vscode.DecorationRangeBehavior.ClosedClosed,
return vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType(options);
this.getVisibleTextEditorUris().forEach((fileUri) => {
// A TextEditor might not be a cpp file. So we must check we have
// highlightings for the file before applying them.
if (this.files.has(fileUri))
// Adds incremental highlightings to the current highlightings for the file
// with fileUri. Also applies the highlightings to any associated
// TextEditor(s).
public highlight(fileUri: string,
highlightingLines: SemanticHighlightingLine[]) {
if (!this.files.has(fileUri)) {
this.files.set(fileUri, new Map());
const fileHighlightings = this.files.get(fileUri);
highlightingLines.forEach((line) => fileHighlightings.set(line.line, line));
// Gets the uris as strings for the currently visible text editors.
protected getVisibleTextEditorUris(): string[] {
return =>
// Returns the ranges that should be used when decorating. Index i in the
// range array has the decoration type at index i of this.decorationTypes.
protected getDecorationRanges(fileUri: string): vscode.Range[][] {
const lines: SemanticHighlightingLine[] =
const decorations: vscode.Range[][] = => []);
lines.forEach((line) => {
line.tokens.forEach((token) => {
decorations[token.scopeIndex].push(new vscode.Range(
new vscode.Position(line.line, token.character),
new vscode.Position(line.line, token.character + token.length)));
return decorations;
// Applies all the highlightings currently stored for a file with fileUri.
protected applyHighlights(fileUri: string) {
if (!this.decorationTypes.length)
// Can't apply any decorations when there is no theme loaded.
// This must always do a full re-highlighting due to the fact that
// TextEditorDecorationType are very expensive to create (which makes
// incremental updates infeasible). For this reason one
// TextEditorDecorationType is used per scope.
const ranges = this.getDecorationRanges(fileUri);
vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.forEach((e) => {
if (e.document.uri.toString() !== fileUri)
this.decorationTypes.forEach((d, i) => e.setDecorations(d, ranges[i]));
// A rule for how to color TextMate scopes.
interface TokenColorRule {
// A TextMate scope that specifies the context of the token, e.g.
// "".
scope: string;
// foreground is the color tokens of this scope should have.
foreground: string;
export class ThemeRuleMatcher {
// The rules for the theme.
private themeRules: TokenColorRule[];
// A cache for the getBestThemeRule function.
private bestRuleCache: Map<string, TokenColorRule> = new Map();
constructor(rules: TokenColorRule[]) { this.themeRules = rules; }
// Returns the best rule for a scope.
getBestThemeRule(scope: string): TokenColorRule {
if (this.bestRuleCache.has(scope))
return this.bestRuleCache.get(scope);
let bestRule: TokenColorRule = {scope : '', foreground : ''};
this.themeRules.forEach((rule) => {
// The best rule for a scope is the rule that is the longest prefix of the
// scope (unless a perfect match exists in which case the perfect match is
// the best). If a rule is not a prefix and we tried to match with longest
// common prefix instead variables would be highlighted as `less`
// variables when using Light+ (as variable.other would be matched against
// variable.other.less in this case). Doing common prefix matching also
// means we could match variable.cpp to variable.css if variable.css
// occurs before variable in themeRules.
// FIXME: This is not defined in the TextMate standard (it is explicitly
// undefined, Might
// want to rank some other way.
if (scope.startsWith(rule.scope) &&
rule.scope.length > bestRule.scope.length)
// This rule matches and is more specific than the old rule.
bestRule = rule;
this.bestRuleCache.set(scope, bestRule);
return bestRule;
// Get all token color rules provided by the theme.
function loadTheme(themeName: string): Promise<TokenColorRule[]> {
const extension =
vscode.extensions.all.find((extension: vscode.Extension<any>) => {
const contribs = extension.packageJSON.contributes;
if (!contribs || !contribs.themes)
return false;
return contribs.themes.some((theme: any) => === themeName ||
theme.label === themeName);
if (!extension) {
return Promise.reject('Could not find a theme with name: ' + themeName);
const themeInfo = extension.packageJSON.contributes.themes.find(
(theme: any) => === themeName || theme.label === themeName);
return parseThemeFile(path.join(extension.extensionPath, themeInfo.path));
* Parse the TextMate theme at fullPath. If there are multiple TextMate scopes
* of the same name in the include chain only the earliest entry of the scope is
* saved.
* @param fullPath The absolute path to the theme.
* @param seenScopes A set containing the name of the scopes that have already
* been set.
export async function parseThemeFile(
fullPath: string, seenScopes?: Set<string>): Promise<TokenColorRule[]> {
if (!seenScopes)
seenScopes = new Set();
// FIXME: Add support for themes written as .tmTheme.
if (path.extname(fullPath) === '.tmTheme')
return [];
try {
const contents = await readFileText(fullPath);
const parsed = jsonc.parse(contents);
const rules: TokenColorRule[] = [];
// To make sure it does not crash if tokenColors is undefined.
if (!parsed.tokenColors)
parsed.tokenColors = [];
parsed.tokenColors.forEach((rule: any) => {
if (!rule.scope || !rule.settings || !rule.settings.foreground)
const textColor = rule.settings.foreground;
// Scopes that were found further up the TextMate chain should not be
// overwritten.
const addColor = (scope: string) => {
if (seenScopes.has(scope))
rules.push({scope, foreground : textColor});
if (rule.scope instanceof Array) {
return rule.scope.forEach((s: string) => addColor(s));
if (parsed.include)
// Get all includes and merge into a flat list of parsed json.
return [
...(await parseThemeFile(
path.join(path.dirname(fullPath), parsed.include), seenScopes)),
return rules;
} catch (err) {
// If there is an error opening a file, the TextMate files that were
// correctly found and parsed further up the chain should be returned.
// Otherwise there will be no highlightings at all.
console.warn('Could not open file: ' + fullPath + ', error: ', err);
return [];
function readFileText(path: string): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(data);