blob: 842c61659e506be1cabef7c79aa1a46025fc2d2a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-BlockGenerators.h - Helper to generate code for statements-*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the BlockGenerator and VectorBlockGenerator classes, which
// generate sequential code and vectorized code for a polyhedral statement,
// respectively.
#include "llvm/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "isl/map.h"
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class Pass;
class ScalarEvolution;
namespace polly {
using namespace llvm;
class ScopStmt;
typedef DenseMap<const Value*, Value*> ValueMapT;
typedef std::vector<ValueMapT> VectorValueMapT;
/// @brief Generate a new basic block for a polyhedral statement.
/// The only public function exposed is generate().
class BlockGenerator {
/// @brief Generate a new BasicBlock for a ScopStmt.
/// @param Builder The LLVM-IR Builder used to generate the statement. The
/// code is generated at the location, the Builder points to.
/// @param Stmt The statement to code generate.
/// @param GlobalMap A map that defines for certain Values referenced from the
/// original code new Values they should be replaced with.
/// @param P A reference to the pass this function is called from.
/// The pass is needed to update other analysis.
static void generate(IRBuilder<> &Builder, ScopStmt &Stmt,
ValueMapT &GlobalMap, Pass *P) {
BlockGenerator Generator(Builder, Stmt, P);
IRBuilder<> &Builder;
ScopStmt &Statement;
Pass *P;
ScalarEvolution &SE;
BlockGenerator(IRBuilder<> &B, ScopStmt &Stmt, Pass *P);
/// @brief Check if an instruction can be 'SCEV-ignored'
/// An instruction can be ignored if we can recreate it from its scalar
/// evolution expression.
bool isSCEVIgnore(const Instruction *Inst);
/// @brief Get the new version of a Value.
/// @param Old The old Value.
/// @param BBMap A mapping from old values to their new values
/// (for values recalculated within this basic block).
/// @param GlobalMap A mapping from old values to their new values
/// (for values recalculated in the new ScoP, but not
/// within this basic block).
/// @returns o The old value, if it is still valid.
/// o The new value, if available.
/// o NULL, if no value is found.
Value *getNewValue(const Value *Old, ValueMapT &BBMap, ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
void copyInstScalar(const Instruction *Inst, ValueMapT &BBMap,
ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
/// @brief Get the memory access offset to be added to the base address
std::vector<Value*> getMemoryAccessIndex(__isl_keep isl_map *AccessRelation,
Value *BaseAddress, ValueMapT &BBMap,
ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
/// @brief Get the new operand address according to the changed access in
/// JSCOP file.
Value *getNewAccessOperand(__isl_keep isl_map *NewAccessRelation,
Value *BaseAddress, ValueMapT &BBMap,
ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
/// @brief Generate the operand address
Value *generateLocationAccessed(const Instruction *Inst,
const Value *Pointer, ValueMapT &BBMap,
ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
Value *generateScalarLoad(const LoadInst *load, ValueMapT &BBMap,
ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
Value *generateScalarStore(const StoreInst *store, ValueMapT &BBMap,
ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
/// @brief Copy a single Instruction.
/// This copies a single Instruction and updates references to old values
/// with references to new values, as defined by GlobalMap and BBMap.
/// @param BBMap A mapping from old values to their new values
/// (for values recalculated within this basic block).
/// @param GlobalMap A mapping from old values to their new values
/// (for values recalculated in the new ScoP, but not
/// within this basic block).
void copyInstruction(const Instruction *Inst, ValueMapT &BBMap,
ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
/// @brief Copy the basic block.
/// This copies the entire basic block and updates references to old values
/// with references to new values, as defined by GlobalMap.
/// @param GlobalMap A mapping from old values to their new values
/// (for values recalculated in the new ScoP, but not
/// within this basic block).
void copyBB(ValueMapT &GlobalMap);
/// @brief Generate a new vector basic block for a polyhedral statement.
/// The only public function exposed is generate().
class VectorBlockGenerator : BlockGenerator {
/// @brief Generate a new vector basic block for a ScoPStmt.
/// This code generation is similar to the normal, scalar code generation,
/// except that each instruction is code generated for several vector lanes
/// at a time. If possible instructions are issued as actual vector
/// instructions, but e.g. for address calculation instructions we currently
/// generate scalar instructions for each vector lane.
/// @param Builder The LLVM-IR Builder used to generate the statement. The
/// code is generated at the location, the builder points
/// to.
/// @param Stmt The statement to code generate.
/// @param GlobalMaps A vector of maps that define for certain Values
/// referenced from the original code new Values they should
/// be replaced with. Each map in the vector of maps is
/// used for one vector lane. The number of elements in the
/// vector defines the width of the generated vector
/// instructions.
/// @param P A reference to the pass this function is called from.
/// The pass is needed to update other analysis.
static void generate(IRBuilder<> &B, ScopStmt &Stmt,
VectorValueMapT &GlobalMaps, __isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
Pass *P) {
VectorBlockGenerator Generator(B, GlobalMaps, Stmt, Domain, P);
// This is a vector of global value maps. The first map is used for the first
// vector lane, ...
// Each map, contains information about Instructions in the old ScoP, which
// are recalculated in the new SCoP. When copying the basic block, we replace
// all referenes to the old instructions with their recalculated values.
VectorValueMapT &GlobalMaps;
isl_set *Domain;
VectorBlockGenerator(IRBuilder<> &B, VectorValueMapT &GlobalMaps,
ScopStmt &Stmt, __isl_keep isl_set *Domain, Pass *P);
int getVectorWidth();
Value *getVectorValue(const Value *Old, ValueMapT &VectorMap,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
Type *getVectorPtrTy(const Value *V, int Width);
/// @brief Load a vector from a set of adjacent scalars
/// In case a set of scalars is known to be next to each other in memory,
/// create a vector load that loads those scalars
/// %vector_ptr= bitcast double* %p to <4 x double>*
/// %vec_full = load <4 x double>* %vector_ptr
Value *generateStrideOneLoad(const LoadInst *Load, ValueMapT &BBMap);
/// @brief Load a vector initialized from a single scalar in memory
/// In case all elements of a vector are initialized to the same
/// scalar value, this value is loaded and shuffeled into all elements
/// of the vector.
/// %splat_one = load <1 x double>* %p
/// %splat = shufflevector <1 x double> %splat_one, <1 x
/// double> %splat_one, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
Value *generateStrideZeroLoad(const LoadInst *Load, ValueMapT &BBMap);
/// @brief Load a vector from scalars distributed in memory
/// In case some scalars a distributed randomly in memory. Create a vector
/// by loading each scalar and by inserting one after the other into the
/// vector.
/// %scalar_1= load double* %p_1
/// %vec_1 = insertelement <2 x double> undef, double %scalar_1, i32 0
/// %scalar 2 = load double* %p_2
/// %vec_2 = insertelement <2 x double> %vec_1, double %scalar_1, i32 1
Value *generateUnknownStrideLoad(const LoadInst *Load,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
void generateLoad(const LoadInst *Load, ValueMapT &VectorMap,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
void copyUnaryInst(const UnaryInstruction *Inst, ValueMapT &VectorMap,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
void copyBinaryInst(const BinaryOperator *Inst, ValueMapT &VectorMap,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
void copyStore(const StoreInst *Store, ValueMapT &VectorMap,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
void copyInstScalarized(const Instruction *Inst, ValueMapT &VectorMap,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
bool extractScalarValues(const Instruction *Inst, ValueMapT &VectorMap,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
bool hasVectorOperands(const Instruction *Inst, ValueMapT &VectorMap);
void copyInstruction(const Instruction *Inst, ValueMapT &VectorMap,
VectorValueMapT &ScalarMaps);
void copyBB();