blob: f8dd75ec73bb88a7b02fa702466d95bef882aef8 [file] [log] [blame]
# #
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file contains really common definitions used by multiple makefiles. Modify it carefully!
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some tricky variables.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
comma := ,
ifeq "$(date)" ""
$(error Caller should specify "date" variable.)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper finctions.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Synopsis:
# $(call say,text-to-print-to-the-screen)
# Description:
# The function prints its argument to the screen. In case of older makes it is analog of
# $(warning), starting from make 3.81 is is analog of $(info).
say = $(warning $(1))
ifneq "$(filter 3.81,$(MAKE_VERSION))" ""
say = $(info $(1))
# Synopsis:
# architecture = $(call legal_arch,32)
# Description:
# The function return printable name of specified architecture, IA-32 architecture or Intel(R) 64.
legal_arch = $(if $(filter 32,$(1)),IA-32,$(if $(filter 32e,$(1)),Intel(R) 64,$(if $(filter l1,$(1)),L1OM,$(if $(filter arm,$(1)),ARM,$(if $(filter ppc64,$(1)),PPC64,$(if $(filter aarch64,$(1)),AArch64,$(error Bad architecture specified: $(1)))))))
# Synopsis:
# var_name = $(call check_variable,var,list)
# Description:
# The function verifies the value of var varibale. If it is empty, the first word from the list
# is assigned to var as default value. Otherwise the var value must match one of words in the
# list, or error is issued.
# Example:
# LINK_TYPE = $(call check_variable,LINK_TYPE,static dynamic)
check_variable = $(call _check_variable_words,$(1))$(call _check_variable_value,$(1),$(2))
# Synopsis:
# $(call _check_variable_words,var)
# Description:
# Checks that variable var is empty or single word. In case of multiple words an error is
# issued. It is helper function for check_variable.
_check_variable_words = $(if $(filter 0 1,$(words $($(1)))),,\
$(error Illegal value of $(1): "$($(1))"))
# Synopsis:
# $(call _check_variable_value,var)
# Description:
# If variable var is empty, the function returns the first word from the list. If variable is
# not empty and match one of words in the list, variable's value returned. Otherwise, error is
# issued. It is helper function for check_variable.
_check_variable_value = $(if $($(1)),$(if $(filter $(2),$($(1))),$($(1)),\
$(error Illegal value of $(1): "$($(1))")),$(firstword $(2)))
# Synopsis:
# $(call debug,var)
# Description:
# If LIBOMP_MAKE_DEBUG is not empty, var name and value printed. Use this for debug purpose.
ifeq "$(LIBOMP_MAKE_DEBUG)" ""
debug =
debug = $(call say,debug: $(1)="$($(1))")
# Synopsis:
# $(call header,target)
# Description:
# Returns a string to print to show build progress.
header = ----- $(marker) --- $(1) -----
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global make settings.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non-empty CDPATH may lead to problems on some platforms: simple "cd dir" (where "dir" is an
# existing directory in current one) fails. Clearing CDPATH solves the problem.
.SUFFIXES : # Clean default list of suffixes.
.DELETE_ON_ERROR : # Delete target file in case of error.
$(call say,$(call header,making $(if $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(MAKECMDGOALS),all)))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check clean and clobber goals.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "clean" goal must be specified alone, otherwise we have troubles with dependency files.
clean := $(filter clean%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
ifneq "$(clean)" "" # "clean" goal is present in command line.
ifneq "$(filter-out clean%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" "" # there are non-clean goals.
$(error "clean" goals must not be mixed with other goals)
# Issue error on "clobber" target.
ifneq "$(filter clobber,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
$(error There is no clobber goal in makefile)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mandatory variables passed from
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
os := $(call check_variable,os,lin lrb mac win)
arch := $(call check_variable,arch,32 32e 64 arm ppc64 aarch64)
platform := $(os)_$(arch)
platform := $(call check_variable,platform,lin_32 lin_32e lin_64 lin_arm lrb_32e mac_32 mac_32e win_32 win_32e win_64 lin_ppc64 lin_aarch64)
# oa-opts means "os and arch options". They are passed to almost all perl scripts.
oa-opts := --os=$(os) --arch=$(arch)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Directories.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ifeq "$(LIBOMP_WORK)" ""
$(error Internal error: LIBOMP_WORK variable must be set in
tools_dir = $(LIBOMP_WORK)tools/
# We do not define src/ and other directories here because they depends on target (RTL, DSL, tools).
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File suffixes.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ifeq "$(os)" "win" # win
asm = .asm
obj = .obj
lib = .lib
dll = .dll
exe = .exe
cat = $(dll)
else # lin, lrb or mac
asm = .s
obj = .o
lib = .a
ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
dll = .dylib
dll = .so
exe = $(empty)
cat = .cat
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File manipulation and misc commands.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
target = @echo "$(call header,$@)"
ifeq "$(os)" "win"
cp = cp -f
rm = rm -f
mkdir = mkdir -p
touch = touch
perl = perl
slash = \\
else # lin, lrb or mac
cp = cp -f
rm = rm -f
mkdir = mkdir -p
touch = touch
perl = perl
slash = /
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Common non-configuration options.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# They may affect build process but does not affect result.
# If TEST_DEPS is "off", test deps is still performed, but its result is ignored.
TEST_DEPS := $(call check_variable,TEST_DEPS,on off)
# The same for test touch.
TEST_TOUCH := $(call check_variable,TEST_TOUCH,on off)
td-i = $(if $(filter off,$(TEST_DEPS)),-)
tt-i = $(if $(filter off,$(TEST_TOUCH)),-)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Common targets.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All common targets are defined as phony. It allows " --all test-xxx".
# Makefile can define actions for a particiular test or leave it no-op.
# all, the default target, should be the first one.
.PHONY : all
all :
.PHONY : common clean clean-common fat inc l10n lib
.PHONY : force-tests tests
.PHONY : force-test-touch test-touch
.PHONY : force-test-relo test-relo
.PHONY : force-test-execstack test-execstack
.PHONY : force-test-instr test-instr
.PHONY : force-test-deps test-deps
tests = touch relo execstack instr deps
tests : $(addprefix test-,$(tests))
force-tests : $(addprefix force-test-,$(tests))
# end of file #