blob: 8009d18cb5a21eb101e34008a438c89d779f45ec [file] [log] [blame]
* kmp_lock.h -- lock header file
* $Revision: 42810 $
* $Date: 2013-11-07 12:06:33 -0600 (Thu, 07 Nov 2013) $
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#ifndef KMP_LOCK_H
#define KMP_LOCK_H
#include <limits.h> // CHAR_BIT
#include <stddef.h> // offsetof
#include "kmp_os.h"
#include "kmp_debug.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Have to copy these definitions from kmp.h because kmp.h cannot be included
// due to circular dependencies. Will undef these at end of file.
#define KMP_PAD(type, sz) (sizeof(type) + (sz - ((sizeof(type) - 1) % (sz)) - 1))
#define KMP_GTID_DNE (-2)
// Forward declaration of ident and ident_t
struct ident;
typedef struct ident ident_t;
// End of copied code.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We need to know the size of the area we can assume that the compiler(s)
// allocated for obects of type omp_lock_t and omp_nest_lock_t. The Intel
// compiler always allocates a pointer-sized area, as does visual studio.
// gcc however, only allocates 4 bytes for regular locks, even on 64-bit
// intel archs. It allocates at least 8 bytes for nested lock (more on
// recent versions), but we are bounded by the pointer-sized chunks that
// the Intel compiler allocates.
# define OMP_LOCK_T_SIZE sizeof(int)
# define OMP_NEST_LOCK_T_SIZE sizeof(void *)
# define OMP_LOCK_T_SIZE sizeof(void *)
# define OMP_NEST_LOCK_T_SIZE sizeof(void *)
// The Intel compiler allocates a 32-byte chunk for a critical section.
// Both gcc and visual studio only allocate enough space for a pointer.
// Sometimes we know that the space was allocated by the Intel compiler.
#define OMP_CRITICAL_SIZE sizeof(void *)
// lock flags
typedef kmp_uint32 kmp_lock_flags_t;
#define kmp_lf_critical_section 1
// When a lock table is used, the indices are of kmp_lock_index_t
typedef kmp_uint32 kmp_lock_index_t;
// When memory allocated for locks are on the lock pool (free list),
// it is treated as structs of this type.
struct kmp_lock_pool {
union kmp_user_lock *next;
kmp_lock_index_t index;
typedef struct kmp_lock_pool kmp_lock_pool_t;
extern void __kmp_validate_locks( void );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There are 5 lock implementations:
// 1. Test and set locks.
// 2. futex locks (Linux* OS on x86 and Intel(R) Many Integrated Core architecture)
// 3. Ticket (Lamport bakery) locks.
// 4. Queuing locks (with separate spin fields).
// 5. DRPA (Dynamically Reconfigurable Distributed Polling Area) locks
// and 3 lock purposes:
// 1. Bootstrap locks -- Used for a few locks available at library startup-shutdown time.
// These do not require non-negative global thread ID's.
// 2. Internal RTL locks -- Used everywhere else in the RTL
// 3. User locks (includes critical sections)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ============================================================================
// Lock implementations.
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test and set locks.
// Non-nested test and set locks differ from the other lock kinds (except
// futex) in that we use the memory allocated by the compiler for the lock,
// rather than a pointer to it.
// On lin32, lin_32e, and win_32, the space allocated may be as small as 4
// bytes, so we have to use a lock table for nested locks, and avoid accessing
// the depth_locked field for non-nested locks.
// Information normally available to the tools, such as lock location,
// lock usage (normal lock vs. critical section), etc. is not available with
// test and set locks.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct kmp_base_tas_lock {
volatile kmp_int32 poll; // 0 => unlocked
// locked: (gtid+1) of owning thread
kmp_int32 depth_locked; // depth locked, for nested locks only
typedef struct kmp_base_tas_lock kmp_base_tas_lock_t;
union kmp_tas_lock {
kmp_base_tas_lock_t lk;
kmp_lock_pool_t pool; // make certain struct is large enough
double lk_align; // use worst case alignment
// no cache line padding
typedef union kmp_tas_lock kmp_tas_lock_t;
// Static initializer for test and set lock variables. Usage:
// kmp_tas_lock_t xlock = KMP_TAS_LOCK_INITIALIZER( xlock );
#define KMP_TAS_LOCK_INITIALIZER( lock ) { { 0, 0 } }
extern void __kmp_acquire_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_acquire_nested_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_nested_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_nested_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_nested_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_nested_tas_lock( kmp_tas_lock_t *lck );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// futex locks. futex locks are only available on Linux* OS.
// Like non-nested test and set lock, non-nested futex locks use the memory
// allocated by the compiler for the lock, rather than a pointer to it.
// Information normally available to the tools, such as lock location,
// lock usage (normal lock vs. critical section), etc. is not available with
// test and set locks. With non-nested futex locks, the lock owner is not
// even available.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct kmp_base_futex_lock {
volatile kmp_int32 poll; // 0 => unlocked
// 2*(gtid+1) of owning thread, 0 if unlocked
// locked: (gtid+1) of owning thread
kmp_int32 depth_locked; // depth locked, for nested locks only
typedef struct kmp_base_futex_lock kmp_base_futex_lock_t;
union kmp_futex_lock {
kmp_base_futex_lock_t lk;
kmp_lock_pool_t pool; // make certain struct is large enough
double lk_align; // use worst case alignment
// no cache line padding
typedef union kmp_futex_lock kmp_futex_lock_t;
// Static initializer for futex lock variables. Usage:
// kmp_futex_lock_t xlock = KMP_FUTEX_LOCK_INITIALIZER( xlock );
#define KMP_FUTEX_LOCK_INITIALIZER( lock ) { { 0, 0 } }
extern void __kmp_acquire_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_acquire_nested_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_nested_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_nested_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_nested_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_nested_futex_lock( kmp_futex_lock_t *lck );
#endif // KMP_OS_LINUX && (KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64 || KMP_ARCH_ARM)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ticket locks.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct kmp_base_ticket_lock {
// `initialized' must be the first entry in the lock data structure!
volatile union kmp_ticket_lock * initialized; // points to the lock union if in initialized state
ident_t const * location; // Source code location of omp_init_lock().
volatile kmp_uint32 next_ticket; // ticket number to give to next thread which acquires
volatile kmp_uint32 now_serving; // ticket number for thread which holds the lock
volatile kmp_int32 owner_id; // (gtid+1) of owning thread, 0 if unlocked
kmp_int32 depth_locked; // depth locked, for nested locks only
kmp_lock_flags_t flags; // lock specifics, e.g. critical section lock
typedef struct kmp_base_ticket_lock kmp_base_ticket_lock_t;
union KMP_ALIGN_CACHE kmp_ticket_lock {
kmp_base_ticket_lock_t lk; // This field must be first to allow static initializing.
kmp_lock_pool_t pool;
double lk_align; // use worst case alignment
char lk_pad[ KMP_PAD( kmp_base_ticket_lock_t, CACHE_LINE ) ];
typedef union kmp_ticket_lock kmp_ticket_lock_t;
// Static initializer for simple ticket lock variables. Usage:
// kmp_ticket_lock_t xlock = KMP_TICKET_LOCK_INITIALIZER( xlock );
// Note the macro argument. It is important to make var properly initialized.
#define KMP_TICKET_LOCK_INITIALIZER( lock ) { { (kmp_ticket_lock_t *) & (lock), NULL, 0, 0, 0, -1 } }
extern void __kmp_acquire_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_ticket_lock_with_cheks( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_acquire_nested_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_nested_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_nested_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_nested_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_nested_ticket_lock( kmp_ticket_lock_t *lck );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Queuing locks.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct kmp_adaptive_lock;
typedef struct kmp_adaptive_lock kmp_adaptive_lock_t;
struct kmp_adaptive_lock_statistics {
/* So we can get stats from locks that haven't been destroyed. */
kmp_adaptive_lock_t * next;
kmp_adaptive_lock_t * prev;
/* Other statistics */
kmp_uint32 successfulSpeculations;
kmp_uint32 hardFailedSpeculations;
kmp_uint32 softFailedSpeculations;
kmp_uint32 nonSpeculativeAcquires;
kmp_uint32 nonSpeculativeAcquireAttempts;
kmp_uint32 lemmingYields;
typedef struct kmp_adaptive_lock_statistics kmp_adaptive_lock_statistics_t;
extern void __kmp_print_speculative_stats();
extern void __kmp_init_speculative_stats();
struct kmp_adaptive_lock
/* Values used for adaptivity.
* Although these are accessed from multiple threads we don't access them atomically,
* because if we miss updates it probably doesn't matter much. (It just affects our
* decision about whether to try speculation on the lock).
kmp_uint32 volatile badness;
kmp_uint32 volatile acquire_attempts;
/* Parameters of the lock. */
kmp_uint32 max_badness;
kmp_uint32 max_soft_retries;
kmp_adaptive_lock_statistics_t volatile stats;
struct kmp_base_queuing_lock {
// `initialized' must be the first entry in the lock data structure!
volatile union kmp_queuing_lock *initialized; // Points to the lock union if in initialized state.
ident_t const * location; // Source code location of omp_init_lock().
KMP_ALIGN( 8 ) // tail_id must be 8-byte aligned!
volatile kmp_int32 tail_id; // (gtid+1) of thread at tail of wait queue, 0 if empty
// Must be no padding here since head/tail used in 8-byte CAS
volatile kmp_int32 head_id; // (gtid+1) of thread at head of wait queue, 0 if empty
// Decl order assumes little endian
// bakery-style lock
volatile kmp_uint32 next_ticket; // ticket number to give to next thread which acquires
volatile kmp_uint32 now_serving; // ticket number for thread which holds the lock
volatile kmp_int32 owner_id; // (gtid+1) of owning thread, 0 if unlocked
kmp_int32 depth_locked; // depth locked, for nested locks only
kmp_lock_flags_t flags; // lock specifics, e.g. critical section lock
kmp_adaptive_lock_t adaptive; // Information for the speculative adaptive lock
typedef struct kmp_base_queuing_lock kmp_base_queuing_lock_t;
KMP_BUILD_ASSERT( offsetof( kmp_base_queuing_lock_t, tail_id ) % 8 == 0 );
union KMP_ALIGN_CACHE kmp_queuing_lock {
kmp_base_queuing_lock_t lk; // This field must be first to allow static initializing.
kmp_lock_pool_t pool;
double lk_align; // use worst case alignment
char lk_pad[ KMP_PAD( kmp_base_queuing_lock_t, CACHE_LINE ) ];
typedef union kmp_queuing_lock kmp_queuing_lock_t;
extern void __kmp_acquire_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_acquire_nested_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_nested_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_nested_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_nested_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_nested_queuing_lock( kmp_queuing_lock_t *lck );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DRDPA ticket locks.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct kmp_base_drdpa_lock {
// All of the fields on the first cache line are only written when
// initializing or reconfiguring the lock. These are relatively rare
// operations, so data from the first cache line will usually stay
// resident in the cache of each thread trying to acquire the lock.
// initialized must be the first entry in the lock data structure!
volatile union kmp_drdpa_lock * initialized; // points to the lock union if in initialized state
ident_t const * location; // Source code location of omp_init_lock().
volatile struct kmp_lock_poll {
kmp_uint64 poll;
} * volatile polls;
volatile kmp_uint64 mask; // is 2**num_polls-1 for mod op
kmp_uint64 cleanup_ticket; // thread with cleanup ticket
volatile struct kmp_lock_poll * old_polls; // will deallocate old_polls
kmp_uint32 num_polls; // must be power of 2
// next_ticket it needs to exist in a separate cache line, as it is
// invalidated every time a thread takes a new ticket.
volatile kmp_uint64 next_ticket;
// now_serving is used to store our ticket value while we hold the lock.
// It has a slightly different meaning in the DRDPA ticket locks (where
// it is written by the acquiring thread) than it does in the simple
// ticket locks (where it is written by the releasing thread).
// Since now_serving is only read an written in the critical section,
// it is non-volatile, but it needs to exist on a separate cache line,
// as it is invalidated at every lock acquire.
// Likewise, the vars used for nested locks (owner_id and depth_locked)
// are only written by the thread owning the lock, so they are put in
// this cache line. owner_id is read by other threads, so it must be
// declared volatile.
kmp_uint64 now_serving; // doesn't have to be volatile
volatile kmp_uint32 owner_id; // (gtid+1) of owning thread, 0 if unlocked
kmp_int32 depth_locked; // depth locked
kmp_lock_flags_t flags; // lock specifics, e.g. critical section lock
typedef struct kmp_base_drdpa_lock kmp_base_drdpa_lock_t;
union KMP_ALIGN_CACHE kmp_drdpa_lock {
kmp_base_drdpa_lock_t lk; // This field must be first to allow static initializing. */
kmp_lock_pool_t pool;
double lk_align; // use worst case alignment
char lk_pad[ KMP_PAD( kmp_base_drdpa_lock_t, CACHE_LINE ) ];
typedef union kmp_drdpa_lock kmp_drdpa_lock_t;
extern void __kmp_acquire_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_acquire_nested_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern int __kmp_test_nested_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_release_nested_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
extern void __kmp_init_nested_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck );
extern void __kmp_destroy_nested_drdpa_lock( kmp_drdpa_lock_t *lck );
// ============================================================================
// Lock purposes.
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bootstrap locks.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bootstrap locks -- very few locks used at library initialization time.
// Bootstrap locks are currently implemented as ticket locks.
// They could also be implemented as test and set lock, but cannot be
// implemented with other lock kinds as they require gtids which are not
// available at initialization time.
typedef kmp_ticket_lock_t kmp_bootstrap_lock_t;
static inline void
__kmp_acquire_bootstrap_lock( kmp_bootstrap_lock_t *lck )
__kmp_acquire_ticket_lock( lck, KMP_GTID_DNE );
static inline int
__kmp_test_bootstrap_lock( kmp_bootstrap_lock_t *lck )
return __kmp_test_ticket_lock( lck, KMP_GTID_DNE );
static inline void
__kmp_release_bootstrap_lock( kmp_bootstrap_lock_t *lck )
__kmp_release_ticket_lock( lck, KMP_GTID_DNE );
static inline void
__kmp_init_bootstrap_lock( kmp_bootstrap_lock_t *lck )
__kmp_init_ticket_lock( lck );
static inline void
__kmp_destroy_bootstrap_lock( kmp_bootstrap_lock_t *lck )
__kmp_destroy_ticket_lock( lck );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal RTL locks.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal RTL locks are also implemented as ticket locks, for now.
// FIXME - We should go through and figure out which lock kind works best for
// each internal lock, and use the type deeclaration and function calls for
// that explicit lock kind (and get rid of this section).
typedef kmp_ticket_lock_t kmp_lock_t;
static inline void
__kmp_acquire_lock( kmp_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
__kmp_acquire_ticket_lock( lck, gtid );
static inline int
__kmp_test_lock( kmp_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
return __kmp_test_ticket_lock( lck, gtid );
static inline void
__kmp_release_lock( kmp_lock_t *lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
__kmp_release_ticket_lock( lck, gtid );
static inline void
__kmp_init_lock( kmp_lock_t *lck )
__kmp_init_ticket_lock( lck );
static inline void
__kmp_destroy_lock( kmp_lock_t *lck )
__kmp_destroy_ticket_lock( lck );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// User locks.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do not allocate objects of type union kmp_user_lock!!!
// This will waste space unless __kmp_user_lock_kind == lk_drdpa.
// Instead, check the value of __kmp_user_lock_kind and allocate objects of
// the type of the appropriate union member, and cast their addresses to
// kmp_user_lock_p.
enum kmp_lock_kind {
lk_default = 0,
typedef enum kmp_lock_kind kmp_lock_kind_t;
extern kmp_lock_kind_t __kmp_user_lock_kind;
union kmp_user_lock {
kmp_tas_lock_t tas;
kmp_futex_lock_t futex;
kmp_ticket_lock_t ticket;
kmp_queuing_lock_t queuing;
kmp_drdpa_lock_t drdpa;
kmp_adaptive_lock_t adaptive;
kmp_lock_pool_t pool;
typedef union kmp_user_lock *kmp_user_lock_p;
extern size_t __kmp_base_user_lock_size;
extern size_t __kmp_user_lock_size;
extern kmp_int32 ( *__kmp_get_user_lock_owner_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
static inline kmp_int32
__kmp_get_user_lock_owner( kmp_user_lock_p lck )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_get_user_lock_owner_ != NULL );
return ( *__kmp_get_user_lock_owner_ )( lck );
extern void ( *__kmp_acquire_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
#define __kmp_acquire_user_lock_with_checks(lck,gtid) \
if (__kmp_user_lock_kind == lk_tas) { \
if ( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) { \
char const * const func = "omp_set_lock"; \
if ( ( sizeof ( kmp_tas_lock_t ) <= OMP_LOCK_T_SIZE ) \
&& lck-> != -1 ) { \
KMP_FATAL( LockNestableUsedAsSimple, func ); \
} \
if ( ( gtid >= 0 ) && ( lck-> - 1 == gtid ) ) { \
KMP_FATAL( LockIsAlreadyOwned, func ); \
} \
} \
if ( ( lck-> != 0 ) || \
( ! KMP_COMPARE_AND_STORE_ACQ32( &(lck->, 0, gtid + 1 ) ) ) { \
kmp_uint32 spins; \
KMP_INIT_YIELD( spins ); \
if ( TCR_4(__kmp_nth) > (__kmp_avail_proc ? __kmp_avail_proc : __kmp_xproc) ) { \
} else { \
KMP_YIELD_SPIN( spins ); \
} \
while ( ( lck-> != 0 ) || \
( ! KMP_COMPARE_AND_STORE_ACQ32( &(lck->, 0, gtid + 1 ) ) ) { \
if ( TCR_4(__kmp_nth) > (__kmp_avail_proc ? __kmp_avail_proc : __kmp_xproc) ) { \
} else { \
KMP_YIELD_SPIN( spins ); \
} \
} \
} \
} else { \
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_acquire_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL ); \
( *__kmp_acquire_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid ); \
static inline void
__kmp_acquire_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_acquire_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_acquire_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid );
extern int ( *__kmp_test_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
#include "kmp_i18n.h" /* AC: KMP_FATAL definition */
extern int __kmp_env_consistency_check; /* AC: copy from kmp.h here */
static inline int
__kmp_test_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
if ( __kmp_user_lock_kind == lk_tas ) {
if ( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) {
char const * const func = "omp_test_lock";
if ( ( sizeof ( kmp_tas_lock_t ) <= OMP_LOCK_T_SIZE )
&& lck-> != -1 ) {
KMP_FATAL( LockNestableUsedAsSimple, func );
return ( ( lck-> == 0 ) &&
KMP_COMPARE_AND_STORE_ACQ32( &(lck->, 0, gtid + 1 ) );
} else {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_test_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
return ( *__kmp_test_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid );
static inline int
__kmp_test_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_test_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
return ( *__kmp_test_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid );
extern void ( *__kmp_release_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
static inline void
__kmp_release_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_release_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_release_user_lock_with_checks_ ) ( lck, gtid );
extern void ( *__kmp_init_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
static inline void
__kmp_init_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_init_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_init_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck );
// We need a non-checking version of destroy lock for when the RTL is
// doing the cleanup as it can't always tell if the lock is nested or not.
extern void ( *__kmp_destroy_user_lock_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
static inline void
__kmp_destroy_user_lock( kmp_user_lock_p lck )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_destroy_user_lock_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_destroy_user_lock_ )( lck );
extern void ( *__kmp_destroy_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
static inline void
__kmp_destroy_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_destroy_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_destroy_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck );
extern void ( *__kmp_acquire_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
#if KMP_OS_LINUX && (KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64)
#define __kmp_acquire_nested_user_lock_with_checks(lck,gtid) \
if (__kmp_user_lock_kind == lk_tas) { \
if ( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) { \
char const * const func = "omp_set_nest_lock"; \
if ( ( sizeof ( kmp_tas_lock_t ) <= OMP_NEST_LOCK_T_SIZE ) \
&& lck-> == -1 ) { \
KMP_FATAL( LockSimpleUsedAsNestable, func ); \
} \
} \
if ( lck-> - 1 == gtid ) { \
lck-> += 1; \
} else { \
if ( ( lck-> != 0 ) || \
( ! KMP_COMPARE_AND_STORE_ACQ32( &(lck->, 0, gtid + 1 ) ) ) { \
kmp_uint32 spins; \
KMP_INIT_YIELD( spins ); \
if ( TCR_4(__kmp_nth) > (__kmp_avail_proc ? __kmp_avail_proc : __kmp_xproc) ) { \
} else { \
KMP_YIELD_SPIN( spins ); \
} \
while ( ( lck-> != 0 ) || \
( ! KMP_COMPARE_AND_STORE_ACQ32( &(lck->, 0, gtid + 1 ) ) ) { \
if ( TCR_4(__kmp_nth) > (__kmp_avail_proc ? __kmp_avail_proc : __kmp_xproc) ) { \
} else { \
KMP_YIELD_SPIN( spins ); \
} \
} \
} \
lck-> = 1; \
} \
} else { \
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_acquire_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL ); \
( *__kmp_acquire_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid ); \
static inline void
__kmp_acquire_nested_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_acquire_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_acquire_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid );
extern int ( *__kmp_test_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
#if KMP_OS_LINUX && (KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64)
static inline int
__kmp_test_nested_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
if ( __kmp_user_lock_kind == lk_tas ) {
int retval;
if ( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) {
char const * const func = "omp_test_nest_lock";
if ( ( sizeof ( kmp_tas_lock_t ) <= OMP_NEST_LOCK_T_SIZE )
&& lck-> == -1 ) {
KMP_FATAL( LockSimpleUsedAsNestable, func );
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( gtid >= 0 );
if ( lck-> - 1 == gtid ) { /* __kmp_get_tas_lock_owner( lck ) == gtid */
return ++lck->; /* same owner, depth increased */
retval = ( ( lck-> == 0 ) &&
KMP_COMPARE_AND_STORE_ACQ32( &(lck->, 0, gtid + 1 ) );
if ( retval ) {
lck-> = 1;
return retval;
} else {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_test_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
return ( *__kmp_test_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid );
static inline int
__kmp_test_nested_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_test_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
return ( *__kmp_test_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid );
extern void ( *__kmp_release_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid );
static inline void
__kmp_release_nested_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_int32 gtid )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_release_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_release_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck, gtid );
extern void ( *__kmp_init_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
static inline void __kmp_init_nested_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_init_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_init_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck );
extern void ( *__kmp_destroy_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
static inline void
__kmp_destroy_nested_user_lock_with_checks( kmp_user_lock_p lck )
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_destroy_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ != NULL );
( *__kmp_destroy_nested_user_lock_with_checks_ )( lck );
// user lock functions which do not necessarily exist for all lock kinds.
// The "set" functions usually have wrapper routines that check for a NULL set
// function pointer and call it if non-NULL.
// In some cases, it makes sense to have a "get" wrapper function check for a
// NULL get function pointer and return NULL / invalid value / error code if
// the function pointer is NULL.
// In other cases, the calling code really should differentiate between an
// unimplemented function and one that is implemented but returning NULL /
// invalied value. If this is the case, no get function wrapper exists.
extern int ( *__kmp_is_user_lock_initialized_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
// no set function; fields set durining local allocation
extern const ident_t * ( *__kmp_get_user_lock_location_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
static inline const ident_t *
__kmp_get_user_lock_location( kmp_user_lock_p lck )
if ( __kmp_get_user_lock_location_ != NULL ) {
return ( *__kmp_get_user_lock_location_ )( lck );
else {
return NULL;
extern void ( *__kmp_set_user_lock_location_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck, const ident_t *loc );
static inline void
__kmp_set_user_lock_location( kmp_user_lock_p lck, const ident_t *loc )
if ( __kmp_set_user_lock_location_ != NULL ) {
( *__kmp_set_user_lock_location_ )( lck, loc );
extern kmp_lock_flags_t ( *__kmp_get_user_lock_flags_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck );
extern void ( *__kmp_set_user_lock_flags_ )( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_lock_flags_t flags );
static inline void
__kmp_set_user_lock_flags( kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_lock_flags_t flags )
if ( __kmp_set_user_lock_flags_ != NULL ) {
( *__kmp_set_user_lock_flags_ )( lck, flags );
// The fuction which sets up all of the vtbl pointers for kmp_user_lock_t.
extern void __kmp_set_user_lock_vptrs( kmp_lock_kind_t user_lock_kind );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// User lock table & lock allocation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
On 64-bit Linux* OS (and OS X*) GNU compiler allocates only 4 bytems memory for lock variable, which
is not enough to store a pointer, so we have to use lock indexes instead of pointers and
maintain lock table to map indexes to pointers.
Note: The first element of the table is not a pointer to lock! It is a pointer to previously
allocated table (or NULL if it is the first table).
if ( OMP_LOCK_T_SIZE < sizeof( <lock> ) ) { // or OMP_NEST_LOCK_T_SIZE
Lock table is fully utilized. User locks are indexes, so table is
used on user lock operation.
Note: it may be the case (lin_32) that we don't need to use a lock
table for regular locks, but do need the table for nested locks.
else {
Lock table initialized but not actually used.
struct kmp_lock_table {
kmp_lock_index_t used; // Number of used elements
kmp_lock_index_t allocated; // Number of allocated elements
kmp_user_lock_p * table; // Lock table.
typedef struct kmp_lock_table kmp_lock_table_t;
extern kmp_lock_table_t __kmp_user_lock_table;
extern kmp_user_lock_p __kmp_lock_pool;
struct kmp_block_of_locks {
struct kmp_block_of_locks * next_block;
void * locks;
typedef struct kmp_block_of_locks kmp_block_of_locks_t;
extern kmp_block_of_locks_t *__kmp_lock_blocks;
extern int __kmp_num_locks_in_block;
extern kmp_user_lock_p __kmp_user_lock_allocate( void **user_lock, kmp_int32 gtid, kmp_lock_flags_t flags );
extern void __kmp_user_lock_free( void **user_lock, kmp_int32 gtid, kmp_user_lock_p lck );
extern kmp_user_lock_p __kmp_lookup_user_lock( void **user_lock, char const *func );
extern void __kmp_cleanup_user_locks();
{ \
if ( ! TCR_4( __kmp_init_user_locks ) ) { \
__kmp_acquire_bootstrap_lock( &__kmp_initz_lock ); \
if ( ! TCR_4( __kmp_init_user_locks ) ) { \
TCW_4( __kmp_init_user_locks, TRUE ); \
} \
__kmp_release_bootstrap_lock( &__kmp_initz_lock ); \
} \
#undef KMP_PAD
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif /* KMP_LOCK_H */