Reland "[Remarks] Add -foptimization-record-passes to filter remark emission"

Currently we have -Rpass for filtering the remarks that are displayed as
diagnostics, but when using -fsave-optimization-record, there is no way
to filter the remarks while generating them.

This adds support for filtering remarks by passes using a regex.
Ex: `clang -fsave-optimization-record -foptimization-record-passes=inline`

will only emit the remarks coming from the pass `inline`.

This adds:

* `-fsave-optimization-record` to the driver
* `-opt-record-passes` to cc1
* `-lto-pass-remarks-filter` to the LTOCodeGenerator
* `--opt-remarks-passes` to lld
* `-pass-remarks-filter` to llc, opt, llvm-lto, llvm-lto2
* `-opt-remarks-passes` to gold-plugin

Differential Revision:

Original llvm-svn: 355964

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
14 files changed