Removed unused code.
diff --git a/zorg/buildbot/builders/ b/zorg/buildbot/builders/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0692db1..0000000
--- a/zorg/buildbot/builders/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-from import WithProperties
-  # buildbot 0.8.5
-  from buildbot.steps.slave import RemoveDirectory
-  # buildbot 0.8.12
-  from buildbot.plugins import steps
-  RemoveDirectory = steps.RemoveDirectory
-from string import split
-from import ClangBuilder
-from zorg.buildbot.commands.CmakeCommand import CmakeCommand
-from zorg.buildbot.commands.NinjaCommand import NinjaCommand
-def getCUDATestsuiteBuildFactory(
-        externals,  # Directory with CUDA, thrust and gcc versions for testing.
-        always_clean=True,
-        test=False,
-        useTwoStage=False,
-        cmake='cmake',
-        extra_cmake_args=None,  # Extra CMake args for all stages.
-        extra_ts_cmake_args=None,  # extra cmake args for testsuite.
-        jobs=None,
-        cuda_jobs=1,  # number of simultaneous CUDA apps to run
-        env=None,  # Environmental variables for all steps.
-        enable_thrust_tests=False,
-        split_thrust_tests=False,  # Each thrust test is a separate executable.
-        run_thrust_tests=False,
-        enable_libcxx=True,  # checkout/build libcxx to test with.
-        gpu_arch_list=None,
-        gpu_devices=None,  # List of devices to make visible to  CUDA
-        stage1_config='Release',
-        stage2_config='Release'):
-    if extra_cmake_args is None:
-        extra_cmake_args = []
-    if extra_ts_cmake_args is None:
-        extra_ts_cmake_args = []
-    # Prepare environmental variables. Set here all env we want for all steps.
-    merged_env = {
-        'TERM': 'dumb'  # Make sure Clang doesn't use color escape sequences.
-    }
-    if env is not None:
-        # Overwrite pre-set items with the given ones, so user can set
-        # anything.
-        merged_env.update(env)
-    source_dir = 'llvm'   # Should match the one used in getClangCMakeBuildFactory.
-    stage1_build_dir = 'stage1'  # Should match the one defined in getClangCMakeBuildFactory.
-    stage2_build_dir = 'stage2'  # Should match the one defined in getClangCMakeBuildFactory.
-    install_dir = 'clang.install'
-    if useTwoStage:
-        clang_build_dir = stage2_build_dir
-    else:
-        clang_build_dir = stage1_build_dir
-    # Build clang.
-    f = ClangBuilder.getClangCMakeBuildFactory(
-            clean=always_clean,
-            test=test,
-            cmake=cmake,
-            extra_cmake_args=extra_cmake_args,
-            jobs=jobs,
-            env=merged_env,
-            useTwoStage=useTwoStage,
-            stage1_config=stage1_config,
-            stage2_config=stage2_config,
-            checkout_clang_tools_extra=False,
-            checkout_compiler_rt=False,
-            checkout_libcxx=enable_libcxx,
-            checkout_lld=False,
-            checkout_test_suite=True)
-    cuda_test_env = {
-        'PYTHONPATH': WithProperties("%(workdir)s/" + source_dir +
-                                     "/utils/lit:${PYTHONPATH}"),
-        'DESTDIR': WithProperties("%(workdir)s/" + install_dir),
-        'PATH': WithProperties("%(workdir)s/" + install_dir +
-                               "/usr/local/bin:${PATH}"),
-    }
-    merged_env.update(cuda_test_env)
-    ts_build_dir = 'test-suite-build'
-    f.addStep(
-        RemoveDirectory(name="Remove old clang install directory",
-                        dir=install_dir))
-    # Install clang into directory pointed by $DESTDIR
-    f.addStep(NinjaCommand(
-        name='ninja install clang',
-        targets=["install"],
-        jobs=jobs,
-        haltOnFailure=True,
-        description=split("installing clang"),
-        descriptionDone=split("Clang installation is done."),
-        workdir=clang_build_dir,
-        env=merged_env))
-    # Completely remove test suite build dir.
-    f.addStep(
-        RemoveDirectory(name="Remove old test-suite build directory",
-                        dir=ts_build_dir))
-    if extra_ts_cmake_args:
-        cmake_args = extra_ts_cmake_args[:]
-    else:
-        cmake_args = []
-    # Set proper defaults.
-    CmakeCommand.applyDefaultOptions(cmake_args, [
-        ('-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=',        'Release'),
-    ])
-    # Some options are required for this stage no matter what.
-    CmakeCommand.applyRequiredOptions(cmake_args, [
-        ('-G',                      'Ninja'),
-    ])
-    cmake_args.append(
-        WithProperties(
-            "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%(workdir)s/" +
-                                    clang_build_dir + "/bin/clang++"
-        ))
-    cmake_args.append(
-        WithProperties(
-            "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%(workdir)s/" + clang_build_dir + "/bin/clang"
-        ))
-    cmake_args.append('-DTEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS=External'),
-                      # Limit to External tests only.
-    if externals:
-        cmake_args.append('-DTEST_SUITE_EXTERNALS_DIR=' + externals)
-    if split_thrust_tests:
-        cmake_args.append('-DTHRUST_SPLIT_TESTS=1')
-    if gpu_arch_list:
-        cmake_args.append('-DCUDA_GPU_ARCH=' + ';'.join(gpu_arch_list))
-    if cuda_jobs:
-        cmake_args.append('-DCUDA_JOBS=%s' % cuda_jobs)
-    # Then do fresh cmake configuration.
-    f.addStep(CmakeCommand(name='cmake test-suite',
-                           description='cmake test-suite',
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           options=cmake_args,
-                           path="../test/test-suite",
-                           workdir=ts_build_dir,
-                           env=merged_env))
-    # Always build simple CUDA tests. They serve as compilation
-    # smoketests and will fail quickly if compiler has obvious issues
-    # compiling CUDA files.
-    f.addStep(NinjaCommand(
-        name='ninja build simple CUDA tests',
-        targets=["cuda-tests-simple"],
-        jobs=jobs,
-        haltOnFailure=True,
-        description=split("building simple CUDA tests"),
-        descriptionDone=split("simple CUDA tests built."),
-        workdir=ts_build_dir,
-        env=merged_env))
-    # Limit GPUs visible to CUDA.
-    if gpu_devices:
-        for gpu_id in gpu_devices:
-            # make ID a string as it may be either an integer or a UUID string.
-            gpu_id = str(gpu_id)
-            gpu_env = dict(merged_env)
-            gpu_env["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id
-            f.addStep(NinjaCommand(
-                name='run simple CUDA tests on gpu %s' % gpu_id,
-                targets=["check-cuda-simple"],
-                jobs=1, # lit will parallelize the jobs
-                haltOnFailure=True,
-                description=split("Running simple CUDA tests on GPU %s" % gpu_id),
-                descriptionDone=split("simple CUDA tests on GPU %s done." % gpu_id),
-                workdir=ts_build_dir,
-                env=gpu_env))
-    else:
-        f.addStep(NinjaCommand(
-            name='run simple CUDA tests',
-            targets=["check-cuda-simple"],
-            jobs=1, # lit will parallelize the jobs
-            haltOnFailure=True,
-            description=split("Running simple CUDA tests"),
-            descriptionDone=split("simple CUDA tests done."),
-            workdir=ts_build_dir,
-            env=merged_env))
-    # If we've enabled thrust tests, build them now.
-    # WARNING: This takes a lot of time to build.
-    if (enable_thrust_tests):
-        f.addStep(NinjaCommand(
-            name='ninja build thrust',
-            targets=["cuda-tests-thrust"],
-            jobs=jobs,
-            haltOnFailure=True,
-            description=split("building thrust tests"),
-            descriptionDone=split("thrust tests built."),
-            workdir=ts_build_dir,
-            env=merged_env))
-        # Run them. That also takes a while.
-        # TODO(tra) we may want to run more than one instance so one
-        # can be compiling tests while another is running them on GPU.
-        if run_thrust_tests:
-            f.addStep(NinjaCommand(
-                name='run all CUDA tests',
-                targets=["check"],
-                jobs=1, # lit will parallelize the jobs.
-                haltOnFailure=True,
-                description=split("running all CUDA tests."),
-                descriptionDone=split("all cuda tests done."),
-                workdir=ts_build_dir,
-                env=merged_env))
-    return f