blob: 48161bc47b1893a2237cd6f26b22091cd673a6d8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
private def get_matching_jobs(pattern) {
def jobs = []
for (job in Jenkins.getInstance().getAllItems(Job)) {
def jobname = job.getName()
def m = jobname =~ pattern
if (m) {
def shortname = m[0][1]
jobs.push([shortname, jobname])
return jobs
private def basename(path) {
return path.drop(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
private def relay_steps(job_pattern, artifact_url, last_good_properties_url) {
// The upstream jobs triggering the relay produce a
// "" file that contains a reference to the
// compiler artifact that should be used for this run and which llvm
// revision it is based on.
propfile = basename(last_good_properties_url)
sh """
rm -f ${propfile}
curl -fksSO "${last_good_properties_url}"
def props = readProperties file: propfile
def artifact = "http://labmaster2.local/artifacts/${props.ARTIFACT}"
// Trigger all jobs with names matching the `job_pattern` regex.
def joblist = get_matching_jobs(job_pattern)
def parallel_builds = [:]
for (j in joblist) {
def shortname = j[0]
def jobname = j[1]
parallel_builds[shortname] = {
def job_params = [
[$class: 'StringParameterValue',
name: 'ARTIFACT',
value: artifact],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue',
name: 'GIT_SHA',
value: props.GIT_SHA],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue',
value: props.GIT_DISTANCE],
build job: jobname, parameters: job_params
parallel parallel_builds
def pipeline(job_pattern,
last_good_properties_url='http://labmaster2.local/artifacts/clang-stage1-RA/') {
node('master') {
stage('main') {
relay_steps job_pattern, artifact_url, last_good_properties_url
return this