blob: af12b2e6a2f33f13d3363f9a582f6650629fe934 [file] [log] [blame]
Summary information for the dashboard.
Connects the active CI configuration with the status information to track the
current high-level status.
import sys
class Summary(object):
def __init__(self, config, status):
self.config = config
self.status = status
def get_current_status(self):
get_current_status() -> ...
Compute information on the current status.
# For each configured builder, compute the:
# a. current build(s),
# b. last passing build,
# c. last failing build,
# d. last completed build
info = {}
for builder in
builds =
current = []
passing = failing = completed = None
if builds is None:
# FIXME: Logging!
print >>sys.stderr, "warning: no status for '%s'" % (
info[] = None
for build in builds[::-1]:
# Check if this is an active build.
if build.start_time is not None and build.end_time is None:
# Otherwise, check the status.
if completed is None:
completed = build
# Track the (a) most recent passing build and (b) oldest
# failure which happened after a passing build.
if passing is None:
if build.result == 0:
passing = build
failing = build
info[] = {
'current' : current,
'passing' : passing,
'failing' : failing,
'completed' : completed }
return info