blob: 6496708245ac56ce6efbbe578ff8773550b1d568 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _intro:
These are the (current) rough steps to get a working llvmlab server:
1. Install llvmlab::
python install
It is recommended that you install llvmlab into a virtualenv. If you are
developing the software, you presumably want to use::
python develop
2. Create a new llvmlab installation::
llvmlab create \
--master-url \
--plugin-module zorg.llvmlab
This will create the llvmlab configuration file, the default database, and a
.wsgi wrapper to create the application. If using this instance for
development, you may want to add the ``--debug-server`` argument to default
to running the server in debug mode.
The ``--master-url`` should be used to point the lab at the buildbot
installation it is intended to monitor. You can monitor ```` for
quick testing purposes, but **please** do not leave this running for an
extended time, as it puts a certain amount of load on the buildbot
installation. If you want to run longer tests, please run a local buildbot
master and monitor that.
The ``--plugin-module`` argument is required in order for the dashboard to
work, it is how the dashboard loads the information about the buildbot
configuration. The module path is expected to be importable, so you may need
to extend the PYTHONPATH to support that (e.g.,
``PYTHONPATH=/path/to/zorg/repo`` would allow the default ````
plugin named above to be imported).
If using this instance for deployment, you *certainly* want to provide the
``--admin-email`` and ``--admin-password`` arguments to override the
defaults. You may also need to modify the generated ``app.cfg`` file to
change the default SMTP relay server (used for mailing error messages).
You can execute the generated WSGI app directly to run with the builtin web
server, or use::
env LLVMLAB_CONFIG=/path/to/instance/lab.cfg llvmlab runserver
which may eventually provide additional command line options. Neither of
these servers is recommended for production use.
3. Add the 'app.wsgi' app to your Apache configuration. You should set also
configure the WSGIDaemonProcess and WSGIProcessGroup variables if not
already done.
If running in a virtualenv you will need to configure that as well; see the
`modwsgi wiki <>`_.
The llvmlab web app is currently implemented as a WSGI web app using Flask.