blob: 7636fcaeab8c33a919987a22a0021a77014e18a1 [file] [log] [blame]
from import WarningCountingShellCommand
from zorg.buildbot.util.helpers import stripQuotationMarks
class CmakeCommand(WarningCountingShellCommand):
def sanitize_kwargs(kwargs):
# kwargs we could get and must not pass through
# to the buildstep.RemoteShellCommand constructor.
# Note: This is a workaround of the buildbot design issue,
# thus should be removed once the original issue gets fixed.
consume_kwargs = [
sanitized_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
for k in consume_kwargs:
if k in sanitized_kwargs.keys():
del sanitized_kwargs[k]
return sanitized_kwargs
def applyRequiredOptions(options, required):
# required is a list of tuples in form of (<opt name>, <opt value>),
# where all the values are properly formatted to terminate
# control symbols.
# TODO: Support cmake params with types, like -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING='-stdlib=libc++'.
for k,v in required:
o = None
for i,a in enumerate(options):
# We cannot process some options because of WithProperties and such,
# but let's at least work around them gracefully.
# Strip surraunding quotation marks if any.
a = stripQuotationMarks(a)
if a.startswith(k):
# Replace the existing one by the one from required.
o = options[i] = k + v
except Exception:
if o is None:
# We do not have the option to replace,
# so, let's just add a new one.
options.append(k + v)
def applyDefaultOptions(options, defaults):
# We assume the one options item for, let's say, -G, i.e. in form of
# '-GUnix Makefiles' or -G "Unix Makefiles".
# defaults is a list of tuples in form of (<opt name>, <opt value>),
# where all the values are properly formatted to terminate
# control symbols.
# TODO: Support cmake params with types, like -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING='-stdlib=libc++'.
for k,v in defaults:
o = None
for i,a in enumerate(options):
# We cannot process some options because of WithProperties and such,
# but let's at least work around them gracefully.
if stripQuotationMarks(a).startswith(k):
o = options[i]
except Exception:
if o is None:
# We do not have the option already set,
# so, apply the default one.
options.append(k + v)
def appendFlags(options, append):
# append is a list of tuples in form of (<opt name>, [<flag values>]).
# In this routine we are after cmake arguments with multiple values,
# like compiler or linker flags. So we want
# <cmake_arg>=["]<list of flags separated by space>["] and
# do not care of other options like, let's say, -G.
# TODO: Support cmake params with types, like -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING='-stdlib=libc++'.
for k,v in append:
o = None
for i,a in enumerate(options):
# We cannot process some options because of WithProperties and such,
# but let's at least work around them gracefully.
# Strip surraunding quotation marks if any.
a = stripQuotationMarks(a)
if a.startswith(k):
append_to = a.split("=", 1)
flags = stripQuotationMarks(append_to[1]).split() + v
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add # To avoid resolving in the loop.
flags = [
f for f in flags
if not (f in seen or seen_add(f))
flags = ' '.join(flags)
append_to[1] = flags
o = options[i] = '='.join(append_to)
except Exception:
if o is None:
# We do not have the option to merge with,
# so, let's just set it.
flags = ' '.join(v)
append_this = k.split("=", 1)
append_this[1] = flags
def __init__(self, prefixCommand=None, options=None, path=None, **kwargs):
self.prefixCommand = prefixCommand
self.path = [path]
if options is None:
self.options = list()
self.options = list(options)
command = []
if prefixCommand:
command += prefixCommand
command += ["cmake"]
if self.options:
command += self.options
if self.path:
command += self.path
# Remove here all the kwargs any of our LLVM buildbot command could consume.
# Note: We will remove all the empty items from the command at start, as we
# still didn't get yet WithProperties rendered.
sanitized_kwargs = self.sanitize_kwargs(kwargs)
sanitized_kwargs["command"] = command
# And upcall to let the base class do its work
WarningCountingShellCommand.__init__(self, **sanitized_kwargs)
def start(self):
# Don't forget to remove all the empty items from the command,
# which we could get because of WithProperties rendered as empty strings.
self.command = filter(bool, self.command)
# Then upcall.