Removed unused code from LLDBBuilder.
diff --git a/zorg/buildbot/builders/ b/zorg/buildbot/builders/
index df6e785..3850a71 100644
--- a/zorg/buildbot/builders/
+++ b/zorg/buildbot/builders/
@@ -1,52 +1,13 @@
-import os
-import json
-import collections
-import buildbot
-import buildbot.process.factory
-from buildbot.steps.source import SVN
-from import Configure, SetProperty
+from import SetProperty
 from import ShellCommand, WarningCountingShellCommand
 from buildbot.steps.slave import RemoveDirectory
 from import WithProperties, Property
-from buildbot.steps import trigger
-from zorg.buildbot.commands.LitTestCommand import LitTestCommand
 from zorg.buildbot.commands.CmakeCommand import CmakeCommand
-from zorg.buildbot.conditions.FileConditions import FileDoesNotExist
 from import getVisualStudioEnvironment
 from import extractSlaveEnvironment
 from zorg.buildbot.process.factory import LLVMBuildFactory
-# We *must* checkout at least Clang, LLVM, and LLDB.  Also check out LLD since
-# it is needed to run the LLDB test suite.
-def getLLDBSource(f,llvmTopDir='llvm'):
-    f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-llvm',
-                  mode='update', baseURL='',
-                  defaultBranch='trunk',
-                  workdir=llvmTopDir))
-    f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-clang',
-                  mode='update', baseURL='',
-                  defaultBranch='trunk',
-                  workdir='%s/tools/clang' % llvmTopDir))
-    f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-lld',
-                  mode='update', baseURL='',
-                  defaultBranch='trunk',
-                  workdir='%s/tools/lld' % llvmTopDir))
-    f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-lldb',
-                  mode='update', baseURL='',
-                  defaultBranch='trunk',
-                  workdir='%s/tools/lldb' % llvmTopDir))
-    return f
-# Clean SVN source tree
-# SVN doesn't provide build-in commands to remove all untracked files
-# List all untracked files, and remove one by one
-def cleanSVNSourceTree(f, srcdir='llvm'):
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='clean svn source %s' % srcdir,
-                           command="svn status --no-ignore | grep '^[I?]' | cut -c 9- | while IFS= read -r f; do echo \"$f\"; rm -rf \"$f\"; done",
-                           description="clean SVN source tree",
-                           workdir='%s' % srcdir))
-    return f
 # CMake builds
 def getLLDBCMakeBuildFactory(
@@ -147,863 +108,3 @@
     return f
-def getLLDBBuildFactory(
-            triple,
-            useTwoStage=False,
-            make='make',
-            jobs='%(jobs)s',
-            extra_configure_args=[],
-            env={},
-            *args,
-            **kwargs):
-    llvm_srcdir = "llvm.src"
-    llvm_objdir = "llvm.obj"
-    f = buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory()
-    # Determine the build directory.
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name="get_builddir",
-              command=["pwd"],
-              property="builddir",
-              description="set build dir",
-              workdir="."))
-    # Find out what version of llvm and clang are needed to build this version
-    # of lldb. Right now we will assume they use the same version.
-    # XXX - could this be done directly on the master instead of the slave?
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(command='svn cat | grep ^our.*llvm_revision | cut -d \\" -f 2',
-                          property='llvmrev'))
-    # The SVN build step provides no mechanism to check out a specific revision
-    # based on a property, so just run the commands directly here.
-    svn_co = ['svn', 'checkout', '--force']
-    svn_co += ['--revision', WithProperties('%(llvmrev)s')]
-    # build llvm svn checkout command
-    svn_co_llvm = svn_co + \
-     [WithProperties(''),
-                     llvm_srcdir]
-    # build clang svn checkout command
-    svn_co_clang = svn_co + \
-     [WithProperties(''),
-                     '%s/tools/clang' % llvm_srcdir]
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='svn-llvm',
-                           command=svn_co_llvm,
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           workdir='.'))
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='svn-clang',
-                           command=svn_co_clang,
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           workdir='.'))
-    f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-lldb',
-                  mode='update',
-                  baseURL='',
-                  defaultBranch='trunk',
-                  always_purge=True,
-                  workdir='%s/tools/lldb' % llvm_srcdir))
-    # Run configure
-    config_args = [WithProperties("%%(builddir)s/%s/configure" % llvm_srcdir),
-                   "--disable-bindings",
-                   "--without-llvmgcc",
-                   "--without-llvmgxx",
-                  ]
-    if triple:
-        config_args += ['--build=%s' % triple]
-    config_args += extra_configure_args
-    f.addStep(Configure(name='configure',
-        command=config_args,
-        env=env,
-        workdir=llvm_objdir))
-    f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name="compile",
-                                          command=['nice', '-n', '10',
-                                                   make, WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs)],
-                                          env=env,
-                                          haltOnFailure=True,
-                                          workdir=llvm_objdir))
-    # Test.
-    f.addStep(LitTestCommand(name="test lldb",
-                             command=['nice', '-n', '10',
-                                      make],
-                             description="test lldb",
-                             env=env,
-                             workdir='%s/tools/lldb/test' % llvm_objdir))
-    return f
-# Add test steps from list of compilers and archs
-def getLLDBTestSteps(f,
-                     bindir,
-                     test_archs,
-                     test_compilers,
-                     remote_platform=None,
-                     remote_host=None,
-                     remote_port=None,
-                     remote_dir=None,
-                     env=None):
-    # Skip test steps if no test compiler or arch is specified
-    if None in (test_archs, test_compilers):
-        return f
-    llvm_srcdir = "llvm"
-    llvm_builddir = "build"
-    if env is None:
-        env = {}
-    flunkTestFailure = True
-    extraTestFlag = ''
-    # TODO: for now, run tests with 8 threads and without mi tests on android
-    # come back when those issues are addressed
-    testenv=dict(env)
-    for compiler in test_compilers:
-        # find full path for top of tree clang
-        if compiler=='totclang':
-            compilerPath=bindir + '/clang'
-        elif remote_platform is 'android':
-            compilerPath = os.path.join('%(toolchain_test)s', 'bin', compiler)
-        else:
-            compilerPath = compiler
-        for arch in test_archs:
-            DOTEST_OPTS=''.join(['--executable ' + bindir + '/lldb ',
-                                 '--filecheck ' + bindir + '/FileCheck ',
-                                 '-A %s ' % arch,
-                                 '-C %s ' % compilerPath,
-                                 '-s lldb-test-traces-%s-%s ' % (compiler, arch),
-                                 '-u CXXFLAGS ',
-                                 '-u CFLAGS ',
-                                 '--channel ',
-                                 '"gdb-remote packets" ',
-                                 '--channel ',
-                                 '"lldb all"'])
-            testname = "local"
-            if remote_platform is not None:
-                urlStr='connect://%(remote_host)s:%(remote_port)s'
-                if remote_platform is 'android':
-                    #i386/x86_64 are the only android archs that are expected to pass at this time
-                    flunkTestFailure = arch in ('i386', 'x86_64')
-                    testenv['LLDB_TEST_THREADS'] = '8'
-                    extraTestFlag = ' -m'
-                    urlStr = 'adb://%(deviceid)s:%(remote_port)s'
-                    # for Android, remove all forwarded ports before running test
-                    # it is noticed that forwarded socket connections were not cleaned for certain crashed tests
-                    # clean it here to avoid too many "LISTEN" ports left on slave
-                    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="remove port forwarding %s" % arch,
-                                           command=['adb',
-                                                    'forward',
-                                                    '--remove-all'],
-                                           description="Remove port forwarding",
-                                           env=env,
-                                           haltOnFailure=False,
-                                           workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
-                DOTEST_OPTS += ''.join([' --platform-name remote-' + remote_platform,
-                                        ' --platform-url ' + urlStr,
-                                        ' --platform-working-dir %(remote_dir)s',
-                                        ' --env OS=' + remote_platform.title()])
-                testname = "remote-" + remote_platform
-            DOTEST_OPTS += extraTestFlag
-            f.addStep(LitTestCommand(name="test lldb %s (%s-%s)" % (testname, compiler, arch),
-                                     command=['../%s/tools/lldb/test/' % llvm_srcdir,
-                                              '--options',
-                                              WithProperties(DOTEST_OPTS)],
-                                     description="test lldb",
-                                     parseSummaryOnly=True,
-                                     flunkOnFailure=flunkTestFailure,
-                                     warnOnFailure=flunkTestFailure,
-                                     workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir,
-                                     timeout=1800,
-                                     env=testenv))
-            f=cleanSVNSourceTree(f, '%s/tools/lldb/test' % llvm_srcdir)
-    return f
-# Define a structure to describe remote target
-# For example, RemoteConfig('linux','x86_64',['gcc4.8.2','clang'],['i386'])
-RemoteConfig = collections.namedtuple("RemoteConfig", ["platform", "host_arch", "test_compilers", "test_archs"])
-# Add steps to run lldb test on remote target
-def getLLDBRemoteTestSteps(f,
-                           bindir,
-                           build_type,
-                           remote_config,
-                           env):
-    if None in (remote_config.test_archs, remote_config.test_compilers):
-        return f
-    # only supports linux and android as remote target at this time
-    if remote_config.platform not in ('linux', 'android'):
-        return f
-    llvm_srcdir = "llvm"
-    llvm_builddir = "build"
-    stepDesc = remote_config.platform + "-" + remote_config.host_arch
-    # get hostname
-    slave_hostname = None
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name="get hostname",
-                          command=["hostname"],
-                          property="slave_hostname",
-                          description="set slave hostname",
-                          workdir="."))
-    # get configuration of remote target
-    # config file should be placed under builddir on builder machine
-    # file name: remote_cfg.json
-    # content: json format with keys [remote_platform]-[remote_arch]
-    # the value for each key defines "remote_host", "remote_port", "remote_dir", "toolchain", "deviceId"
-    # example: {"android-i386": {"remote_host":"localhost",
-    #                            "remote_port":"5430",
-    #                            "remote_dir":"/data/local/tmp/lldb",
-    #                            "toolchain_build":"/home/lldb_build/Toolchains/i386-android-toolchain-21",
-    #                            "toolchain_test":"/home/lldb_build/Toolchains/i386-android-toolchain-16",
-    #                            "deviceid":"XXXXXXX"},
-    def getRemoteCfg(rc, stdout, stderr):
-        return json.loads(stdout)[stepDesc]
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name="get remote target " + stepDesc,
-                          command="cat remote_cfg.json",
-                          extract_fn=getRemoteCfg,
-                          description="get remote target",
-                          workdir="."))
-    # rsync
-    if remote_config.platform is 'linux':
-        shellcmd = ['ssh',
-                    WithProperties('%(remote_host)s')]
-        hostname = '%(slave_hostname)s'
-        launchcmd = shellcmd + ['screen', '-d', '-m']
-        terminatecmd = shellcmd + ['pkill', 'lldb-server']
-        cleandircmd = WithProperties('ssh %(remote_host)s rm -r %(remote_dir)s/*')
-        f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="rsync lldb-server",
-                               command=['rsync',
-                                        '-havL',
-                                        'bin/lldb-server',
-                                        WithProperties('%(remote_host)s:%(remote_dir)s')],
-                               description="rsync lldb-server " + stepDesc,
-                               haltOnFailure=True,
-                               env=env,
-                               workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
-        f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="rsync python2.7",
-                               command=['rsync',
-                                        '-havL',
-                                        'lib/python2.7',
-                                        WithProperties('%(remote_host)s:%(remote_dir)s')],
-                               description="rsync python2.7 " + stepDesc,
-                               haltOnFailure=True,
-                               env=env,
-                               workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
-    elif remote_config.platform is 'android':
-        shellcmd = ['adb',
-                    '-s',
-                    WithProperties('%(deviceid)s'),
-                    'shell']
-        hostname = ''
-        launchcmd = ['screen', '-d', '-m'] + shellcmd + [WithProperties("TMPDIR=%(remote_dir)s/tmp")]
-        terminatecmd = 'ps | grep lldb-server | awk \'{print $2}\' | xargs'
-        terminatecmd = WithProperties('adb -s %(deviceid)s shell ' + terminatecmd + ' adb -s %(deviceid)s shell kill')
-        cleandircmd = WithProperties('adb -s %(deviceid)s shell rm -rf %(remote_dir)s/*')
-        # compile lldb-server for target platform
-        f = getLLDBCmakeAndCompileSteps(f,
-                                        'gcc',
-                                        build_type,
-                                        ['lldb-server'],
-                                        bindir,
-                                        remote_config.platform,
-                                        remote_config.host_arch,
-                                        env)
-        f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="adb push lldb-server " + stepDesc,
-                               command=['adb',
-                                        '-s',
-                                        WithProperties('%(deviceid)s'),
-                                        'push',
-                                        remote_config.platform+'-' + remote_config.host_arch + '/bin/lldb-server',
-                                        WithProperties('%(remote_dir)s/')],
-                               description="lldb-server",
-                               env=env,
-                               haltOnFailure=True,
-                               workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
-        f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="Build fingerprint " + stepDesc,
-                               command=['adb',
-                                        '-s',
-                                        WithProperties('%(deviceid)s'),
-                                        'shell',
-                                        'getprop',
-                                        ''],
-                               description="get build fingerprint",
-                               env=env,
-                               haltOnFailure=False,
-                               workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
-    # launch lldb-server
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="launch lldb-server " + stepDesc,
-                           command=launchcmd +
-                                   [WithProperties('%(remote_dir)s/lldb-server'),
-                                    'platform',
-                                    '--listen',
-                                    WithProperties(hostname + ':%(remote_port)s'),
-                                    '--server'],
-                           description="launch lldb-server on remote host",
-                           env=env,
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
-    # test steps
-    f = getLLDBTestSteps(f,
-                         bindir,
-                         remote_config.test_archs,
-                         remote_config.test_compilers,
-                         remote_config.platform,
-                         '%(remote_host)s',
-                         '%(remote_port)s',
-                         '%(remote_dir)s',
-                         env)
-    # terminate lldb-server on remote host
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="terminate lldb-server " + stepDesc,
-                           command=terminatecmd,
-                           description="terminate lldb-server",
-                           env=env,
-                           workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
-    # clean remote test directory
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="clean remote dir " + stepDesc,
-                           command=cleandircmd,
-                           description="clean remote dir",
-                           env=env))
-    return f
-# Cmake bulid on Ubuntu
-# Build command sequence - cmake, ninja, ./dosep
-# Note: If test_archs or test_compilers is not specified, lldb-test will not be added to build factory
-def getLLDBUbuntuCMakeBuildFactory(build_compiler,
-                                   build_type,
-                                   local_test_archs=None,
-                                   local_test_compilers=None,
-                                   remote_configs=None,
-                                   jobs='%(jobs)s',
-                                   env=None):
-    """Generate factory steps for ubuntu cmake builder
-       Arguments:
-       build_compiler       -- string of compile name, example 'clang',
-                               the compiler will be used to build binaries for host platform
-       build_type           -- 'Debug' or 'Release',
-                               used to define build type for host platform as well as remote platform if any
-       local_test_archs     -- list of architectures, example ['i386','x86_64'],
-                               defines architectures to run local tests against, if None, local tests won't be executed
-       local_test_compiler  -- list of compilers, example ['clang','gcc4.8.2'],
-                               definds compilers to run local tests with, if None, local tests won't be executed
-       remote_configs       -- list of RemoteConfig objects, example [RemoteConfig(...)], if None, remote tests won't be executed
-       jobs                 -- number of threads for compilation step, example 40
-                               default value is jobs number defined during slave creation
-       env                  -- environment variables passed to shell commands
-    """
-    if env is None:
-        env = {}
-    llvm_srcdir = "llvm"
-    llvm_builddir = "build"
-    bindir='%(builddir)s/' + llvm_builddir + '/bin'
-    f = buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory()
-    # Determine the build directory.
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name="get_builddir",
-                          command=["pwd"],
-                          property="builddir",
-                          description="set build dir",
-                          workdir="."))
-    # Determine the binary directory of *-tblgen.
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name="get tblgen dir",
-                          command=["echo", WithProperties(bindir)],
-                          property="tblgen_bindir",
-                          description="set tblgen dir",
-                          workdir="."))
-    # Get source code
-    f = getLLDBSource(f,llvm_srcdir)
-    # Clean Build Folder
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="clean",
-                           command="rm -rf *",
-                           description="clear build folder",
-                           env=env,
-                           workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
-    f = getLLDBCmakeAndCompileSteps(f,
-                                    build_compiler,
-                                    build_type,
-                                    [],
-                                    bindir,
-                                    'linux',
-                                    'x86_64',
-                                    env)
-    # TODO: it will be good to check that architectures listed in test_archs are compatible with host architecture
-    # For now, the caller of this function should make sure that each target architecture is supported by builder machine
-    # Add local test steps
-    f = getLLDBTestSteps(f,
-                         bindir,
-                         local_test_archs,
-                         local_test_compilers)
-    # Remote test steps
-    if remote_configs is not None:
-        for config in remote_configs:
-            f = getLLDBRemoteTestSteps(f,
-                                       bindir,
-                                       build_type,
-                                       config,
-                                       env)
-    # archive test traces
-    f = archiveLLDBTestTraces(f, "build/lldb-test-traces-*")
-    return f
-# zip and upload test traces to google storage
-def archiveLLDBTestTraces(f, test_trace):
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="compress test traces",
-                           command=WithProperties("zip -r build-%(buildnumber)s " + test_trace),
-                           description="zip",
-                           haltOnFailure=False,
-                           flunkOnFailure=False,
-                           workdir='.'))
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="upload test traces",
-                           command=['gsutil',
-                                    'mv',
-                                    WithProperties('build-%(buildnumber)'),
-                                    WithProperties('gs://lldb_test_traces/%(buildername)s/')],
-                           description="upload to Google Storage",
-                           haltOnFailure=False,
-                           flunkOnFailure=False,
-                           workdir='.'))
-    return f
-# for cmake and compile
-def getLLDBCmakeAndCompileSteps(f,
-                                build_compiler,
-                                build_type,
-                                ninja_target,
-                                bindir,
-                                target_platform,
-                                target_arch,
-                                env=None):
-    if env is None:
-        env={}
-    llvm_builddir = 'build'
-    if target_platform is 'android':
-        llvm_builddir = 'build/android-' + target_arch
-    # Configure
-    f = getLLDBCMakeStep(f,
-                         build_compiler,
-                         build_type,
-                         bindir,
-                         target_platform,
-                         target_arch,
-                         env)
-    # Compile
-    f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name='ninja-%s-%s'%(target_platform, target_arch),
-                                          command=['nice','-n', '10',
-                                                   'ninja',
-                                                   WithProperties('-j%(jobs)s')] + ninja_target,
-                                          env=env,
-                                          haltOnFailure=True,
-                                          workdir=llvm_builddir))
-    return f
-def getLLDBCMakeStep(f,
-                     build_compiler,
-                     build_type,
-                     bindir,
-                     target_platform,
-                     target_arch,
-                     env=None):
-    if target_platform is 'linux':
-        return getLLDBLinuxCMakeStep(f,
-                                     build_compiler,
-                                     build_type,
-                                     target_arch,
-                                     env)
-    elif target_platform is 'android':
-        return getLLDBAndroidCMakeStep(f,
-                                       build_compiler,
-                                       build_type,
-                                       bindir,
-                                       target_arch,
-                                       env)
-def getCCompilerCmd(compiler):
-  if compiler == "clang":
-    return "clang"
-  elif compiler == "gcc":
-    return "gcc"
-def getCxxCompilerCmd(compiler):
-  if compiler == "clang":
-    return "clang++"
-  elif compiler == "gcc":
-    return "g++"
-def getLLDBLinuxCMakeStep(f,
-                          build_compiler,
-                          build_type,
-                          target_arch,
-                          env=None):
-    if env is None:
-        env = {}
-    llvm_srcdir = 'llvm'
-    llvm_builddir = 'build'
-    # Construct cmake
-    cmake_args = ["cmake", "-GNinja"]
-    cmake_args.append(WithProperties("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s" % build_type))
-    cmake_args.append(WithProperties('%(builddir)s/' + llvm_srcdir))
-    cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%s" % getCCompilerCmd(build_compiler))
-    cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%s" % getCxxCompilerCmd(build_compiler))
-    f.addStep(Configure(name='cmake-linux-%s' % (target_arch),
-                        command=cmake_args,
-                        env=env,
-                        haltOnFailure=True,
-                        workdir=llvm_builddir))
-    return f
-def getLLDBAndroidCMakeStep(f,
-                            build_compiler,
-                            build_type,
-                            bindir,
-                            target_arch,
-                            env):
-    if env is None:
-        env = {}
-    llvm_srcdir = 'llvm'
-    llvm_builddir = 'build/android-' + target_arch
-    abiMap={
-            'i386':'x86',
-            'arm':'armeabi',
-            'aarch64':'aarch64'
-           }
-    # Construct cmake
-    cmake_args = ["cmake", "-GNinja"]
-    cmake_args.append(WithProperties("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s" % build_type))
-    cmake_args.append(WithProperties('%(builddir)s/' + llvm_srcdir))
-    cmake_args.append(WithProperties('-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=' + '%(builddir)s/' + llvm_srcdir + '/tools/lldb/cmake/platforms/Android.cmake'))
-    cmake_args.append(WithProperties('-DANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_DIR=' + '%(toolchain_build)s'))
-    cmake_args.append('-DANDROID_ABI=' + abiMap[target_arch])
-    cmake_args.append('-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION=4.9')
-    cmake_args.append('-DLLVM_TARGET_ARCH=' + target_arch)
-    cmake_args.append('-DLLVM_HOST_TRIPLE=' + target_arch + '-unknown-linux-android')
-    cmake_args.append(WithProperties('-DLLVM_TABLEGEN=%(tblgen_bindir)s/llvm-tblgen'))
-    cmake_args.append(WithProperties('-DCLANG_TABLEGEN=%(tblgen_bindir)s/clang-tblgen'))
-    f.addStep(Configure(name='cmake-android-%s' % target_arch,
-                        command=cmake_args,
-                        env=env,
-                        haltOnFailure=True,
-                        workdir=llvm_builddir))
-    return f
-# Set symbolic links, so the folder structure will be llvm, llvm/tools/clang, llvm/tools/lldb
-def getSymbLinkSteps(f, lldb_srcdir):
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='set symbolic link clang',
-                           command=['ln', '-nfs',
-                                    WithProperties('%(builddir)s/' + lldb_srcdir + '/llvm/tools/clang'),
-                                    'clang'],
-                           workdir=WithProperties('%(builddir)s')))
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='set symbolic link lldb',
-                           command=['ln', '-nfs',
-                                    WithProperties('%(builddir)s/' + lldb_srcdir),
-                                    lldb_srcdir + '/llvm/tools/lldb'],
-                           workdir=WithProperties('%(builddir)s')))
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='set symbolic link llvm',
-                           command=['ln', '-nfs',
-                                    WithProperties('%(builddir)s/' + lldb_srcdir + '/llvm'),
-                                    'llvm'],
-                           workdir=WithProperties('%(builddir)s')))
-    return f
-def getLLDBxcodebuildFactory(use_cc=None,
-                             build_type='Debug',
-                             remote_configs=None,
-                             env=None):
-    if env is None:
-        env = {}
-    f = buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory()
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name='get_builddir',
-                          command=['pwd'],
-                          property='builddir',
-                          description='set build dir',
-                          workdir='.'))
-    lldb_srcdir = 'lldb'
-    OBJROOT='%(builddir)s/' + lldb_srcdir + '/build'
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name='get_bindir',
-                          command=['echo',
-                                   WithProperties('%(builddir)s/' + lldb_srcdir + '/build/' + build_type)],
-                          property='lldb_bindir',
-                          description='set bin dir',
-                          workdir='.'))
-    # cleaning out the build directory is vital for codesigning.
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='clean.lldb-buid',
-                           command=['rm', '-rf', WithProperties(OBJROOT)],
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           workdir=WithProperties('%(builddir)s')))
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='clean.llvm-buid',
-                           command=['rm', '-rf', '%s/llvm-build' % lldb_srcdir ],
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           workdir=WithProperties('%(builddir)s')))
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='clean.test trace',
-                           command='rm -rf build/*',
-                           haltOnFailure=False,
-                           flunkOnFailure=False,
-                           workdir='.'))
-    # Remove symbolic link to lldb, otherwise xcodebuild will have circular dependency
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='remove symbolic link lldb',
-                           command=['rm',
-                                    lldb_srcdir + '/llvm/tools/lldb'],
-                           haltOnFailure=False,
-                           flunkOnFailure=False,
-                           workdir=WithProperties('%(builddir)s')))
-    f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-lldb',
-                  mode='update',
-                  baseURL='',
-                  defaultBranch='trunk',
-                  workdir=lldb_srcdir))
-    f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-llvm',
-                  mode='update',
-                  baseURL='',
-                  defaultBranch='trunk',
-                  workdir='%s/llvm' % lldb_srcdir))
-    f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-clang',
-                  mode='update',
-                  baseURL='',
-                  defaultBranch='trunk',
-                  workdir='%s/llvm/tools/clang' % lldb_srcdir))
-# setup keychain for codesign
-# In order for the codesigning to work inside of buildbot, security must be
-# called to unlock the keychain, which requires a password.
-# I've set up a special keychain for this purpose, so as to not compromise
-# the login password of the buildslave.
-# This means I have to set the special keychain as the default and unlock it
-# prior to building the sources.
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='check.keychain',
-                           command=['security', 'default-keychain'],
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           workdir=WithProperties('%(builddir)s')))
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='find.certificate',
-                           command=['security', 'find-certificate', '-c',
-                                    'lldb_codesign'],
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           workdir=WithProperties('%(builddir)s')))
-# Building the sources
-    buildcmd = ' '.join(['xcrun',
-                         'xcodebuild',
-                         '-target',
-                         'desktop',
-                         '-configuration',
-                         build_type,
-                         'SYMROOT=' + OBJROOT,
-                         'OBJROOT=' + OBJROOT])
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name='lldb-build',
-                           command=WithProperties(buildcmd + " || " + buildcmd),
-                           haltOnFailure=True,
-                           workdir=lldb_srcdir))
-# Testing
-    if not use_cc:
-        use_cc = '/Applications/'
-        use_cc += 'XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang'
-        f.addStep(SetProperty(name='',
-                  command=['xcrun', '-find', 'clang'],
-                  property='use_cc',
-                  description='set cc',
-                  workdir=lldb_srcdir))
-    else:
-        f.addStep(SetProperty(name='',
-                  command=['echo', use_cc],
-                  property='use_cc',
-                  description='set cc',
-                  workdir=lldb_srcdir))
-    DOTEST_OPTS = ' '.join(['--executable',
-                            '%(lldb_bindir)s/lldb',
-                            '--filecheck',
-                            '%(lldb_bindir)s/FileCheck',
-                            '--framework', '%(lldb_bindir)s/LLDB.framework',
-                            '-A', 'x86_64',
-                            '-C', 'clang',
-                            '-s', '../../build/lldb-test-traces'])
-    f.addStep(LitTestCommand(name='lldb-test',
-                             command=['./',
-                                      '--options',
-                                      WithProperties(DOTEST_OPTS)],
-                             haltOnFailure=False,
-                             workdir='%s/test' % lldb_srcdir,
-                             env={'DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH' : WithProperties('%(lldb_bindir)s')}))
-# Remote test steps
-    if remote_configs is not None:
-        # Source structure to use cmake command
-        f.addStep(SetProperty(name='get tblgen bindir',
-                              command=['echo',
-                                       WithProperties('%(builddir)s/' + lldb_srcdir + '/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/x86_64/Release+Asserts/bin')],
-                              property='tblgen_bindir',
-                              description='set tblgen binaries dir',
-                              workdir='.'))
-        f = getSymbLinkSteps(f, lldb_srcdir)
-        for config in remote_configs:
-            f = getLLDBRemoteTestSteps(f,
-                                       '%(lldb_bindir)s',
-                                       build_type,
-                                       config,
-                                       env={'DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH' : WithProperties('%(lldb_bindir)s')})
-# Compress and upload test log
-    f = archiveLLDBTestTraces(f, "build/lldb-test-traces*")
-# Results go in a directory coded named according to the date and time of the test run, e.g.:
-# 2012-10-16-11_26_48/Failure-x86_64-_Applications_Xcode.app_Contents_Developer_Toolchains_XcodeDefault.xctoolchain_usr_bin_clang-TestLogging.LogTestCase.test_with_dsym.log
-# Possible results are ExpectedFailure, Failure, SkippedTest, UnexpectedSuccess, and Error.    return f
-    return f
-def getShellCommandStep(f,
-                        name,
-                        command,
-                        description="",
-                        flunkOnFailure=True,
-                        haltOnFailure=True,
-                        alwaysRun=False,
-                        workdir='scripts',
-                        env=None):
-    if env is None:
-        env = {}
-    f.addStep(ShellCommand(name=name,
-                           command=command,
-                           description=description,
-                           env=env,
-                           flunkOnFailure=flunkOnFailure,
-                           haltOnFailure=haltOnFailure,
-                           alwaysRun=alwaysRun,
-                           workdir=workdir))
-# get configuration of tests
-# config file should be placed under builddir on builder machine
-# file name: test_cfg.json
-# content: json format with keys test[num]:target-compiler-architecture
-# example: {"test1":"android-gcc4.9-i386",
-#           "test2":"local-clang-x86",
-#           "test3":"local-clang-i386"}
-def getTestConfig(f):
-    def getRemoteCfg(rc, stdout, stderr):
-        return json.loads(stdout)
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name="get test config",
-                          command="cat test_cfg.json",
-                          extract_fn=getRemoteCfg,
-                          description="get remote target",
-                          workdir="scripts"))
-    return f
-def getTestSteps(f, scriptExt, pathSep):
-    # buildbot doesn't support dynamic step creation, so create 9 test steps as place holder
-    # then each builder will define available tests in test_cfg.json
-    # if there're less than 9 tests defined on certain builder, extra steps will be skipped and hidden from test details view
-    # **hide step is not supported by buildbot 0.8.5
-    # flunkOnFailure only takes boolean value, and cannot take configurable property.
-    # workaround: don't flunk the last three tests
-    # put non flunkable tests at the last three, test7, test8, test9
-    getTestConfig(f)
-    for x in range(1, 10):
-        test='test'+str(x)
-        f.addStep(LitTestCommand(name=test,
-                                 command=[pathSep + 'test' + scriptExt,
-                                          Property(test)],
-                                 description=["testing"],
-                                 descriptionDone=[WithProperties('%('+test+':-)s')],
-                                 doStepIf=lambda step:,
-                                 flunkOnFailure=(x<7),
-                                 warnOnFailure=(x<7),
-                                 workdir='scripts'))
-def getLLDBScriptCommandsFactory(
-                       downloadBinary=True,
-                       buildAndroid=False,
-                       runTest=True,
-                       scriptExt='.sh',
-                       extra_cmake_args=None,
-                       depends_on_projects=None,
-                       ):
-    if scriptExt is '.bat':
-        pathSep = '.\\'
-    else:
-        pathSep = './'
-    if extra_cmake_args is None:
-        extra_cmake_args = []
-    if depends_on_projects is None:
-        f = buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory()
-    else:
-        f = LLVMBuildFactory(
-                depends_on_projects=depends_on_projects)
-    # Update scripts
-    getShellCommandStep(f, name='update scripts',
-                        command=['updateScripts' + scriptExt])
-    # Acquire lock
-    if downloadBinary:
-        getShellCommandStep(f, name='acquire lock',
-                            command=[pathSep + 'acquireLock' + scriptExt,
-                                     'totBuild'],
-                            description='get')
-    # Checkout source code
-    getShellCommandStep(f, name='checkout source code',
-                        command=[pathSep + 'checkoutSource' + scriptExt,
-                                 WithProperties('%(revision)s')])
-    # Set source revision
-    f.addStep(SetProperty(name="set revision",
-              command=[pathSep + 'getRevision' + scriptExt],
-              property="got_revision",
-              workdir="scripts"))
-    # Configure
-    getShellCommandStep(f, name='cmake local',
-                        command=[pathSep + 'cmake' + scriptExt] + extra_cmake_args)
-    # Build
-    getShellCommandStep(f, name='ninja build local',
-                        command=[pathSep + 'buildLocal' + scriptExt])
-    if buildAndroid:
-        getShellCommandStep(f, name='build android',
-                            command=[pathSep + 'buildAndroid' + scriptExt])
-    # Get lldb-server binaries
-    if downloadBinary:
-        getShellCommandStep(f, name='get lldb-server binaries',
-                            command=[pathSep + 'downloadBinaries' + scriptExt,
-                                      WithProperties('%(got_revision)s')])
-    # Test
-    if runTest:
-        f.addStep(LitTestCommand(name="run unit tests",
-                                 command=[pathSep + 'testUnit' + scriptExt],
-                                 description=["testing"],
-                                 descriptionDone=["unit test"],
-                                 workdir='scripts'))
-        getTestSteps(f, scriptExt, pathSep)
-        # upload test traces
-        getShellCommandStep(f, name='upload test traces',
-                            command=[pathSep + 'uploadTestTrace' + scriptExt,
-                                     WithProperties('%(buildnumber)s'),
-                                     WithProperties('%(buildername)s')],
-                            flunkOnFailure=False)
-    # Upload lldb-server binaries and trigger android builders
-    if buildAndroid:
-        getShellCommandStep(f, name='upload lldb-server binaries',
-                            command=[pathSep + 'uploadBinaries' + scriptExt])
-        f.addStep(trigger.Trigger(schedulerNames=['lldb_android_scheduler'],
-                                  updateSourceStamp=False,
-                                  waitForFinish=False))
-    # Release lock
-    if downloadBinary:
-        getShellCommandStep(f, name='release lock',
-                            command=[pathSep + 'releaseLock' + scriptExt,
-                                     'totBuild'],
-                            description='release',
-                            alwaysRun=True)
-    return f