blob: 9a806cd971fd68bc18e062e3a6037c334fdd0bc0 [file] [log] [blame]
from collections import OrderedDict
from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory
from buildbot.steps.source import SVN, Git
from import WithProperties
# NOTE: svn_repos is deprecated and will be removed.
svn_repos = OrderedDict([
('llvm' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('clang' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/tools/clang", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('clang-tools-extra', ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/tools/clang/tools/extra", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('compiler-rt' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/projects/compiler-rt", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('libcxx' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/projects/libcxx", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('libcxxabi' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/projects/libcxxabi", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('libunwind' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/projects/libunwind", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('lld' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/tools/lld", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('lnt' , ("test/lnt", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('test-suite' , ("test/test-suite", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('lldb' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/tools/lldb", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('llgo' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/tools/llgo", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('polly' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/tools/polly", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('openmp' , ("%(llvm_srcdir)s/tools/openmp", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
('zorg' , ("zorg", '%(vcs_protocol:-http)s://')),
class LLVMBuildFactory(BuildFactory):
TODO: Document
def __init__(self, steps=None, depends_on_projects=None, **kwargs):
# Cannot use "super" here as BuildFactory is an old style class.
BuildFactory.__init__(self, steps)
if depends_on_projects is None:
self.depends_on_projects = frozenset(['llvm'])
self.depends_on_projects = frozenset(depends_on_projects)
# By default LLVMBuildFactory works in the legacy mode.
self.is_legacy_mode = kwargs.pop('is_legacy_mode', False)
# Directories.
self.llvm_srcdir = kwargs.pop('llvm_srcdir', None)
self.obj_dir = kwargs.pop('obj_dir', None)
self.install_dir = kwargs.pop('install_dir', None)
# Preserve the rest of the given extra attributes if any, so we could
# expand the factory later.
for k,v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
if self.is_legacy_mode:
self.llvm_srcdir = self.llvm_srcdir or "llvm"
self.obj_dir = self.obj_dir or "build"
self.monorepo_dir = self.llvm_srcdir or "llvm-project"
self.llvm_srcdir = \
"%(monorepo_dir)s/llvm" % {'monorepo_dir' : self.monorepo_dir}
self.obj_dir = \
self.obj_dir or "build"
# Repourl_prefix could be specified per builder. Otherwise we use github.
self.repourl_prefix = kwargs.pop('repourl_prefix', '')
def pathRelativeToBuild(path, buildPath):
if path.startswith('/'):
# The path is absolute. Don't touch it.
return path
# Remove "current dir" placeholders if any.
path_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x != ".", path.split('/')))
buildPath_nodes = list(filter(lambda x: x != ".", buildPath.split('/')))
# Handle edge cases.
if len(buildPath_nodes) == 0:
return "/".join(path_nodes)
if len(path_nodes) == 0:
return "."
# Skip a common part of the two paths.
for i in range(0, min(len(path_nodes), len(buildPath_nodes))):
if path_nodes[i] != buildPath_nodes[i]:
rel_path = \
"../" * (len(buildPath_nodes) - i) + \
# Everything matches.
rel_path = '.'
return rel_path
# llvm_srcdir - Path to the root of the unified source tree.
# mode - SVN checkout mode.
# defaultBranch - the default branch to checkout.
# and so on, see the list of the SVN params.
# NOTE: addSVNSteps is deprecated and will be removed. Please use addGetSourcecodeSteps instead.
def addSVNSteps(self, llvm_srcdir=None, **kwargs):
if llvm_srcdir is None:
llvm_srcdir = self.llvm_srcdir
if not kwargs.get('mode', None):
kwargs['mode'] = 'update'
if not kwargs.get('defaultBranch', None):
kwargs['defaultBranch'] = 'trunk'
# Add a SVM step for each project this builder depends on.
# We want the projects be always checked out in a certain order.
for project in svn_repos.keys():
if project in self.depends_on_projects:
workdir, baseURL = svn_repos[project]
SVN(name='svn-%s' % project,
workdir=workdir % {'llvm_srcdir' : llvm_srcdir},
def addGetSourcecodeSteps(self, **kwargs):
# Remove 'is_legacy_mode' if it leaked in to kwargs.
kwargs.pop('is_legacy_mode', None)
# Bail out if we are in the legacy mode and SVN checkout is required.
if self.is_legacy_mode:
# Checkout the monorepo.
Git(name='Checkout the source code',
repourl=self.repourl_prefix + "llvm-project.git",
# Checkout a given LLVM project to the given directory.
# TODO: Handle clean property and self.clean attribute.
def addGetSourcecodeForProject(self, project, name=None, src_dir=None, **kwargs):
# Remove 'is_legacy_mode' if it leaked in to kwargs.
kwargs.pop('is_legacy_mode', None)
# Bail out if we are in the legacy mode and SVN checkout is required.
if self.is_legacy_mode:
workdir, baseURL = svn_repos[project]
if not name:
name = 'svn-%s' % project
# Check out to the given directory if any.
# Otherwise this is a part of the unified source tree.
if src_dir is None:
src_dir = workdir % {'llvm_srcdir' : self.llvm_srcdir}
if not kwargs.get('mode', None):
kwargs['mode'] = 'update'
if not kwargs.get('defaultBranch', None):
kwargs['defaultBranch'] = 'trunk'
# project contains a repo name which is not a part of the monorepo.
# We do not enforce it here, though.
_repourl = kwargs.pop('repourl', None)
if not _repourl:
_repourl = self.repourl_prefix + "llvm-%s.git" % project
if not name:
name = 'Checkout %s' % project
# Check out to the given directory if any.
# Otherwise this is a part of the unified source tree.
if src_dir is None:
src_dir = 'llvm-%s' % project
# Ignore workdir if given. We check out to src_dir.
kwargs.pop('workdir', None)