blob: 623a1b0a9580d4e5485e37bf2e621523eb64f2a8 [file] [log] [blame]
import re
from import WithProperties
from import WarningCountingShellCommand
class MakeCommand(WarningCountingShellCommand):
def sanitize_kwargs(kwargs):
# kwargs we could get and must not pass through
# to the buildstep.RemoteShellCommand constructor.
# Note: This is a workaround of the buildbot design issue,
# thus should be removed once the original issue gets fixed.
consume_kwargs = [
sanitized_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
for k in consume_kwargs:
if k in sanitized_kwargs.keys():
del sanitized_kwargs[k]
return sanitized_kwargs
def __init__(self, prefixCommand=None, options=None, targets=None, **kwargs):
self.prefixCommand = prefixCommand
self.targets = targets
command = []
if prefixCommand:
command += prefixCommand
command += ["make"]
if options is None:
self.options = list()
self.options = list(options)
j_opt = re.compile(r'^-j$|^-j\d+$')
# We can get jobs in the options. If so, we would use that.
if not any( for opt in self.options if isinstance(opt, basestring)):
# Otherwise let's see if we got it in the kwargs.
if kwargs.get('jobs', None):
self.options += ["-j", kwargs['jobs']]
# Use the property if option was not explicitly
# specified.
command += [
if self.options:
command += self.options
if targets:
command += targets
# Remove here all the kwargs any of our LLVM buildbot command could consume.
# Note: We will remove all the empty items from the command at start, as we
# still didn't get yet WithProperties rendered.
sanitized_kwargs = self.sanitize_kwargs(kwargs)
sanitized_kwargs["command"] = command
# And upcall to let the base class do its work
WarningCountingShellCommand.__init__(self, **sanitized_kwargs)
def start(self):
# Don't forget to remove all the empty items from the command,
# which we could get because of WithProperties rendered as empty strings.
self.command = filter(bool, self.command)
# Then upcall.